Bee Hummingbird

The world's smallest bird

Smallest Bird on The Planet: Bee Hummingbird


1        Where Do They Live?

The bee hummingbird lives in Cuba. They have disappeared from much of its original range and is now restricted to a few localities including Sierra del Rosario, Zapata Peninsula, and Guantánamo. They can be found in other areas in Cuba, but in lower populations besides the areas highlighted in orange.

2        Flowers and Shapes and Friends

Living mostly near steep, unlinked hills like domes called mogote (muh-goh-tee), the bee hummingbird has a variety of plants to work with. Despite the occasional insect or spider, they feed mostly on nectar from about ten different flower species. Soldierbush, coral vine, yellow adler, and firebush are to name a few favored flowers.

The very smallest bird on Earth is the Bee Hummingbird, which can be found in the Zapata. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed it! **More info & videos below** "Cuba's Wild Revolution" premieres Wednesday, April 1, at 8|7c on PBS.