The Great Seneca Transit (GST) Network
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s (MCDOT’s) near-term transit solution.
The Great Seneca Transit Network would serve the area featured in the map below, which includes Shady Grove Metro, Universities at Shady Grove, King Farm, Crown Farm, Rio, Falls Grove, Rockville Metro and Kentlands.
Requirements in the 2010 Great Seneca Science Corridor (GSSC) Master Plan halt new commercial development until funding is secured for the Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT), a bus rapid transit project managed by the Maryland DOT. With the future of the long-planned CCT unknown, the area cannot fully realize the plan’s vision of a vibrant, transit-oriented life sciences hub.
While the CCT remains the long-term transit vision, quality transit is needed now. Future development of GSSC depends on providing efficient transit and getting commuters out of their cars to meet staging requirements.

The proposed Great Seneca Transit network supports the continued transformation of a successful biotech community into a vibrant, connected hub for biotechnology, healthcare, and education.
Economic Recovery
Great Seneca Science Corridor is at heart of the County’s biotech, life sciences economy.
Improved Access
Increasing equity through improved access to healthcare and jobs for residents across the county. Retaining and attracting health care and vaccine research companies with better transit access.
Expanded Mobility
Providing direct bus trips for residents, visitors, and essential workers to destinations within the network.
Better Neighborhood Connectivity
Connecting neighborhoods and businesses within the area.
Transit Improvements
Improving the quality of transit to attract more riders and improve the experience for existing riders.
Access & Equity
The GST network will connect healthcare, biotech, and education workers to employment opportunities. Connections at the Shady Grove and Rockville Metro and MARC Station expand job access for workers from throughout the county. The network will improve transportation and healthcare equity by increasing access to the area’s abundanceof healthcare providers.
Unleashing Economic Recovery
The biotech industry is poised to grow as we emerge from the pandemic. This bus network will help us advance that economic growth forward quickly. Building back through the life sciences is part of a County strategy to develop and strengthen biotech clusters here, in White Flint, and in White Oak.
Connectivity and Collaboration
The links between different parts of the Great Seneca Science Corridor and surrounding areas will promote collaboration between firms. The Universities at Shady Grove transit hub will connect workers and higher education. Collaboration across the area will help spur further development of a biotech ecosystem.
The GST network’s four high-frequency, limited-stop routes will support planned development, improve community livability,and enhance mobility.
Students, workers, residents, patients, and visitors will enjoy frequent, reliable, efficient transit to their destinations.
Transit improvements will include access and safety enhancements to new upgraded stations and the sidewalk network.
Sustainability and Balanced Growth
The GST network will help shift trips from private vehicles to allow further development of the area without creating unmanageable traffic. By moving more people through transit, the GST network will contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, helping the County meet its ambitious climate goals. Bus-bike lanes can help encourage more bicycling, as well.
Funding to design and construct the network’s Pink and Lime lines (Phase 1) was included in the County’s Capital Budget in May 2021. Design will run through July 2022, followed by construction. The estimated start of service is early 2025. Phase 1 includes improvements for the Pink line linking Shady Grove Metrorail station to the Life Science Center near Shady Grove Hospital and the Lime line using I-370 from Shady Grove Metro to RIO, Crown Farm and the heart of the Life Science Center.
MCDOT estimates improvements for the Great Seneca network (all five lines in Phases 1 and 2) would cost between $60-$70 million over the next six years. All transit improvements will be accompanied by improvements in pedestrian infrastructure so that it is easier for more people to access the bus. MCDOT will continue to explore further transit improvements, including additional bus lines, that could be implemented in later years. Estimates have not yet been developed for the extended network.
MCDOT is developing a funding strategy to deliver the full network and expanded system. The GST is designed to provide the right level of improvements to get more people riding a faster, more reliable bus, while being affordable enough to implement within a short time horizon. This “quick-build” approach will deliver more benefits for more residents and employers sooner.
Next Steps
As we design the first phase of the network, MCDOT is coordinating with local stakeholders, including residents, businesses, and partners such as the Cities of Rockville and Gaithersburg and the Montgomery County Planning Department. MCDOT is committed to a transparent and collaborative planning process. We will continue to seek public comments through all stages of design and implementation.
For more information about MCDOT’s plans for the County’s transportation future, visit https://montgomerycountymd.gov/dot-dte/projects/GST/index.html
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If you would like to discuss this proposal further with MCDOT, contact Corey Pitts at Corey.Pitts@montgomerycountymd.gov.