Agriculture Success Stories
Agriculture producers across the state use practices to help prevent soil erosion and protect water quality. Check out these great examples.

Sherwood Acres Farm - Jon and Sylvia Bednarski
Sherwood Acres Farm - Jon and Sylvia Bednarski. Click to expand.
When Jon and Sylvia Bednarski started farming in 2000, they had very little farming experience, but their passion for the environment and a love of outdoor recreation made up the difference. They started their grass-fed beef operation with three Belted Galloway cows on a 35-acre farm in Oldham County. Today, they have moved their farming operation to 55 acres in Mercer County with 1500 feet of Herrington Lake frontage.

Sturgeon Creek Farm - Doug Wilson
Sturgeon Creek Farm - Doug Wilson. Click to expand.
The Wilson family has been farming the rolling hillsides of Jackson County since 1831 before it was even Jackson County. Douglas is the sixth generation to farm this land bordered by Big Sturgeon Creek. He started farming with his grandfather, father, and younger brothers, and continues the tradition today by farming with his sons. He says their farm “feels like more than 500 acres when you are walking up the hillside.” Douglas is a retired agriculture teacher, Army Reserve veteran, and current Division of Conservation field representative for southeast Kentucky. “I grew up with 120 head of Angus cattle, a 22-sow feeder pig operation, 10 acres of corn, 15 acres of burley tobacco, 5,000 square bales of hay, a milk cow, and a mule.” Now the family raises about 40 cow-calf pairs of registered Angus, Hereford, and Black Hereford cattle, as well as the forages to feed them.

Eden Shale - Large Bale
Eden Shale - Large Bale. Click to expand.
Eden Shale Farm was established in Owen County in August 1955 as a 960-acre research farm for the University of Kentucky. Farmers in more than thirty counties raised funds for the purchase of the farm by contributing one cent per acre of Eden Shale soil type they had on their own farms. The Kentucky Beef Network (KBN), an arm of the Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association, assumed management of the farm in 2013. KBN operates the farm as a cow-calf operation with a herd of about 100 cows on 400 acres of pasture.

Eden Shale - Fenceline
Eden Shale - Fenceline. Click to expand.
Eden Shale Farm was established in Owen County in August 1955 as a 960-acre research farm for the University of Kentucky. Farmers in more than thirty counties raised funds for the purchase of the farm by contributing one cent per acre of Eden Shale soil type they had on their own farms. The Kentucky Beef Network (KBN), an arm of the Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association, assumed management of the farm in 2013. KBN operates the farm as a cow-calf operation with a herd of about 100 cows on 400 acres of pasture.

Magnolia Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Magnolia Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Click to expand.
Magnolia Cumberland Presbyterian Church is in the small town of Magnolia in LaRue County, Kentucky. When the church had the opportunity to purchase 54 acres across the street, they jumped on the opportunity to ensure the parish had the ability to grow in the future. It also gave them the opportunity to be good stewards of the land in their community and to demonstrate that stewardship to their neighbors and their local 4H and FFA members. A group of church members, including Kelly Flanders, assist in the operations of the farm.

Sisk Farms - Joseph Sisk
Sisk Farms - Joseph Sisk . Click to expand.
Joseph Sisk grows corn, wheat, and soybeans in southern Christian County and is the third generation to farm on that plot of land. He worked off the farm after graduating from the University of Kentucky but returned more than 20 years ago to farm with his father and raise his family. The Sisk family has never shied away from trying new things, including growing hemp and canola, or adopting precision agriculture. Joseph is very involved in the Corn Growers in his area and has served on the Kentucky Corn Growers Association Board, as well as the Kentucky Corn Promotion Council and the Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Authority.

Jesse Horn
Jesse Horn. Click to expand.
The Horn family bought a farm in Daviess County in 1957 and are still farming the same land together. Jesse Horn is the third generation to grow corn and soybeans on the land and works with his father Tim Horn. His grandfather, Herschel, still lives on the farm, but Jesse said his role is “supervisory”.

Imel’s Greenhouse - Kenny Imel
Imel’s Greenhouse - Kenny Imel. Click to expand.
Kenny Imel is the owner of Imel’s Greenhouse in Greenup, Kentucky. He started the greenhouse business in the 1970s and has kept it growing as a family business since then. Although the family also raises cattle and mixed grass hay on their 129-acre farm, the real foundation is their greenhouses, Imel says. What started as one 28-by-48-foot greenhouse has grown to more than 20 buildings including seven greenhouses.

Loretto Motherhouse Farm
Loretto Motherhouse Farm. Click to expand.
The Loretto Motherhouse has been a working farm since the Reverend Stephen Badin purchased the property in 1796. It became the home of the Sisters of Loretto in 1824 and has helped educate generations of teachers. Today, the property contains an art museum, historic chapel, long-term healthcare facility, and two retreat centers in addition to the land that is still managed as a farm.

Tallow Creek Farm - Harry & Karen Pelle
Tallow Creek Farm - Harry & Karen Pelle. Click to expand.
When the Pelle family started purchasing land in 1982, it was for a place to hunt. They didn’t set out to be tree farmers, but a passion for nature led them to learn more about how to maintain their property as a forest. Over time, the family purchased adjoining properties and today they own about 2000 acres and have multiple generations of the family living on the farm. Harry and Karen Pelle, the first generation of the group, say much of the property had been logged when they purchased it, but they worked with staff from the Kentucky Division of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Kentucky Division of Forestry and the Natural Resources Conservation Service to develop plans for how to improve the property for habitat and improve their timber stand. Harry says, “Woodland owners are taking the long-term approach. They plan to keep the property for generations.”

F.L. Sipes Farms
F.L. Sipes Farms. Click to expand.
Fred L. Sipes started farming tobacco in the early 1990s on land that his family owned. As he acquired his own land, he began to diversify and now raises cattle, soybeans, corn, wheat, hay and produce. Today he farms 4000 acres in Meade and Breckinridge counties with his wife and twin sons. Sipes received a regional American Soybean Association Conservation Legacy Award in 2019 and the Sand County Foundation Aldo Leopold Award for Kentucky in 2021.

Benji Hudnall
Benji Hudnall. Click to expand.
Benji Hudnall and his family raise hogs and farm 1100 acres in the Riverside community of Warren County. His family has been farming the same plot of land for more than 160 years. “This farm has been in the family for generations and we plan on it being in the family for many generations into the future. Like other people invest in the stock market, we invest in our land” says Hudnall. This river bottom land has its challenges however, including frequent flooding in the winter and early spring. Hudnall noticed that each flood event was taking valuable soil and nutrients with it when the water receded.

Whispering Hills Farm
Whispering Hills Farm. Click to expand.
Mike and Tammy Wilson farm 197 acres in central Kentucky including farms in Anderson and Franklin counties. Their property includes a mix of forested land and pasture where they raise 30 beef cattle.

David Dennis
David Dennis. Click to expand.
David Dennis grows hay and cattle on 165 acres in Anderson County. David and his wife Kathy purchased the 40 acres in 1994 and have leased other farms over the years for hay production. Dennis has about 30 cow-calf pairs on his farm where he practices rotational grazing. He hired Eric Phillips as a teenager to help on the farm and now, 20 years later, they work together in a partnership.

Sidebottom Dairy
Sidebottom Dairy. Click to expand.
Sidebottom Dairy in Greensburg, Kentucky is owned by Stacy Sidebottom. His father Jim started the business, and Stacy joined him upon graduation from high school. Today, they farm about 800 acres and milk 250 dairy cows. They also raise corn for silage and feed, soybeans, wheat and hay. All of their crop land is cover-cropped with wheat.

Duckworth Farm
Duckworth Farm. Click to expand.
Michael Duckworth grew up farming with his parents, Harold and Mary Jane Duckworth, in Harrison County, Kentucky. His family had 500 acres where they grew tobacco, Simmental cattle and experimented with new practices. “Dad was innovative in a lot of ways and worked on feeding trials and breeding work. Cutting edge stuff for the 1980s,” says Duckworth. Michael and his wife Debbie purchased a farm in Woodford County in 2012 and have been working to develop agrotourism on their property and install best management practices to protect the watershed they live in.

Craig Callahan
Craig Callahan. Click to expand.
In Owsley County, the Callahan Family have been farming for four generations. Like many Kentucky farms, they raised tobacco for many years but shifted to focus on cattle after the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement occurred. Today, they raise 350 cow-calf pairs of cattle and cut hay on 2500 acres that include river bottom, forest and high ground where coal mining occurred. Craig Callahan says farming on an old mine is always challenging but is an underutilized resource because the land takes so much time to build back fertile soil and quality pasture.

Morrison Poultry Farm
Morrison Poultry Farm. Click to expand.
Deena Morrison bought her 40-acre farm in Hickman County when she was a new college graduate. She grew up on a farm nearby and her dad encouraged her to buy the property when he saw it come up for sale. She started by raising row crops in rotation.

Roaring Shoals Farm
Roaring Shoals Farm. Click to expand.
Erik Holbrook grew up on a farm with parents who worked full time jobs and farmed on the side, raising tobacco, corn and soybeans. In 2001, Erik had the opportunity to purchase the 600-acre farm in Breathitt County that his family had rented for row crop production. He jumped on the opportunity and now the family has about 1150 acres where they raise cattle, hay and timber. The farm is like much of eastern Kentucky with a blend of bottom land and reclaimed strip mine. They raise about 80 head of beef cattle and finish them there on the property for their freezer beef operation. Everything they raise is harvested and sold directly to the consumer including to a local school. Erik says, “We were planning to start direct sales before COVID, but with the food supply issues in 2020, our business really exploded.”