Community Colleges in W-MA

Study of enrollment

1) Introduction

This story map i have created so the readers can have a idea of how applying and traveling to a community college in your area. Below you will find different slides talking about or even figures relating to something about a commmunity coll

2) Background Information

This is a continous of worked that i've already done. Most of the work is from another web map i have created. BY the end of everything you should be able to tell if community college is for you

3) Data and Methods

Step 1 i had to name my project and find a suitable design and background picture. After i had to start implementing

4) Results: All community Colleges

Table 2 demographics for all four community colleges

without bcc

without gcc

without hcc. With hcc being so close to the other community college. They are both located in the bottom black

Discussion and interpretation

BCC Closure So as you can see from the map below from map 3 that would leave a good number of students not being able to drive. There are about 3,734 people for population between ‘00 and ‘10 so a very good amount of students would have no way of getting to school. With the amount of kids out of school a lot of them would have to get good transportation berkshire is quite far from county lines.

GCC closure personally to me isnt that bad but distance wise could be the worst. Population of between the “00 and “10 that are in CC is 163 so out of them i would say probably like 30% would be affected. Not doing too much harm.

HCC closure isn’t really harmful to anyone. HCC closing allows the students who were going to hcc given the opportunity to go stcc which is another community college just about like 15 to 20 mins away from each other. With the schools being in between county lines if community college had ways of transportation  could help the kids that were not able to drive 

Summary and conclusion

We have the cover page and also displaying the 4 Community Colleges of Western Mass. To me HCC closing was the least impactful when it came to drive time and affecting students who were not able to drive to school
