Help us plan for the future and improve transit in the City of Davis and UC Davis.
The City of Davis and Unitrans (UC Davis) are updating the Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) for 2024–2031 to ensure the current transit services are meeting the mobility needs of the community. Our team is also updating YoloTD’s SRTP to ensure both networks work well together.
Your feedback will guide our recommendations for the project and help shape the future of our transit services. Thank you for your participation!
There are several ways to share your feedback, including by commenting on specific routes, or by taking our online survey:
July 2024
Project Kickoff
August 2024
Begin Existing Conditions Analysis
October 2024
We Are Here! >> Phase 1 outreach will be conducted
December 2024
Service recommendations will be developed
February 2025
Phase 2 outreach will be conducted
March 2025
Public input will be analyzed
April 2025
Updates will be made to the recommended changes based on public input
June 2025
The final SRTP will be presented to the Davis City Council
Unitrans is the City of Davis and University of California, Davis, local bus service operated by the University. Unitrans funded in cooperation between the City and University. The City of Davis also operates Davis Community Transit (DCT), a paratransit service for customers who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The previous SRTP, which focused on the years between 2014–2021, proposed route changes based on service performance and UC Davis’ projected growth. The plan also called for adjustments to ensure both DCT and Unitrans services work well together. Since the last SRTP, the City of Davis has grown and changed, with more housing filling in gaps in neighborhoods to support the growing population. It will be important for this SRTP to take into account on-campus growth, how to enhance regional transit opportunities through better coordination with Yolobus, changes in travel behavior due to the COVID-19 pandemic, transition to zero emission buses, and new fare collection system opportunities.
Change in Annual Unitrans Ridership
Between 2019 and 2023, system wide ridership fell 19% after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Three routes have experienced growth in ridership over these 4 years, and that includes Routes C, V, and O. Most notably Route V saw a 181% increase in ridership, which correlates with the opening of West Village and growth of the student population in that area. Understanding these changes in travel patterns across the city will help us to better plan for the future of Unitrans.
Trip Purpose
In the Fall 2023 Customer Survey, the majority of respondents said that their main purpose for using Unitrans was for commuting to school or work. Shopping was the second largest trip purpose at 4.1%.
Source: Replica
Crowding by Hour in 2023-2024
Between July 2023 and June 2024, 2% of Unitrans bus trips were crowded. The busiest time is during the 8 AM hour, with almost 8% of trips experiencing crowding. Crowding occurs around peak commute hours, so ensuring that there is enough service to match demand will greatly improve customer experience on the bus.
Annual Ridership for Davis Community Transit
Davis’ paratransit service, similar to other transit agencies in the country, faced a significant drop in ridership due to COVID-19. Although DCT ridership is increasing, it has not reached its pre-COVID numbers. By learning more about the shift in traveling habits and needs of the community, DCT can ensure they are providing reliable and desirable services.
Take the Survey!
Please take a few minutes to take our online survey and let us know what you think. Click here to open the survey in a new window .
City of Davis Transit Survey
Share your thoughts by route
Let us know what you think about Unitrans’ current service through our interactive map below. Your feedback may include what we’re currently doing well, and/or suggestions for improvements that will encourage you to ride more often, such as more frequent service, better bus stop amenities, new destinations, etc.
>> To leave a comment, click on the “Post comment” button in the top right of the map. Select the route and/or stop you would like to comment on. Note: You can leave multiple comments for different routes.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out!
- Unitrans
- Telephone: 530-752-2877
- Email: unitrans@ucdavis.edu
- Davis Community Transit
- Telephone: 530-747-8240
- Email: DDispatch@cityofdavis.org
or visit