Land Cover Classification

Sample detections using the Land Cover Classification (Sentinel 2) deep learning model

Who is this for

The  Land Cover Classification (Sentinel 2)  deep learning model is developed to classify land cover. While it's designed to work in Europe, the model is seen to perform fairly well in other parts of the world like USA and India. The resultant land cover can be used for a variety of purposes, including resource management, resource planning, disaster management, urban planning, conservation and change detection. 

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Sample Detections

Clark County Dept of Aviation, California State Parks, Esri, TomTom, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, USDA, USFWS
Powered by Esri
Earthstar Geographics | Clark County Dept of Aviation, California State Parks, Esri, TomTom, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, USDA, USFWS
Powered by Esri

East Las Vegas, Nevada

Esri, TomTom, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, USDA, USFWS
Powered by Esri
IGIO, Earthstar Geographics | Esri, TomTom, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, USDA, USFWS
Powered by Esri

Owensboro city in Kentucky, USA

Atlanta city in Georgia, USA

San Francisco Bay, California, USA

Dubai, UAE

Minnesota, USA

Itanagar, India

Bangalore, India

National Capital Region, India


This model is expected to perform best with high resolution Sentinel 2 imagery (10 meters resolution)

Licensing requirements

The model can be downloaded by anyone who has an ArcGIS Online subscription. The following licenses are required to consume or run the model.

  • Desktop workflows - Image Analyst Extension for ArcGIS Pro.
  • Enterprise workflows - ArcGIS Image Server license with raster analytics configured. 

Using the model

The model can be used with the  Classify Pixels Using Deep Learning  tool. A detailed tutorial on using the model in ArcGIS can be found here.