Africa's Resources and Exports
Sub-Saharan Africa's rich and natural resources and is responsible for many of the world's biggest exports in certain materials.
Africa is filled to the brim with some of the world's most exclusive and high necessity materials. Africa accounts for over 600 billion dollars' worth of materials each year, which is composed of some that are exclusively mined and/or extracted from Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa hold so many commodities- resources that are easily harvested and produced, it leads the world right now for holding the most dual economy nations. Meaning, it participates in a ton of natural modern-day world resource trade- as well that traditional local trade.
The natural resource trade leads Sub-Saharan Africa's economy, and rightfully so. This region leads the world reserves in cobalt, diamonds, platinum, and uranium. With their biggest exports being metals and minerals like copper, petroleum products, and certain coffees. Africa's trade has been its hallmark since the beginning of time, from its traditional trade it still practices today- with certain parts working with hides and meats, to its global staple in many of the valuable resources we have already talked about. For example, we can see in the map below, all of the many mineral mines and deposits that Sub-Saharan Africa holds- as well as the ones that are globally distributed. The Development- advancement of this region, continues to grow, however, its principles and features of trade always stay the same.
Works Cited
Njikam, O. (2003). Exports and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is there a connection. Faculty of Economics & Management. University of Yaoundé II, Yaoundé.
Sekkat, K., & Varoudakis, A. (2000). Exchange rate management and manufactured exports in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Development Economics, 61(1), 237-253.
Ahmed, A. D., Cheng, E., & Messinis, G. (2011). The role of exports, FDI and imports in development: evidence from Sub-Saharan African countries. Applied Economics, 43(26), 3719-3731.
Clifford-Holmes, L. (2024). Africa’s Natural Resources: From Curse to a Blessing. photograph, Mwabulambo . Retrieved February 4, 2024, from
Cecilia Jamasmie. (2020). Trafigura inks cobalt deal with DRC artisanal miners. photograph, Congo. Retrieved February 4, 2024, from