Experimental Forests of the Southern Research Station

~ tour our network of research forests across the Southeast ~

Image is a collage of various photos of people conducting research, using various equipment and devices, within the various forests and project areas, across the Southern Research Station.

The Experimental Forest and Range (EFR) network is unique to the Forest Service, and critical to providing the science to address the natural resource challenges of the 21st century.

The network is located across geographic domains and environmental gradients that sample a full complement of conditions (e.g., rural to mixed use landscapes), forest types, and management regimes. This network answers larger-scale questions that leverage the long-term investment in EFRs within and outside of the Forest Service. Partnerships and organizational structures extend well beyond the current EFR Network or EFRs. State agencies, the National Forest System, and industry cooperators can expand the value of our EFRs by collaborating with existing EFRs or creating new ones through expansion of boundaries or establishment of monitoring plots on reference or managed areas.

Click on the tabs above to virtually explore our experimental forests ...

Forest Info provides an overview of the 20 experimental forest locations, points of contact and general information.

Our Partners highlights state forest partner lands overlain with Southern Region national forests as well as the locations of university, military and various other partners.

Explore Our Forests depicts selected spatial data layers for each experimental forest.

Current and Past Research highlights active and inactive research and publications; dataset web-links and research infrastructure will continue to be added to this section as they become publicly available.

Ecoregions and Forest Types shows the ecoregions, forest types and historical ranges of dominant pine species across the Southern Research Station (SRS).

Risks and Disturbance shows various maps derived from the  Southern Forest Futures Project .

About the SRS presents an overview of the organization of the Station, a short video by the former Station Director, Dr. Rob Doudrick, and additional web resource links.

EFR Network Contacts gives contact information for the Experimental Forest Network team members.

~ Forest Info ~

~ Explore Our Forests ~

~ Ecoregions, Forest Types and Pines ~

Maps below show ecoregions, forest types, historical ranges of dominant southern pines, and locations of the experimental forests within the Southern Research Station.

~ Risks and Disturbance ~

Southern Research Station Experimental Forest Future Scenarios - Story Map

~ The Southern Research Station ~

... is comprised of Research Work Units, organized into  four (4) science centers: 

1. Center for Forest Restoration and Management (CFRM)

2. Center for Forest and Watershed Health (CFWH)

3. Center for Forest Assessment and Science Synthesis (CFASS)

4. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA)

Southern Research Station: Caring for the Land

For more information visit these additional websites:

~ Experimental Forest Network Contacts ~

EFR Network Core Team Members

EFR Network Supporting Team Members

About us...

EFR Network Core Team Members

EFR Network Supporting Team Members