BiPAP Machines

Understanding the relationship between emergency situations and patients in need of a BiPAP machine

BiPAP user count and rate of use amongst total population within zip code boundary.

The map above displays the count of BIPAP users and their rate of use against the total population in each of the zip code boundaries shown. The points indicate the location of medical suppliers.


BiPAP stands for "Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure" and is a device that can help someone to breathe better. It helps to maintain a consistent breathing pattern at night or when symptoms are aggravates.

While BiPAP machines can be used to help a multitude of symptoms and other illnesses, it is commoly used to help people with obstructive sleep apnea. This is a condition where the body stops breathing and starts repeatedly under the duration of sleep, where it can be life-threatening.

A BiPAP machine is usually a larger device that is placed near the bed or desired sleeping area. It is plugged into an electrical outlet and then provides the ecessary functions to improve someone's breathing.

What is BiPAP Therapy?

Transportation with a BiPAP Machine

Travelling with a BiPAP machine is nearly impossible since they are built for at-home use. Instead, patients needed that medical technolgy need to transport with a CPAP machine. This would mean that emergency responders looking to transport a patient who needs to have a BiPAP machine 24/7 would have to have a stock of CPAP machines so that the patient can be moved successfully.

In the event that the large device is able to be manuvered with the patient, then a protable generator is necessary.

Emergency Use with BiPAP Machines

How to Set Up a BiPAP Machine

BiPAP machines needs a constant supply of energy and need to be plugged into a source. So, in the event of a power outage or other emergency event these machines need to be plugged into generators. They are also slightly complicated to understand if you are not a educated medical person. In the event that the machine has been broken or deconstructed in some manner, the video above can offer some insight to the complex machine.

Problems During Emergency Events

  • Power Outages
    • Where do the patients get new access to power?
  • Natural Disasters
    • Are the patients able to move around with their device?
  • Patient Prepardness
    • Do they have the necessary equipment to transport in a moment's notice?
  • Emergency Responders
    • Are they knowledgable with this kind of equipment?
  • Transportation
    • Is this device portable?

Questions to Ask the User

"Is your equipment portable?"

"How long can you be disconnected to your BiPAP machine?"

"How frequently do you use your BiPAP machine?"

"Can you use CPAP machine for a short period of time?"

"Do you have a CPAP machine?"

Additional Information

Access and Functional Needs

Merced County GIS