Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative
Austin Transportation and Public Works Department
Thank you for visiting the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative (CAUDI) virtual open house. Learn more about the project and to stay in touch with updates, please email MobilityBonds@austintexas.gov or call (512) 974-2300.
Project Update
Thank you to everyone who participated in the community conversation about changes to Congress Avenue from Cesar Chavez Street to 11th Street as part of the first funded phase of the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative. Feedback was collected through November 24, 2024, resulting in more than 20,000 comments from the community.
Summary of community engagement for the proposed first phase of the CAUDI project.
The City heard from many different constituencies, including many individuals who live and work on Congress Avenue as well as those who drive, walk, bike and visit Congress Avenue day to day. The City also heard from several community-based organizations, property and business owners and the Downtown Austin Alliance. As a result, the City is currently developing alternate design concepts to the blocks north of 7th that provides for the opportunity to program the space for specific, special events but otherwise maintains motor vehicle access to 11th Street.
Changes south of 7th Street to Cesar Chavez Street remain generally as proposed, though the project team expects to work more closely with business owners along these frontages to ensure needs are met with respect to construction schedules, impacts and other considerations.
Conceptual drawing of the pedestrian amenity zone on select blocks south of 7th Street on Congress Avenue.
A full report reflecting all feedback will be published here as these concepts are more fully developed. To receive a copy of the report as well as updates on the project as it moves forward, please email mobilitybonds@austintexas.gov or call (512) 974-2300.
About the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative Vision Plan
The Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative (CAUDI) Vision Plan envisions Congress Avenue as a more human-centered, multimodal, complete street with a clear and attractive identity. For more information on the origin and development of the CAUDI Vision Plan that informs this proposal, visit the CAUDI webpage .
The estimated cost for the full build of the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative (CAUDI) on Congress Avenue between Riverside Drive and 11th Street is $130M. The funded initial phase of the project is estimated at $23M. Funding for this first phase of construction primarily comes from the 2020 Mobility Bond.
The proposed funded improvements described here were selected to best catalyze the CAUDI Vision Plan, given the resources available. While there was strong interest from the community in improving the Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge, given the complexities and cost of modifying the bridge, it would have consumed the majority of the available budget and precluded the other proposed changes. At this time, no changes have been proposed for the segment between Riverside Drive and Cesar Chavez Street, given the available resources. Additional detail on bridge costs is found below.
Proposed First Phase of the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative Vision Plan
Initial Proposal
The proposed first phase of improvements of the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative focused on investments between Cesar Chavez Street and 11th Street to open up additional space for people to enjoy walking, dining, shopping, and other street life, upgrading the physical protection of the bikeway and proposing a public plaza from 7th Street and 11th Street, as shown in the drawing below.
Drawing of initial proposal on Congress Avenue (Cesar Chavez Street - 11th Street).
More information on the section between Cesar Chavez Street and 7th Street is described below. Design concepts north of 7th Street are under further development based on community feedback. A full report reflecting all feedback will be published here as these concepts are more fully developed.
Cesar Chavez Street - 7th Street
Improving pedestrian space by repurposing angled parking bays and upgrading bikeway
In alignment with the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative (CAUDI) Vision Plan, all parking along Congress Avenue is proposed to generally be converted to useable pedestrian space to support adjacent businesses and street life, including walking, dining, shopping and other activities. Existing Americans with Disabilities (ADA) accessible parking spaces would either be maintained in place or relocated nearby. Depending on the context of adjacent business use, some parking could be maintained on a case-by-case basis. Permitted street patios would be retained.
Repurposing angled parking bays would significantly increase the pedestrian, tree and amenity zone space, as shown in the graphic below. Where angled parking bays are converted to pedestrian space, the bicycle lane barrier can also be upgraded to a concrete curb, both improving the comfort and safety of the bicycle lane and preventing motor vehicles from blocking it.
Allocation of street space on Congress Ave. between Cesar Chavez St. and 7th St. - Left: Current Use; Right: Proposed (percentages may not total 100 due to rounding)
Parking Supply
On-street parking, a street patio, parking wayfinding signage and an ADA accessible parking spot on the 600 block of Congress Avenue.
The downtown area has approximately 71,500 parking spaces managed by the City of Austin, the State of Texas, Travis County and other private entities, according to a study done by Nelson Nygaard for the City of Austin in 2018. Of these approximately 34,000 are available to the public at all times a day and an additional 15,000 for a portion of the day.
The proposed conversion of on-street parking to pedestrian space along Congress Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 11th Street would result in a reduction of approximately 94 parking spaces or a reduction of 0.27% of all publicly available parking spaces and 1.5% of all on-street parking spaces. All existing ADA parking spaces will be kept in place or relocated nearby.
The city has implemented a signage-based wayfinding program to help direct downtown visitors to publicly available off-street parking garages, side streets and lots to encourage more consistent use of on and off-street public parking resources.
Learn More
View the changes block by block below to review the proposed funded improvements on Congress Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 7th Street.
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100 Block
New southbound right turn lane and upgraded bicycle lanes between Cesar Chavez Street and 2nd Street
A southbound right turn lane approaching Cesar Chavez Street would be added to improve safety for all modes and motor vehicle capacity. This right-turn lane will allow better management of conflicts between right-turning vehicles and heavy pedestrian, bicycle and scooter volumes. The existing narrow bicycle lanes would be widened and rebuilt behind the curb.
Click the arrow at right to see drawings of the proposed change. ➡️ (1) Plan view of the funded first phase. (2) Cross section view of the funded first phase. (3) Existing conditions on the 100 block.
200-400 and 600 Blocks
Larger pedestrian zone, upgraded bikeway barrier between 2nd Street - 5th Street and 6th Street - 7th Street
The pedestrian space offered on the east and west sides of the 200, 300, 400 and 600 blocks would be expanded by converting the parking bays to pedestrian space for the purposes of dining, shopping, and other street life. A concrete bicycle barrier would replace the current flex posts and rubber curb stops to improve the comfort and safety of the bike lane and sidewalk as well as the general aesthetic of the bikeway barrier. ADA accessible parking spots would be maintained as they are today or relocated, if needed. The changes here will integrate with the future Project Connect Rail alignment on 3rd Street.
Click the arrow at right to see drawings of the proposed change. ➡️ (1) Perspective drawing of the funded first phase. (2) Plan view of the funded first phase. (3) Cross section view of funded first phase. (4) Existing conditions on the 600 block.
500 Block
Left turn lanes at 5th Street and 6th Street, behind curb bikeways and larger pedestrian zone.
Five motor vehicle lanes would be maintained on the 500 block, enabling center left turn lanes at both 5th Street and 6th Street. The bikeway would be elevated up and off the street level. Parking bays would be converted to amenity zones to open up a 25-foot pedestrian zone on both sides of the street for dining, shopping and other street activities. ADA accessible parking spots will be maintained as they are today or relocated, if needed. Anchored by the Mexic-Arte Museum to the south, this section of Congress Avenue is also home to a portion of the Mexican American Heritage Corridor running along 5th Street between Republic Square and Plaza Saltillo, presenting the opportunity to express the City's rich Mexican heritage in the design.
Click the right arrow to see drawings of the proposed change. ➡️ (1) Plan view of funded first phase. (2) Cross section view of funded first phase. (3) Existing conditions on the 500 block.
Congress Avenue 7th Street - 11th Street
Options between 7th and 11th Streets are being further studied based on community feedback.
The blocks between 7th Street and 11th Street were initially proposed as a public plaza in alignment with the vision and values expressed in the Congress Avenue Urban Design Initiative (CAUDI) Vision Plan and based on community feedback heard through the ongoing public engagement process that followed. In this initial proposal, cross traffic would have still flowed east and west on 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Streets.
Based on feedback received in the most recent community engagement effort, options for how to improve Congress Avenue north of 7th Street are currently under further study and will be shared here as those concepts emerge.
Congress Avenue Bridge and Green Gateways
Enhancing the experience of crossing the bridge and accessing the trail system below.
Click on the image above for a file that can be magnified or downloaded and studied in further detail.
Bridge Enhancements
As stated in the CAUDI Vision Plan, the Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge functions as an iconic gateway into downtown Austin and a destination in its own right. Bridge analysis and design have progressed to confirm an approach to improve the experience of crossing the bridge for people walking, bicycling and rolling and providing additional pedestrian space to dwell on the bridge, whether that be for taking in the views of the city or watching bats emerge to feed at twilight.
Bridge improvement concepts from the CAUDI Vision Plan.
However, due to limitations preventing any increase of bridge loading on any given pier (as the bridge has already been widened before), interim improvements are not possible. The raised sidewalk will need to be removed and replaced with lighter-weight decking, enabling other pedestrian amenities such as an improved barrier for people walking and bicycling, pedestrian overlooks, shade structures, benches, improved lighting and a pedestrian handrail.
Given available funding resources, the costs for the bridge elements would have precluded other priority improvements along the avenue. The minimum possible investment in the bridge would be $10 million, including the improved barrier and new pedestrian decking. The addition of shade structures, pedestrian overlooks, lighting, benches, and upgraded handrails would add another $7M, for a total of $17 million, including the four expanded pedestrian overlooks.
Learn More
View the future investments in the bridge in the slides below.
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Bridge Enhancements
Improving comfort for people walking, bicycling, rolling and taking in the views from the bridge.
Future bridge enhancements would maintain a neutral load on the bridge by removing the concrete sidewalks and replacing them with lighter-weight decking. This would also enable a higher quality bikeway barrier and lighting. Shade structures could also be added for additional comfort. Pedestrian overlooks on the bridge would provide additional space to gather, sit and enjoy the views from the bridge.
Click the right arrow to see drawings of the proposed changes. ➡️ (1) Perspective drawing of the bridge enhancement concept. (2) Plan view of the bridge enhancement concept. (3) Cross section of the bridge enhancement concept.
Green Gateways
The CAUDI Vision Plan described green gateways as improvements to trail accessibility on all four corners of the Congress Avenue Bridge. Future opportunities to improve these connections on the south side of the river will come with the redevelopment of the South Central Waterfront District. Future opportunities to consider improvements to the northern trail connections will require further study and funding, which has not yet been identified.
The Green Gateways are one of four very unique characteristics of Congress Avenue.
Next Steps
A report will be shared as design concepts further develop. The report will reflect all feedback received as well as next steps in the implementation schedule.
To receive that report via email, please email mobilitybonds@austintexas.gov or call 512-974-2300 to request to be added to the stakeholder list.