Water Quality Survey (WQS)

Overview of the WQS, a survey component of the HRBMP

Historical Photo Gallery

Photos taken during the early days of the WQS in the 1970s.

Survey Specifics


The WQS was used to monitor water quality and environmental conditions in the Hudson River. Data were collected on the spatiotemporal distribution of water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity throughout the river.


Prior to 1982, water quality parameters were taken along with samples from the Long River Survey (LRS), Fall Juvenile Survey (FJS), and Beach Seine Survey (BSS). In 1982, the WQS changed to fixed stations spaced approximately every three miles over the length of the river from RM 14-142. In 1996, the WQS was extended to RM 1.


Prior to 1982, water quality measurements were taken at depth associated with each LRS and FJS tow sample, and each BSS haul. From 1982-2018, water quality measurements were taken at fixed stations. At each station, water temperature was measured at near-surface, mid-depth, and near-bottom depths except for shore zones.

