C4.2 Chemistry
The proper functioning and overall health of bogs and fens is tied to their chemistry. Bogs and fens are characterised by anoxic conditions that are produced by permanent inundation of peat soils as well as high levels of organic acids that inhibit decomposition processes and allow peat accumulation. Measures such as pH and redox potential of peat soils have been suggested to be included in every bog and fen monitoring protocol to provide important information that relates to both plant and microbial functional development 1 . Redox potential can serve as an important indicator of microbiological processes in peat, as well as variation in the hydrological regime. Low pH values are an indicator that anaerobic and peat forming conditions are occurring. Fire is known to alter the chemical processes in bogs and fens.
Metric Assessment: It is not possible to make an assessment about the condition and trend in chemistry at this time, because the requisite data were not available at the time of writing.
Rationale: Functioning chemical processes in bogs and fens are key to their formation and health.
1 Bonnett, S. A. F., Ross, S., Linstead, C. & Maltby, E. 2009. A review of techniques for monitoring the success of peatland restoration. University of Liverpool.