The Red Scare
The Fear of the Color RED
To put it simply, I will be going over the second and briefly discussing the first red scare that happened after WWI. Where it showed many similarities for the example was around the Red Scare like Red-Baiting
The Red Scare had no reason to exist, influenced the lives of many, and caused social distrust in the nation. For this reason, Mccharthy just loves running his mouth for fame and power. It is an excuse showing discrimination to others and the perfect way to rid undesirables and perfect the nation for people in power.
The frist red scare
The Red Scare happened during WW1 because it showed the people that they should be scared of what was going on since they were under threat of being accused of being a communist lover. More known for the summer we have and the barbeques we get during the summer to show that we are American
Massachusetts prisoners seized during government raids awaiting transport to Deer Island on January 4, 1920.
Cause for Red Scare
- WWI since it showed distrust of immigrants
- Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which America feared that the idea of communism would come into their backyard and infect its citizens and cause them to rebel and introduce that system to their nation
- Also, there were bombings that the government had to deal with as well.
How it ended
The US government tracked down the people responsible for the bombing and the so-called anarchists. And deported the people who were assumed to be responsible for them and suspected.
Before The red scare
WWII 1939-1945
The fight against allies VRS Axis powers. This layered the foundation of people discriminating against people of communism since there was a reason why Americans fought in war for a different religion
Mccarran Act 1950
McCarran Act is important since it increased the deportation rate of Mexican Americans who didn't have almost anything to do with communism but were labeled as such since they had items connecting them to it.
Truman got elected 1945-1953
He created an image that America was the hero and responsible for the involvement of communists and laid the foundation to help other countries from the scary, big, imperfect soviet union that was spreading their ways, which in turn made the Truman Doctrine. Which in turn "controlled" communism.
During the red Scare
Mccharthism 1950-1957
Name after the man who started to fan the flames in the first place. Since it was seen that Joseph McCarthy was blaming people for being communists left and right. And to plead innocent is to throw other people under the bus since that was another way to get more people. Since then, you will become better than your friends.
Cold war
Is a fight beteen The US and soivet union to gain control of other countries since they had to fight which country choose demorcracy or commustime and The US didn't want commuism from spreading cause that would be bad. For the reasoning that it was there job to control it.
Korean war 1950 to 1953
The US comes to the Korean side to help them keep their democracy, be heroes of the land, and stop the evil communists from taking over, leading to a stalemate dividing the two countries.
vietnam war 1995-1975
The Vietnam War was another war that the US got involved in, along with the reason why people have such distrust in the government. The government's reputation was dented since Pentagon papers were stolen and shown to the public. Showing that the government and its president didn't want the war to end and caused the protest to happen again since US troops were dying for a cause that was reasonable.
After effect
I have done research for the Red Scare and went into detail on why the Red Scare happened and along it everlasting effects on the world. It gave people reason that it was discrimination against white supremacy under the mask of heroism and honor. The Red Scare happened only because of discrimination of different things at the time and was only an excuse to explain the misdeeds of the US.