Public Access to Private Waters

A Conservation Incentive Program

Public Fishing Access for Private Waters

Purpose This incentive increases access to sections of streams or rivers that have limited public access and will open new access to large private bodies of water such as oxbow lakes and flood-control reservoirs. This not only increases public fishing opportunities but also lets the public, through a limited permit system, help private landowners manage fish populations by removing overabundant fish. The number of weekends and permits available for the waterbody will be determined by the landowner and fisheries biologist.

Practice Eligible lands will be those that allow walk-in or vehicle access to bodies of water. Private landowners will allow public access and the AGFC will provide signs and trash pickup to ensure land remains in good condition. Creel and length limits will be set for each body of water based on an approved management plan.

Hoffman Access to Alum Fork of the Saline River - Saline County

Hoffman Access to Alum Fork of the Saline River - Saline County. Click to expand.

Directions < > Buy License

Bull Creek Outdoors Pond - White County

Bull Creek Outdoors Pond - White County. Click to expand.

Directions < > Buy License

Killingsworth Lake - White County

Killingsworth Lake - White County. Click to expand.

 Directions  < >  Buy License 

Stokes Pond - Pike County

Stokes Pond - Pike County. Click to expand.

Directions < > Buy License

Oxbow Lake Access to the Black River

Oxbow Lake Access to the Black River. Click to expand.

Directions < > Buy License

Hoffman Access to Alum Fork of the Saline River - Saline County

Location:  Upstream parking 34.75483, -92.8729 Downstream parking 34.7476, -92.87514

About:  This site provides one-half mile of access to the Alum Fork of the Saline River between Rising Star Lane and Mt. Ida Road near Paron. The site is ideal for wade fishing or angling from a canoe or kayak. Anglers may fish from the bank but must remain within 30 feet of the river. The downstream parking is off the same road used to access Bolin Cemetery. The road is listed on most online maps, but it isn’t labeled. The road has a green street sign that reads “Bolin Cemetery”; turn onto this road. You will see signs for the permit area near a farm gate. The parking area is behind this gate down the hill, near a red cabin. There will also be a small gate in the barbwire fence for entry/exit to access this portion of the river.  Please remember to shut all gates behind you. 

Catch Here:  Anglers will enjoy catching largemouth bass, spotted bass, smallmouth bass and bream (green sunfish and longear sunfish). Statewide creel limits apply.

Additional Information:  This is an active farm. Anglers must close any gates used to access the river.

To apply for a permit  click here .

No warranty is made by the AGFC as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data.  This map is a living document, in that it is intended to change as new data becomes available.  This map should be used for reference purposes only.

Bull Creek Outdoors Pond - White County

Location:  Parking Area 35.07873, -91.90558

About:  This site provides bank fishing access to a 7-acre pond in Beebe, Arkansas on Highway 64 at Bull Creek Outdoors.

Catch Here:  Anglers will enjoy catching Largemouth Bass, Bream (Bluegill and Redear Sunfish), and Channel Catfish. We encourage anglers to harvest Largemouth Bass less than 14 inches and release Largemouth Bass greater than 14 inches. Statewide creel limits apply.

Additional Information:  This site provides bank fishing only and only along the southwestern shoreline adjacent to Bull Creek Outdoors (see map). Please park in the designated parking area and not in the Bull Creek Outdoors parking lot. Please take your trash with you (Leave No Trace).

To apply for a permit  click here .

No warranty is made by the AGFC as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data.  This map is a living document, in that it is intended to change as new data becomes available.  This map should be used for reference purposes only.

Killingsworth Lake - White County

Location:  Parking Area 35.3181, -91.55501 Property Access 35.31811, -91.55632

About:  Anglers will find access to this 47-acre lake in Bald Knob, Arkansas off State Highway 64 East (turn right on Miller Road, then right on Grubbs Road which takes you to the property). Water along the shoreline is mostly shallow so we encourage anglers to hand launch a canoe or kayak to access deeper water

Catch Here:  Anglers will enjoy catching Largemouth Bass, Bream (Bluegill and Redear Sunfish), Channel Catfish, and Crappie. This lake has Gizzard Shad so anglers may find success with baits that mimic this forage species. We encourage anglers to harvest Largemouth Bass less than 14 inches and release Largemouth Bass greater than 14 inches. Statewide creel limits apply for all other species.

Additional Information:  This lake does not have an improved boat launch so anglers cannot launch a trailered boat. Hand launching boats only. From the parking area, anglers may walk or utilize an ATV/UTV to reach their fishing locations. There is no fishing from the bank along the south shoreline. Please take your trash with you (Leave No Trace).

To apply for a permit   click here  .

No warranty is made by the AGFC as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data.  This map is a living document, in that it is intended to change as new data becomes available.  This map should be used for reference purposes only.

Stokes Pond - Pike County

Location:  Parking Area 34.10501, -93.57992

About:  This 5.5-acre pond near Murfreesboro is found off Pike City Road. An access road from the main driveway leads to the pond. Please do not take the driveway toward the residence. Anglers can fish along the shoreline or hand launch a canoe or kayak to access deeper water. Anglers should note the thin section near the dam (see map) where angling is not permitted.

Catch Here: Anglers will enjoy catching largemouth bass, bream (bluegill and redear sunfish), channel catfish and crappie. We encourage anglers to harvest bass shorter than 14 inches and release bass 14 inches or longer. Statewide creel limits apply.

Additional Information:  There is no improved boat launch. Only hand-launched boats are allowed. Please remove all litter from property upon your departure.

To apply for a permit   click here  .

No warranty is made by the AGFC as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data.  This map is a living document, in that it is intended to change as new data becomes available.  This map should be used for reference purposes only.

Oxbow Lake Access to the Black River

Location:  Parking Area 35.87188, -91.20996

About:  This site provides boat access only to an oxbow lake off the Black River near Swifton, Arkansas on Jackson County Road 72. This site is ideal for boat fishing and can provide access to the Black River and Strawberry River at certain flows.

Catch Here: Anglers will enjoy catching catfish, black bass, bream, crappie, and maybe a few White bass. Statewide creel limits apply.

Additional Information:  The boat ramp is on a channel that leads to an oxbow off the Black River near the confluence with the Strawberry River. However, at low flows, anglers may not be able to access the oxbow lake or the Black River. Please use caution.  Please take your trash with you (Leave No Trace).

To apply for a permit   click here  .

No warranty is made by the AGFC as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data.  This map is a living document, in that it is intended to change as new data becomes available.  This map should be used for reference purposes only.

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Important General Information

  • Conservation Incentive Program waters are privately owned lakes or access points that have been leased by the AGFC for increased fishing opportunities, please treat them as though they were your own.
  • Fishing is allowed by drawn permit each weekend (Saturday and Sunday) from July 20, 2024 through June 29, 2025.
  • Each fishing weekend must be applied for separately.
  • Applications will be accepted online for each fishing period from Thursday noon-Sunday midnight of the week immediately preceding fishing. Permits will be drawn and winners notified via email the Monday preceding fishing.
  • Permit winners may have one guest with them for a maximum party size of two anglers.
  • Each site is listed by the county where it is located and the nearest town.
  • Anglers may only access the property on permitted days..
  • Fishing is allowed from one-half hour before sunrise until sunset each permitted day
  • No warranty is made by the AGFC as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data.  This map is a living document, in that it is intended to change as new data becomes available.  This map should be used for reference purposes only.