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City of Staunton's Comprehensive Plan

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Staunton's Plan

Comprehensive plans are the primary policy documents in local government. In Virginia, the state Code (section 15.2) requires that all local governments develop and adopt a plan. The Code also states that localities must review the comprehensive plan every five years. Considering that the Commonwealth does not require zoning, these statutes emphasize the importance of these plans.

The comprehensive plan is a legislative to-do list that sets a vision for the next twenty years and establishes ways of accomplishing the community’s goals. Being comprehensive, the document includes chapters on various topics, such as land use, housing, transportation, the environment, community facilities and services, economic development, and other themes. Under each chapter, vision and goal statements should express the City’s intentions for each community aspect. The plan should also incorporate specific actions that will implement this vision. Those actions fall under four categories:

  • Land use regulations: local code sections that regulate land use and development (zoning and subdivision ordinances),
  • Capital Investments: physical investments expressed in the capital improvements program (CIP),
  • Programs: recurring efforts, funded on an annual or bi-annual basis,
  • Initiatives: one-time efforts, such as plans, studies, or a cash infusion for a specific cause.

Local officials should always refer to the comprehensive plan when deciding on the abovementioned items. In Virginia, local jurisdictions are not required to follow the plan. However, following the stated policies helps build trust with the community, provides solid legal protection against challenges and is the best approach to accomplishing local goals. In short, every great organization has a plan, and endless reasons exist to develop a quality plan beyond state requirements.

The Process

The Comprehensive Planning process will extend across 18 months.

How to Engage

The process will involve various opportunities to engage. You can comment on this website, sign up for an email list and track progress for upcoming events. This plan relies on your engagement to create a true and accurate vision for the City of Staunton's future!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions will appear as the site is updated.