GIS in Higher Education
Uncovering the Reasons Behind the Lack of PhD's in GIS.
Uncovering the Reasons Behind the Lack of PhD's in GIS.
Are doctorates or PhD's in GIS readily accessible in the United States? What are some possible reasons why or why not?
In the research done so far, there seems to be a roadblock between K-12 education and higher education. In K-12 education, schools and their administrators have taken the next step in preparing their students technologically for post-secondary education.
“Educators can more easily explore and obtain geospatial data as well as perform simple geospatial inquiry and analysis without technical support and fees.” (Oda, et al., 2020)
“This benefit of GIS in education highlights the role of GIS in empowering spatial thinking. Spatial-thinking skills are very important for understanding the world and can be taught and strengthened with the use of GIS and other related spatial technologies” (Kerski, et al., 2013)
“Currently,web browser-based software allows teachers to use GIS without some of the previous technical burdens that were reported with GIS software installed on individual computers.” (Oda, et al., 2020)
"GIS benefits organizations of all sizes and in almost every industry." (Pandey et al., 2013).
Potential barriers
"However, the energy necessary to coordinate and create ambitious and very broad curricula, while accommodating increasingly diverse audiences, was unsustainable.” (Sinton & Kerski, 2020)
"GIS systems are used in cartography, remote sensing, land surveying, public utility management, natural resource management, photogrammetric, geography, urban planning, emergency management, navigation, aerial video, and localized search engines." (Sinton & Kerski, 2020)
Professor Insight
Dr. Pinde Fu: Received a PhD in GIS in Landscape Ecology
"...GIS itself is purely technical and needs to be associated with some applications." (P. Fu, personal communication, May 8, 2023
What the data shows is that there might not be a definitive answer to the research question. There are several variables that point to why only 5 schools in the US offer PhD's in GIS. For example, what was found that these schools happen to be located in areas where high demand for GIS Analysts are located. Another variable considered is surrounding population. 4 out of the 5 schools are found in counties that are ranked the highest in population for their designated state. Again, the data does not suggest a definitive answer, but perhaps food for thought.
School locations and Ph.D title
Demand for GIS Analysts in the USA
GIS Analyst Demographics and Statistics [2023]: Number Of GIS Analysts In The US
School by County Population
Texas State University: Hays County
The University of Arizona: Pima County
The University of Denver: Denver County
The University of Maine: Penobscot County
The University of Houston: Harris County
Referring back to the research question which states, "Are doctorates or PhD's in GIS readily accessible in the United States? What are some possible reasons why or why not?" With the gathered data, I can say no. Doctorates and PhDs in GIS are not readily available. While there isn't a definitive answer, I can say they are not available due to the lack of demand for the area of study. In addition, much of the research supports the idea that GIS in merely a tool used to support a more specific concentration of study. If I would have asked "Are GIS degrees in higher education readily accessible in the United States?" I could respond yes. The lack of doctoral or PhD programs does not dictate or take away that there are plenty of efforts to integrate GIS in a higher educational setting. The pathway is set, and the number of certificates, bachelor's, and even master's degrees in GIS is not to be overlooked.
Why pursue a doctorate or PhD in GIS?
In retrospect, who would this benefit? As a geography, environmental studies, criminal justice, or someone studying to become a teacher, why would someone feel the need to pursue a PhD in GIS?
Goals: "The educational goal of the program is to provide a Ph.D. in Geography through which students will be educated in the process of geographic research, the development of new knowledge, and the application of this research and knowledge to solve problems with spatial dimensions." (Texas State University, n.d.)
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