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Energy/Water Conservation

Simple yet important...

Energy and Water. Very important those two are. They are what allow us to live comfortably and helps us survive. It's as such it is our duty as a collective society to conserve them.

Energy is POWER. Conserve it!

Electricity is what keeps our lights on. It's what keeps our fans running. It's what keeps our computers on. Our phones. Our games. Our consoles. Everything. It's best then to conserve all energy being put into our houses.

Insulate your house

Insulating your house can be helpful in more ways than one. In this case, temperatures in the household can be kept at comfortable levels and you can save electricity by using the AC/Heater less.

Uninsulated House Temperature

Insulated House Diagram

Replace old light bulbs.

Old incandescent light bulbs generally are more expensive than LEDs. Incandescent bulbs are usually less brighter as well. Switching to a more cost effective and brighter solution would be beneficial.

Energy Usages of Various Light Types

Install solar panels

Solar panels could help with save energy and could help with annual energy savings. Some estimates indicate that annual savings could reach in the thousands.

Turn off any electronics or appliances not in use.

Even though electricity may cost a measly few cents per kWh, like water, it’s cost can quickly add up. Unplug any electronics not in use.

Have an energy audit done on your house

Having an energy audit done on your house allows actions to be taken to ensure you are saving money on your electricity bill and if there are any faults that would result in increased spending

Maintain HVAC system

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems could age and eventually work less efficiently. Getting a new and improved HVAC system could result in large annual savings of $100 or more. If an HVAC system is poorly maintained or not maintained at all, it would have to work harder to heat or cool your house.

Buy ENERGY STAR equipment

ENERGY STAR appliances and equipment are rated to use less energy. Not only does this mean less money spent, but it can benefit the environment through less emissions.

Fun Fact:

China has the largest consumption of Energy. The second largest would be the United States!


Renewable Energy Map USA

All renewable sources of energy and their respective plants and locations are displayed on the map above.

Water shouldn't be discounted either!

Water. Possibly the most essential item that anyone could have. Like most good things in our world, it's not free. Indeed, water does have a material value attached to it. Because of this value, it is important to monitor how much of it you are using, any legitimate ways to cut corners, and costs.

Take shorter showers

There is often variation and debate on how long people shower. Balancing giving yourself a good clean and not being wasteful is the tough part. However, showers should just be limited to a range of 8-15 minutes to work towards meeting said balance.

Typical Shower times for 4 countries

Find any leaks in your house

A leak could occur anywhere where water is. Whether it be in the sink or toilet, they could be costly when added up. Fix ANY leaks, no matter how small they may appear.

Proper dishwasher use

Always use a dishwasher when you have a full load. Dishwashers usually use the same amount of water no matter the load, so always use it when it’s full. Do not pre-wash dishes as that could use up unnecessary water. Avoid having multiple loads as that can waste unnecessary water and electricity.


These are just one of many ways to save energy and water. But what all of them have in common is that they should be implemented in everyday households to ensure effective use of energy while not sacrificing functionality. Small tweaks to our lifestyle would result in hefty savings. Even if it’s as simple as turning off lights when you aren’t using them, every little bit counts.

Uninsulated House Temperature

Insulated House Diagram

Energy Usages of Various Light Types

Typical Shower times for 4 countries