North-Central Mercer Island Residential Streets

Construction will last about eight months on each street - sign up for updates to receive the start date when it's available.

This StoryMap focuses on the North-Central Mercer Island residential streets. These include SE 22nd St, SE 22nd PL, 78th Ave SE, SE 24th St, and 81st Ave SE.

To learn more about the Mercer Enatai Sewer Upgrade project as a whole, visit the  project website .

What are we building?

What to expect

Construction is disruptive.

Everyone who lives or travels on streets under construction will be impacted by the work.

We will send out alerts so you can plan ahead if you live near the active work area.

Schedule and duration

Construction on the overall sewer upgrade is underway and will last into 2025.

Each street will experience about eight months of construction. We will provide advance notification of construction activities on our website, in door hangers and through our email list.

Please  sign up  to receive updates about this section of the project to stay up to date on the work and schedules.

Detour routes

We will provide local access to residents on affected streets. Scroll through the maps below to see where vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles that are traveling through the area will be detoured. Note that the detour routes change depending on where the work is occurring.

What you'll see when the work is done

King County will restore areas based on permit conditions.

How to reach us

We are committed to working with you during construction.

Comment form

ArcGIS Survey123
