The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program provides cash benefits for the care of children in need when one or both parents are absent, disabled, deceased or unemployed. The program requires clients to obtain employment as quickly as possible, become self-supporting, and eliminate or reduce their dependence on aid.
The following maps display demographics of CalWORKs clients aided in Orange County in June 2021. Client information is summarized by age group: children (under 18 years old), adults (18-64 years old), and seniors (65+ years old).
Children in CalWORKs
To qualify for CalWORKs, children must meet eligibility criteria, including legal residency, income limits, and property limits. In FY 2020-21, approximately 1 out of every 29 children in the County were provided CalWORKs.
Adults in CalWORKs
To qualify for CalWORKs, adults must meet eligibility criteria, including legal residency, income and property limits, and Welfare-to-Work requirements. In FY 2020-21, approximately 1 out of every 324 adults in the County were provided CalWORKs.
Seniors in CalWORKs
To qualify for CalWORKs, seniors must meet eligibility criteria, including legal residency, income limits and property limits. In FY 2020-21 approximately 1 out of every 59,633 seniors in the County were provided CalWORKs.