Canada’s Commemorative Map

Many places throughout our country are named to remember the actions of Canadians in the defence of freedom and democracy. This interactive map shows how we remember them – eternally tying them to the lands, lakes, rivers and towns for which they made the ultimate sacrifice.
The map commemorates Canada’s participation in armed conflicts at home and abroad by highlighting a sample of the many geographical features and places named for those that served our country. The map represents ongoing efforts to memorialize Canadians that have played notable roles in Canada’s war and peacekeeping efforts.
The federal, provincial and territorial members of the Geographical Names Board of Canada are committed to remembering and commemorating Canada’s participation in conflicts, and the sacrifice of the men and women involved. We would like to invite Canadians to add to this representative sample of names by highlighting names that do not yet appear on the map, as well as by nominating new place names for loved ones that passed in service. This evergreen map will bring together in ongoing remembrance past and current contributions in the service of Canada.
Remembering with Geographical Names
Canada’s Commemorative Map
Geographical names provide a visible and enduring way to remember the stories associated with Canada’s participation in conflicts and battles, and as a way to recognize personal sacrifice and heroism of armed forces personnel and civilians involved in these conflicts.
This map is important in two broad yet connected ways. First, place names are ubiquitous, they hide in plain sight. They surround us, but we rarely take a second look at their meaning or significance. Second, most of the names on this map are war dead from the First and Second World Wars. There is no one alive from the Great War, and those who fought in World War II are in their mid-nineties. We are losing our living links to the past; the task of commemoration and remembrance is being put on the shoulders of the living: us. This project is a reminder of our role.
Combining geographical names with remembrance is a reflection of the way in which Canadians honour our war dead. Our geography, lands and waters are part of the Canadian psyche. Naming these places after heroes, battles, military units and warships honours the fallen in respectful and enduring remembrance, and links their actions to the land and country for which they fought.
Remembering with Geographical Names
It has long been a practice in Canada to name geographical features in honour of the men and women of the Canadian military who have died in service of their country. These commemorative geographical names help us remember war casualties, soldiers, sailors, airmen and airwomen, military leaders, and civilians recognized or decorated for outstanding acts of bravery and sacrifice in battle. These names also commemorate notable battles in which Canada participated, and Canadian military units, regiments, squadrons, and ships in which Canadians served.