Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

City and Borough of Juneau and Tlingit & Haida


In 2025, the City & Borough of Juneau (CBJ) and Tlingit & Haida (T&H) will release an updated Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJHMP) Update which will identify hazards and prioritize mitigation strategies (projects) to reduce the City and Tribe's risk to natural hazards.

The planning process allows the City and Tribe to assess their progress on preparing for future disasters and reevaluate which hazards pose the largest threats to the community.

CBJ first created its HMP in 2003 with updates in 2009 and 2012. This is a first-edition HMP for Tlingit & Haida's assets and residents in the Juneau area.

What is hazard mitigation?

A hazard refers to any event or condition that has the potential to cause fatalities or injuries; damage to property, infrastructure, or ecosystems; disruption of business or services; or other types of harm or loss. This HMP will focus on natural and manmade hazards.

Hazard mitigation refers to any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and/or property from natural hazards.

Hazard mitigation planning establishes an ongoing strategic process to identify and assess potential threats to life and property, evaluate local mitigation actions, and make a plan to implement those actions. Without hazard mitigation, more damage would be done during a disaster, impacts would be costlier, and it would be harder for our communities to recover from them.

CBJ's Existing Plan

The CBJ Hazard Mitigation Plan was last updated in 2012, and the CBJ identified the following hazards that may impact the Borough:

  • Avalanche
  • Landslide
  • Downtown Fire
  • Earthquake
  • Severe Weather
  • Flood
  • Wildland Fire
  • Tsunami and Seiche
  • Volcano
  • Air Transportation

Using the HMP

The HMP update will provide guidance to CBJ and T&H officials on identifying, prioritizing, and implementing mitigation strategies and projects to reduce the City and Tribe's vulnerability to natural hazards.

Further, the plan will help the City and Tribe to secure funding from state and federal sources as grant opportunities become available to implement the mitigation strategy.

A current hazard mitigation plan is required for CBJ and T&H to access certain mitigation funding opportunities, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) programs.

Project Schedule

January - March 2025 ← WE ARE HERE

Identify hazards and critical facilities, conduct a Risk Assessment, initial public engagement

March 2025

Draft Risk Assessment public review period

March - April 2025

Update Mitigation Strategy- select and prioritize mitigation actions

April 2025

Draft HMP available for public review

May 2025

Finalize HMP, Assembly/Tribe adoption, submit for agency review

May- July 2025

State of Alaska DHS&EM and FEMA review and approval of HMP

~July/August 2025 - July/August 2030

HMP is active and CBJ and T&H are eligible for federal grant funding to implement their mitigation strategy, annual reviews, continued public involvement

Public Involvement

We need your input!

CBJ and T&H need your input to ensure the HMP update represents all areas of the Borough and aligns with community mitigation goals and priorities.

Ways to get involved in the planning process:

  1. Complete the 2025 CBJ and T&H Hazard Mitigation Plan Update public survey below or linked here:

City & Borough of Juneau 2025 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Survey

2. Attend a public meeting. There will be at least 3 opportunities for in-person or virtual meetings with the CBJ and our consultant during the HMP update process (Kickoff + Risk Assessment Workshop, Mitigation Strategy Workshop, review the final draft HMP).

Stay up-to-date on public input opportunities, public meetings, and hazard mitigation planning news by visiting the CBJ  website .


The 2025 CBJ and T&H HMP Update identifies the following natural and manmade hazards that may impact the City and Tribe's residents and assets: *Note: Updated FEMA Guidelines require that the influence of climate change be discussed with respect to each hazard in this HMP Update.

  • Avalanche
  • Landslide
  • Downtown Fire
  • Earthquake
  • Severe Weather
  • Flood
  • Wildland Fire
  • Tsunami and Seiche
  • Volcano
  • Air Transportation

Project Updates

1/24/25: Our first public meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, January 29 at 5:00 pm at City Hall Assembly Chambers (155 Heritage Way).  For those not able to join in person, a MS Team link is provided here:  Join the meeting now  Meeting ID: 254 205 496 63 Passcode: Gz77WE7j OR Dial in by phone  +1 907-302-3866,,37085729#  United States, Anchorage  Find a local number  Phone conference ID: 370 857 29#.

If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Team Lead, Rob Dumouchel at rob.dumouchel@juneau.gov