FCF Woodland Connectivity
A brief introduction to the analysis and mapping of the connectivity of the woodland habitats across the Forth Climate Forest project area.
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Project area
The Forth Climate Forest covers the Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and Stirling Council areas and includes over 60% of the Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park.

The Forth Climate Forest project commissioned Forest Research to conduct a connectivity analysis for the project area.
The aim of this analysis was to assess the existing broadleaved, yew and mixed woodlands (BYM) habitat networks and identify where new woodland planting would make connections to provide potential migration routes for woodland species.
The map is displaying areas of existing BYM woodland (green polygons) using data from the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland .

The analysis
An analysis of south to north dispersal was carried out using three separate source locations across the landscape and a target destination to the northeast of Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park. Start locations were identified i) to the south of the Inner Forth (Source 1), ii) to the north of the Inner Forth (Source 2), and iii) the end point of the South-North Climate Clyde corridor (Source 3).
The Least Cost Corridors (LCC) outputs and the Condatis flow map were combined to identify three distinct directions or paths of dispersal from the three source locations.
Shown on interactive map as data layer: Simplified Corridor Routes.
Note: Along the Source 1 route the modelling identified two options which share the same initial corridor section near Bo’ness to an area immediately West of Stirling but branch-off here with one route heading North past Doune (Corridor route 4) and the other via Kippen. Both routes then merge again near Callander.
These two complementary modelling approaches identified over 60 unique locations were identified where tree planting or woodland creation should be targeted to improve connectivity.
This map shows the approximate location of the opportunities with a point placed across the middle of each opportunity area.
Shown on interactive map as data layer: Opportunity Zone Points.
The data also includes more detailed polygons showing areas of predicted habitat creation.
Shown on interactive map as data layers: Habitat creation Route 1,2,3&4 or Grouped layer: Habitat creation opportunities.
If you would like to learn more about the methodology that was used to undertake this analysis then you can request a copy of the Forest Research report by emailing siec@stir.ac.uk and including FCF Connectivity Report in the subject heading.
Interactive Map Viewer
Explore the interactive map viewer below to see the woodland corridor and opportunities that have been referenced in this story map.
Click here to view this map in ArcGIS online and access additional datasets that include:
- Forth Climate Forest – Woodland corridor data
- Forth Climate Forest – Habitat creation areas (linked to the opportunity areas)
- CSGN – Woodland habitat network and opportunity areas
- Existing woodland – Native Woodland Survey of Scotland and Ancient Woodland Inventory
Forth Climate Forest Woodland Connectivity Map