The GGMC Mineral Tenure
A brief explanation of the makeup of the Mineral Tenure situation in Guyana
Interactive Mineral Properties Map
The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) Mineral Property Map displays current tenures at the medium scale, i.e. prospecting permits (medium scale), mining permits and special mining permits; and at the large scale - Quarry Licences, Prospecting Licences, Mining Licences, levels that are considered active at the time of production of the map. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide the small-scale mining tenure data at this point. All layers displayed are described below in further detail.
Description of Mineral Tenure Layers
Mineral Licences – This layer contains medium-scale mineral property tenures in the form of mining permits, special mining permits and prospecting permits (medium scale). The name of the current property holder, date of application and others are some of the important attributes for persons reviewing this layer
Special Mining Permits – this layer contains special mining permits issued prior to 2016 and which remain active to date.
Large Scale Mineral Properties – this layer contains large-scale mineral tenures, i.e. Prospecting Licences and Mining Licences, which were issued prior to 2016 and remain active to date.
Quarry Licences – this layer contains Quarry Licences granted prior to 2016 which remain active to date.
Protected Areas – this layer contains all current areas which form part of Guyana’s Protected Areas System. This layer is produced and maintained by the Protected Areas Commission. Mineral tenure is not granted in these areas.
Amerindian Titled Lands – this layer contains the boundaries of all currently Titled Amerindian Areas. This layer is produced and maintained by the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission in collaboration with the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs. Mineral properties within Amerindian Titled Lands are granted in accordance with the Amerindian Act 2006. Tenure which existed prior to the issuance of a title may still be reflected in this map story.
All Titled Amerindian lands have designated One Km Buffer Zone.
Closed Areas – this layer contains areas closed for the purpose of exploration by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission. The exploration work conducted in these areas is available to the public at a nominal fee by visiting the Geological Services Division of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission at Brickdam, Georgetown. Access to this area through normal applications for mineral tenure is restricted. Auction and Lottery areas are usually selected within these prime areas and dispensed with under the supervision of the Closed Area Committee.
Reserved Area – Areas held in reserve by the Minister responsible for Mines and Minerals either generally or for specific minerals. These reservations primarily stem from Permissions for Geological and Geophysical Surveys, which are regional-scale exploratory permits for specific minerals.
Buffer Zones - this layer contains the following categories of buffer zones; 1. Buffer (Amerindian) – 1KM buffer zone around Amerindian Titled Lands and Protected areas 2. Buffer (International) – 300 yards around our National Border.
GFC Forestry Reserves – This layer contain areas that the Guyana Forestry Commission has demarcated for conservation and scientific research. This area is reserved and protected by containsthe GFC and mining of any minerals and logging on said land is prohibited without the consent of the GFC.
Mining Districts – This layer contains the six mining districts of Guyana. A mining district is any portion of land or area constituted or designated as an area for mining. The six mining district includes;
- Mining District 1- Berbice
- Mining District 2 - Potaro
- Mining District 3- Mazaruni
- Mining District 4 - Cuyuni
- Mining District 5 – Northwest
- Mining District 6- Rupununi
Note: Any state land can be deemed as a mining district once the Minster has published a notice in the Official Gazette and in any one newspaper. (Mining Act 1989, Sections 2 and 4).
Quarter Degree Index Sheet - A quarter degree sheet is used as an index to a specific geographic area or location. For example a miner may be interested in an area around Kuribrong, this area can be referenced to the relevant 35 degree Sheet.
Note: the quarter degree sheets are referenced by number (e.g 35) then it's grid location;
a. Northwest (NW)
b. Southwest (SW)
c. Northeast (NE)
d. Southeast (SE)
Data Access and Download
The data displayed in this map story is available for personal use, in relevant formats including MapInfo files, shapefiles and for GPS upload, from the Land Management Division, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission Headquarters at a fee. The data purchased will be the most updated version of the layers presented here (as of the date of purchase). Access to this data is useful particularly to those persons who are consultants for the mining sector, as well as small, medium and large scale prospectors and miners. Other useful information available at the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission through the Geological Services and Land Management Divisions include updated Mineral Occurrence data. For more information, email us at or call 592-225-2865 ext 224, 347, 362, 259 or 265
The Land Management Division cannot vouch for the accuracy of data on mineral property status acquired from sources which are not the authority to provide same. As such, you are advised to request and source data in this regard via the Commissioner's Office and the Land Management Division at the GGMC headquarters only.