Smart Cities in the US

An Introduction to Smart Cities Concepts

What are smart cities?

The smart city's primary function is to incorporate smart technology and data analysis to maximise economic growth and livability for its inhabitants. Smart Ciites are using IoT to improve infrastructure, safety, energy efficiency and mobility. The ideal vision of the smart city is to be a better place to live, work and recreate.

Smart Mobility

Smart mobility is the mixing of human powered machines and efficient transit to connect technology and transportation to enhance daily life and business.

Smart Energy

Smart energy is an effort to maximize energy-efficieny with the use of monitoring and analysis. Often cheaper than traditional energy sources, smart energy is environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Smart Technology

SMART technology is an acronym meaning "Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology". SMART tech makes use of advanced technologies like IoT, AI, machine learning and big data.

Smart Healthcare

healthcare system that enables patients and doctors to communicate with each other and remotely exchange information monitored, collected, and analyzed from patients’ daily activities via the IoT.

Smart Governance

Governments that use technology to enhance communication, participation and transparency of information are practicing smart governance.

Smart Citizens

Smart cities are made up of smart citizens that are actively engaged in their communities and incorporate interconnected technology into their everyday lives.

Key Smart Cities in the United States

Dallas, Texas

Chicago, Illinois

Austin, Texas

Seattle, Washington

Charlotte, North Carolina

San Francisco, California

Washington, District of Columbia

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Boston, Massachusetts

Boulder, Colorado

San Jose, California

New York, New York

Dallas, Texas

Dallas launched its smart city initiatives in 2014. The city created distrct wide zones for citizen connectivity to improve public safety. Dallas also has system wide montiring of of water meters, leak detection and smart parking meters.

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago is a hyperconnected city that makes the most of four smart city attributes: smart technology, smart data sharing, smart security and public safety measures and a tech minded, smart citizenry.

Austin, Texas

Austin has made strides to fully intergrate the transportation network using data, technology and creative design to give its citizens high degrees of mobility and access to all types of growth opportunities.

Seattle, Washington

Seattle's very high ranking in citizen engagement, employment, education, green spaces and culture have made ensured its place on the list of Smart Cities in the United States.

Charlotte, North Carolina

The City of Charlotte has made strides to create a district that is the center of its innovation generator. City officials have made sure that citizens have access to the decision making bodies within their community

San Francisco, California

San Francisco has set the goal of being the world caprital of IoT. The city's equitable and responsive government is making efforts to create a middle class job engine for generations to come.

Washington, District of Columbia

Washington makes use of smart city tech like intelligent infrastructure, connected devices and data analysis to improve quality of life and economic growth.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

To attain smart city status, Pittsburgh set about improving transportation effectiveness, satety, mobility. The city has also taken a progressive stance in acknowledging its role in climate change.

Boston, Massachusetts

Boston is using next generation cameras and sensors to inform analysts how its citizens and visitors interact with and travel on city streets. Boston has also placed a focus on transportation mobility and road safety.

Boulder, Colorado

Boulder has one of hte highest concentrations of engaged and educated citizens. The city has been very focused educational and employment options in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

San Jose, California

San Jose was chosen as a smart city becaues of its continuous efforts in using technology and data driven choices to promote safety, sustainability, and citizen quality of life.

New York, New York

Among other things, New York's connectivity and IoT enabled water meters and waste compactors make it a top smart city, not only in the US but in the world as a whole.