Uniting the world to tackle climate change.

What is COP26

Hosted in Glasgow in November 2021, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference will be the latest Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 

Find out more about the  background of COP and the UNFCCC  

The major goals of COP26 focus on: 

    1. Mitigation - Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach.
    2. Adaptation - Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats.
    3. Finance - Mobilise at least $100billion/year in climate finance to deliver mitigation & adaptation.
    4. Collaborate - Work together to deliver.

Measuring progress

COP26 will be an opportunity to measure global progress against commitments made in Paris & Kyoto;

COP26 will be the first occasion when countries submit updated  Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)  to the Paris Agreement. These are enhanced commitments to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. This will enhance the ambition to mitigate climate change, since the Paris Agreement was first made five years ago. Further developments will take place every five years. 

Determining next steps

Any agreements made at COP26 may take effect immediately, or they may require further ratification and come into effect later, like the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. This depends on the course taken by the negotiations. 

You can find out more information on COP26, including the latest updates, from: