Our 2024 Year in Review

DNREC Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program

A photo of a tidal wetland in the fall at low tide.

Our Goals

DNREC's Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program (WMAP) works to provide the public and the state of Delaware with quality reports on the status, health, function, and importance of Delaware’s wetlands. The program collaborates with other government agencies, businesses, non-profits and universities to further wetland research within the state as well as the Mid-Atlantic.

Our Team

Alison Rogerson is an Environmental Scientist and Team Leader for WMAP. She has been with the program since 2008, and leads the team to advance wetland science and research, including living shorelines, mapping, and beneficial use of dredge material. She also leads interagency initiatives, reporting, and collaboration within the state of Delaware.

Kenny Smith is an Environmental Scientist for WMAP. He has been with the program since 2015 and takes the lead on the program's wetland health assessments, site elevation tables (SET), and project monitoring. He also assists with mapping and reporting efforts, living shoreline projects, wetland restoration, and the program's field work.

Alison R., Kenny, Olivia, and Alison S. (from left to right).

Olivia Allread is the Outreach and Communications Coordinator for WMAP. She has been with the program since 2021 and leads outreach initiatives and promotes efforts. These initiatives include the Delaware Wetlands Conference, partnership events and collaborations, social media and digital content, and educating realtors, K-12, and the public about wetlands. She also takes part in all the program's field work.

Alison Stouffer is an Environmental Scientist for WMAP. She has been with the program since 2023 and is the lead for the program's wetland report writing and research. She plays a major role coordinating field work as well as the progression of science and standard procedures. She also assists with mapping, restoration and conservation projects, and frequently helps out at outreach events.

2024 Project Reach

Check out the map to the right to see where we accomplished many of our projects across the state in 2024! Click the arrow button to expand the map, click the icons and numbers to get more details about each item.

We're always looking for new partnerships or future project and outreach opportunities. Reach out to olivia.allread@delaware.gov if you've got one in mind!

Documents, Reports, and Outreach in 2024

  • Released additions to the  WMAP Blog 
  • Expanded the Delaware Restoration Work Group for development of project sharing, funding opportunities, and resources
  • Hosted several  Delaware Living Shoreline Committee Webinars 
  • Attended conferences and workshops across the country to present our research
  • Created new outreach material about the  importance of wetland mapping 
  • Hand-made a few new educational displays and attend undiscovered events
  • Hosted our first public lecture on  living shorelines 
  • Spent A LOT of time in the water working on our Indian River Near Millsboro Beneficial Use Dredging Project
  • Participated in the Freshwater Wetlands Work Group formed to develop and assist the movement of non-tidal/freshwater wetland legislation statewide
  • Interacted with over 3,700 people at professional and public events

Looking Ahead to 2025

For more information about our program and priorities, please visit us online or get in touch at Olivia.Allread@delaware.gov.
