Story map
welcome to my story map
welcome to my story map
Wood distribution
Above is a map presenting the distribution of wood species in Ireland, from which the readers could learn the variety, location and quantity of trees within the country. It contains detailed information about the particular zone, for example, its area and ownership.
points and buffers
The map above is noting two sign points and their buffers in Dublin. The left one note contains the introduction of an famous attraction Portal Tomb. Also, their buffers shows the area around them within 10 kilometers.
schools and restaurants
Above map provides the locations and distribution of primary schools and fast food restaurants in Dublin. The range of blue buffers indicates the quantity of fast food restaurant within 250 meters of a school. It shows the distance from primary schools to nearby fast food restaurants.
Malaria cases in Africa (2014)
This map exhibits the Malaria Cases per country in Africa in 2014, from which readers could learn seriousness of Malarias in each country from their color depth and know approximating numbers of cases in a particular country from the legend.
Attractions in Dublin
The figure above illustrates the exact location and names of famous attractions in Dublin. It could be used as guidance or introduction for tourism.