Welcome to the Columbia Basin Wildlife Area
Columbia Basin Wildlife Area
Welcome to the Columbia Basin Wildlife Area, a land of geologic, natural, and cultural wonders! The wildlife area is in a wide, arid lowland that stretches across the Columbia Basin in the south-central portion of Washington.
The lands lie in the traditional territory of the škwáxčənəxʷ, or the Moses-Columbia Indians. Learn more about the Moses-Columbia on this Confederated Tribes of the Colville's " A Brief History " story map.
The 192,591-acre wildlife area consists of 13 units located throughout the basin, from Banks Lake in the northeast to Priest Rapids in the south. A shrubsteppe and grassland environment dominates the wildlife area, which is dotted with lakes and wetlands.
Quick facts
- Although managed by WDFW, most of the lands on the wildlife area are owned by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) or other federal and state agencies
- The wildlife area and vicinity have more than 50 boat launches
What is special about this wildlife area?
This unique landscape provides habitat for variety of waterfowl, birds of prey, reptiles, small game, mule deer, and many other species, some of which are dependent on the shrubsteppe for survival. People are drawn to the area for the exceptional waterfowl hunting, quality mule deer hunting, warmwater fishing, primitive camping, boating, birding, climbing, horseback riding, and other outdoor activities.
Wildlife Area Units
The wildlife area is broken into 13 management units, each offering something unique to the landscape.
Plants of special concern
There are nine ecoregions in Washington State, and at 13.9 million acres, the Columbia Plateau is the largest. It is also--if you’ve been here you know--the hottest and driest. Even in this harsh climate, there are almost 2,000 rare and unique vascular plants here. This is the second highest number out of the nine ecoregions! It also has the highest number of special concern plants.
The Columbia Plateau is undergoing significant changes that will affect the long term persistence of both rare and common native species. Much of this change is the result of conversion of natural lands to crops or developed areas, and wildfires replacing shrub cover with weedy grasses and forbs.
Here are some of the plants that are sensitive, threatened, or endangered:
Clockwise from top left: Constricted Douglas' onion, Gray cryptantha, White eatonella, Hoover's desert parsley, and snowball cactus
Constricted Douglas' onion
Constricted Douglas' onion (allium constrictum) is a pink or purplish flowered bulb-bearing perennial, and resides in the lily family. It is found in moist areas, around spring ponds, and on open slopes. It has listed status as a sensitive species primarily because of its limited geographic range in Douglas and Grant counties.
Gray cryptantha
The gray cryptantha (cryptantha leucophaea) is a perennial herb in the borage family with small, whitish flowers. It is found in sandy substrates, especially dunes that have not been completely stabilized and where there is some wind-derived movement of sand. It is a regional endemic in the Columbia Basin ecoregion.
White eatonella
White eatonella (eatonella nivea) is an annual herb in the daisy family covered with densely matted filaments and small yellow flowers barely exceeding the leaves. It is found in shrubsteppe areas on poorly developed soils in dry, sandy, or volcanic desert areas. In Washington, plants are in fine, pea-sized gravel that is deep red and derived from basalt.
Hoover's desert parsley
Hoover's desert parsley (Lomatium tuberosum), also known as tuberous biscuitroot, is in the parsley/carrot family. It is a low-growing perennial herb growing from a tuberlike root. Flowers are light purple or yellow in compound umbels. It is endemic to the Columbia Basin of central Washington.
Snowball cactus
The snowball cactus (pediocactus nigrispinus) is a low-growing subshrub with clusters of globe-shaped spiny stems. In Washington, it is found in the Columbia Plateau and East Cascades ecoregions of Douglas, Grant, Kittitas, and Yakima counties.
Wildlife Area Management Priorities
The Columbia Basin Wildlife Area Management Plan (Winter 2022) includes highlighted actions for the wildlife area over the next ten years (to see the full plan, go to https://wdfw.wa.gov/places-to-go/wildlife-areas/columbia-basin-wildlife-area and scroll down to Management Planning). The three main goals of this management plan are to:
- Manage and enhance the function and value of wetlands
- Manage and enhance upland habitat
- Manage and improve traditional and emerging recreation opportunities
Within these main categories, the management plan lays out specific objectives and output measures, and references implementation of other specific resources such as the weed management plan and wetland management guidance. As WDFW implements these goals and objectives, we will see improved wetland function in strategic areas, improved habitats that better support fish and wildlife, and improved recreational experiences. WDFW staff members track progress on this work annually and provide public updates every two years.
Northern Leopard Frogs Hopping to Recovery
Rana Pipiens, commonly known as the northern leopard frog, is making a splash with a comeback in Grant County! Along with a slender body, long legs, and smooth brown or green skin, this frog is also known for its distinct rows of round or oval dark spots. Rana Pipiens has been listed as endangered in Washington, and due to loss of habitat, the wildlife area was home to the only remaining population in the state.
Northern leopard frog
Led by WDFW and with the help of many interested parties, Rana Pipiens was reintroduced to a historical home in the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge, which borders the wildlife area. WDFW staff members collected eggs one spring from a site on the wildlife area, then the Oregon Zoo and WSU nurtured them to froglets to provide them a head start for life in the wild. In the meantime, staff members at the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge were managing the wetlands to prepare for the frogs arrival. WDFW chauffeured the frogs to their new home.
Once overlooked, frogs are now recognized for their significant role in the environment, and are an important indicator of water quality. If we can improve and conserve wetland habitat that is good for frogs, we will also benefit other species including other amphibians, waterfowl, and deer.
Rana Pipiens thanks WDFW, the Oregon Zoo, Washington State University, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for orchestrating the comeback. To watch this story, check out the story map produced by USFWS, entitled One Giant Leap for the Northern Leopard Frogs .
Fish, Wildlife, and Plants on the Wildlife Area
Click through the below slideshow to see just a few of the fish, wildlife, and plant species that can be found on the wildlife area.
Wildlife Area Geology
The channeled scablands are a unique erosional feature in central Washington. The Scablands began when a glacier blocked the Clark Fork River in Montana starting about 15,000 years ago. The ice dam was over 2,000 feet tall.....then the dam burst. The same thing happened about 40 times over 2,000 years. The channels in the Scablands show giant ripple marks, deep scours to bedrock, dry waterfalls, and "underfit" modern streams. These last are small streams flowing today in big valleys carved by much larger flows of water.
Channeled scablands…….on Mars?
The channeled scablands have been informally dubbed one of the seven natural wonders of Washington State. And if you’ve seen the large swaths of bedrock and weird land formations, you might have thought it looks like Mars! The areas are called the "channeled scablands" because they are crossed by about 150 coulees. Moses Coulee, at 40 miles long, and Grand Coulee, at 60 miles, are two of the longest.
The channeled scablands have been compared to outflow channels on Mars – about two dozen which scientists have identified. The Martian outflow channels have streamlined islands, lengthwise grooves, giant ripple marks, deep scours, and dry falls, much like the channeled scablands. While the earth-based channeled scablands are the result of erosion caused by catastrophic floods from the bursting of the ice dam at Lake Missoula, on Mars, the answer isn’t so obvious. There does not appear to be one source that explains all of the Martian outflow channels, but volcanic activity and massive flooding appear to have caused at least one, the Kasei Valles outflow. You can experience the channeled scablands near Steamboat Rock, Sun Lakes, Potholes, and other places.
For more information on Mars outflow channels, check out the Mars Education page from Arizona State University.
What could be lurking in Washington's dunes?
You'll want to prepare if you choose to venture out into Washington's desert for a glimpse of unique wildlife and beautiful landscapes. Almost 20,000 acres of the Columbia Basin Wildlife Area contain inland dunes, a priority habitat. Wind and a continual supply of shifting sands are necessary for dune dynamics. Dunes are typically unvegetated to moderately vegetated due to the low rainfall, high temperatures, and stress from wind and shifting sands. Patchy grasslands or shrublands are the most common. Washington inland sand dunes have declined about 76% from the 1970s. Threats to inland sand dunes include stabilization due to invasive species encroachment, conversion to agriculture, and off-road vehicle use.
Species associated with inland dunes include ferruginous hawk, short-eared owl, northern leopard frog, desert nightsnake, sagebrush lizard, pygmy short-horned lizard, side-blotched lizard, striped whipsnake.
Where is the best place to...
Public Conduct
Wildlife area staff are responsible for managing public use, and users must follow public conduct rules and all wildlife area-specific rules. WDFW Enforcement officers are commissioned law enforcement officers responsible for enforcement of the department regulations as well as all criminal laws.
A Discover Pass or Vehicle Access Pass is required for all WDFW managed lands.
Emergency regulation changes may occur throughout the year that will supersede information contained on this page. Always check ahead to find out about closures related to fires, infectious diseases, and closures to protect fish, wildlife, or habitat.
Enjoy the wildlife area!
Please enjoy and respect this unique landscape. It is a haven for wildlife and a place for people to enjoy. Always recreate responsibly !
How You Can Get Involved
The Columbia Basin Wildlife Area benefits from long-term participation of a few groups and individuals who volunteer on a variety of projects to support the agency’s conservation and recreation objectives. The Washington Waterfowl Association and Pheasants Forever frequently volunteer on habitat enhancement and plantings, as well as waterfowl blind maintenance. Many individuals have also contributed their time to help with maintenance on the wildlife area.
WDFW wants to strengthen and continue to expand these partnerships and uncover more opportunities for volunteers, especially those that highlight the educational and nature-based opportunities that the area could provide.
Staff members working on the wildlife area include:
- Chad Eidson, Wildlife Area Manager
- Chattan McPherson, Assistant Manager
- Brian Cole, Assistant Manager
- Ryan Walker, Assistant Manager
- Josh Harmon, Water Access Manager
- Jake Steele, Maintenance Lead
- Aaron Bilodeau, Maintenance Worker
- Rich Finger, Lands Operations Manager
Thanks to the WDFW Columbia Basin Wildlife Area Planning Team and the external Wildlife Advisory Committee for contributing to the wildlife area management plan. See the full plan for more information on the wildlife area.