Beaver Creek Dam

Chester County, Pennsylvania


Originally constructed in 1976 as part of the Brandywine Watershed Plan, the Beaver Creek Dam provides flood reduction for communities that border the Beaver Creek, East Branch Brandywine Creek and the main tributary of the Brandywine Creek. NRCS is providing technical support and financial assistance to Chester County Water Resources Authority (CCWRA) to extend the life of the dam and rehabilitate the dam to meet state and federal safety standards. Once work is completed, the Beaver Creek Flood Control Dam will continue to provide flood control functions, enhance wildlife habitat and improve water quality in Beaver Creek.

Timeline (courtesy CCWRA)

July 2021

Construction activities for the week of July 26 include continued excavation in the auxiliary spillway including dewatering of collected water. Activities planned for the week of August 2nd include continued excavation as well as rock surface preparation, and placing initial backfill concrete.

August 2021

Continued excavation, cleaning rock surface, and establishing concrete plant next to spillway. Test pad for placing roller compacted concrete, dewatering, and placing initial backfill.

September 2021

Initial work on toe drain clean outs

October 2021

Placing concrete in spillway backfill crop structure in auxiliary spillway and install cofferdam around riser.

November 2021

Roller-compacted concrete drop structure completed. Auxiliary spillway is rough graded, top soil spread, and winter rye planted.

December 2021

Riser construction begun.

January 2022

Construction of the auziliary spillway is complete with seed, mulch and matting installed.

Feb to July 2022

Eagle nesting season - construction halted

August 2022

Riser construction completed: reinforced steel and formwork for the riser lid and hatch, cement poured and finished

September 2022

Forms removed from riser lid, metalwork on riser installed. Final erosion control completed, construction finished.


RCC and Cofferdam

RCC Test Pad

During Construction: RCC Drop Structure under construction with RCC Plant and Staging AReas


During Construction: Cofferdam for riser

Prep for Riser

Reinforcing steel and access hatch for riser lid

The Pour

Post Construction: Embankment with staging areas to left

Photos courtesy of CCWRA

Beaver Creek Dam Rehab