Moisie River 2019

This story map will illustrate a canoe trip I ran in 2019 on the Moisie R. in Quebec, Canada

Ariving in "The Big Land"

We finally arrived in Labrador City after three uncomfortable and humbling days in a school bus. Excited to have finally reached the starting point of our month long journey we hop out of the bus for a quick photo up with the provinces welcome sign. Tomorrow we are to set out of the great Moisie River which flows from Labrador City all the way to Sept-Iles on the Saint-Lawrence River.

Long and grueling lake days were quicky made worthwhile when we arrived at the mouth of the Moisie. Just days in we paddle into the beautiful canyons which make this river so popular and documented for canoe trippers. We are also now getting to practice our white water paddling skills as well as fish.

Beautiful waterfall midway down one of many portages

No photo sums up the awe inspiring beauty of Eastern Quebec and the Moisie river than this. This was our collective favourite campsite near the confluence of the Capaocho River about 15 days into the trip. The campsite is centered on an island with perfect all around views of the exposed rock canyons. It really hekps to illustrate my love for this area of the world and my passion for the outdoors.

I hope to get back there soon

Map showing our journey from Labrador City to Sept-Iles

Ariving in "The Big Land"

Beautiful waterfall midway down one of many portages