HIST 8940

Early Modern China - Spring 2020


This story map has a small selection of premodern Chinese and Japanese volumes that are part of the  Wangensteen Historical Library 's collections. You can see many more of our premodern East Asian books and scrolls on  U-Media .


(Fu shi yan ke shen yao han, 1644)

In this slideshow, you will see a variety of images from vol. 1 of this 17th-century Chinese volume on eye diseases and cures.

Visit U-Media to see the entire  1st volume . You can also find volumes  2 ,  3 ,  4 ,  5 , and  6  on U-Media.


She tai zhen duan (n.d., c. 1800)

WZ260 S539 1800

Here is a selection of images from this amazing Chinese volume on tongue diagnosis in an accordion binding. See the rest of it on  U-Media .

Acupuncture Charts

Japanese acupuncture charts represent the uses of Chinese medical theory throughout East Asia in the early modern period. Below are two acupuncture charts in a set of four printed in Japan in 1661. Check out the other two in  U-Media .

人身五臓之圖 - Jinshin gozō no zu (1661)

臧志 ; 臧志並附錄

Zōshi : narabi furoku, Volume 1 (1759)

This work describes causes and theories of diseases in traditional Chinese medicine practice during mid-eighteenth century. You can see the rest of  this volume , as well as  volume 2 , on U-Media.  WZ260 Y19z 1759  


Measles Posters (1862)

These posters were produced during a measles epidemic in Japan. They use popular culture to teach people how to care for themselves, both to prevent the disease and if they get the disease. See more  images .

Medical Exchanges between East Asia & Europe

Some texts in the Wangensteen vividly show the kinds of information that moved between East Asia and Europe, and how that information was transformed in the process. Below is one page of a flap anatomy from mid-Edo Japan. The work is anonymous and undated, but we, with lots of help, have determined that it was produced after Johannes Remmelin's flap anatomies. Interestingly, although many of the images and flaps are directly inspired by Remmelin's works, the theory represented in the volume is thoroughly Chinese. Read more about this interesting book in this  Thinking 3D blog post . We've been working on a project to animate this flap anatomy, and you can see a  screen recording of it now .

For comparison, see one of Remmelin's flap anatomy pages here.

About this resource

This Story Map was created in March 2020 in order to deliver digital content to HIST 8940 at the University of Minnesota during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Because in-person class meetings were cancelled, we assembled a variety of resources that would have been used during a class visit to the Wangensteen. See more of the Wangensteen's digitized premodern East Asian materials at  umedia.lib.umn.edu .

We chose to use Story Maps because of its ability to function on laptops and mobile devices.

These artifacts and books are all part of the Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine's collections at the University of Minnesota. The library is open to the public Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. We are located on the 5th floor of Diehl Hall. Visit us online at z.umn.edu/whl

Curator: Lois Hendrickson, MLIS // Assistant Curator: Emily Beck, PhD

人身五臓之圖 - Jinshin gozō no zu (1661)