Trepanier Creek Greenway Regional Park

A natural forested park with a linear trail along the canyon of Trepanier Creek.

Washrooms, Waterfall, Hiking, On-Leash Dogs

Trepanier Creek Greenway Regional Park is a natural, forested area bordering the canyon of Trepanier Creek in Peachland. The trail is a 5 km corridor from the Okanagan Connector Highway 97-C to Peachland Elementary School. From 1909 to 1947 there was a small hyrdoelectric power plant on the creek. Remnants of the dam are still visible.

Trepanier Creek Greenway Regional Park


Regional Parks are open dawn to dusk. Park hours shift seasonally.

Jan 1 to Feb 28 - 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Mar 1 to May 31 - 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Jun 1 to Aug 31 - 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Sept 1 to Oct 14 - 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Oct 15 to Dec 31 - 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Spring: During spring runoff, keep away from the creek banks and edge as water may rise unexpectedly and banks may be slippery.

Winter: Reduced maintenance of parking areas and facilities from approximately November to March.


The  parking lot  for Trepanier Creek Greenway Regional Park is off the Trepanier off-ramp from Okanagan Connector Highway 97-C.

There is also access and  street parking  available on Clements Crescent.


View or download a  PDF park map . This is GPS-enabled and can track your location in real-time using your mobile device and a third-party app (e.g. Avenza).

Parks Services Main Office

1450 KLO Rd, Kelowna BC


Washrooms, Waterfall, Hiking, On-Leash Dogs