Climate Change in Kiribati

How will rising sea levels effect Kiribati?

Kiribati is an island-country located in the central Pacific Ocean containing 33 atolls (ring-shaped islands or reefs)



  • Population - About 111,796 (as of July 2020)
  • 1.09% population growth rate
  • 55.6% of the total population in urban areas
  • 3.19% Urbanization rate
  • Most populated city: South Tarawa, population 64,000 (as of 2018)


Most of Kiribati's income comes from fishing in their biodiverse coral reefs. Its most profitable exports are copra, breadfruit, and fish. According to, "The public sector dominates economic activity, with ongoing capital projects in infrastructure including road rehabilitation, water and sanitation projects, and renovations to the international airport, spurring some growth". Kiribati's economy relies on foreign government aid, fishing exports, coconut exports, and tourism. All of which are threatened by sea level rise.

Climate Impact: Sea Level Rise

Human-caused climate change has caused our oceans to rise. This can have disastrous effects on coastal communities and coastal ecosystems. Kiribati is predicted to be one of the countries most impacted by climate change, in part to its vulnerability to sea-level rise. It is less than 2 meters above sea level. It is experiencing flooding, contamination of water sources, and food scaricty.

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Land Loss/Flooding

Already 2 of the islands in Kiribati, Abanuea, and Tebua Tarawa have been completely flooded and no longer exist. As water levels rise, towns in Kiribati are flooding and the island itself may be also soon be consumed by water. The streets of Kiribati are filling with water more and more often from the rising tides and an increase in storms. Citizens are frequently being displaced as their homes and businesses are being destroyed. Most Kiribatians live in the capital of South Tarawa, which has over 100,000 inhabitants. This city is very vulnerable to flooding due to its low elevation. As a result, most Kiribatians are liable to losing their homes. Loss of outer islands and erosion of beeches causes Kiribati to be even more susceptible to damage from an increase of storms due to climate change.

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Contamination of Fresh Water - Food and Water Security Impact

Loss of outer islands has increased storm surges that contaminate drinking water and water used for agriculture. Rising sea levels have also led to contamination of groundwater, which is killing native plants and destroying crops. Almost all agricultural crops in the capital South Tarawa have been killed. This is causing food scarcity. Kiribati's main three crops, breadfruit trees, papaya, and taro are all susceptible to dying from salinization of groundwater. Drinking water has also been contaminated with saltwater. In addition, climate disasters are also causing water scarcity. The Buota water reserve in South Tarawa, Kiribati is one of the two major water sources in Kiribati's capital South Tarawa. Flooding from rising sea levels caused to Tarawa bridge to collapse in June 2008, severing pipelines from the water reserve. Two years later KAP III (Kiribati Adaption Program Phase III) was able to replace the bridge and lay down new pipes. This will benefit citizens living in South Tarawa that don't live near the other water reserve. They can now access safe drinking water without having to commute to the Bonriki reserve. This will also prevent Bonriki from being overpumped

Coral Reefs - Ecosystem Impact

Increased storms and the warming of the oceans have damaged most of the coral reefs surrounding Kiribati. Warming temperatures instigate coral bleaching. This causes a tragic and irreversible loss of biodiversity as many marine animals are left without a habitat. This is also having negative impacts on Kiribati's economy as there is a drastic loss of revenue from the lack of fishing from coral reefs. Coral reefs are also being affected by ocean acidification and stronger storm tides.

Infographic from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Climate Impact: Health Hazards

Warmer temperatures and food and water contamination will increase the spread of infectious diseases in Kiribati. Kiribati is predicted to experience warmer temperatures for longer times, and more periods of drought, due to climate change. This improves the conditions for viruses and bacterial strains to breed. Pacific islands have always been vulnerable to disease outbreaks. Since 2012, Pacific Islands have had over 40 large infectious disease outbreaks. It is that predicted that even under high or low emission scenarios, the transmission of dengue fever in Kiribati will increase due to increased temperatures during the mid-century. According to the WHO, "In Kiribati, climate change is expected to increase the risk of infectious and vector-borne diseases, particularly dengue fever, diarrhoeal disease, and cholera. Populated areas such as the capital city of Tarawa may be most heavily impacted". Extreme climate events often destroy health facilities or other resources used during disease outbreaks. This makes the elderly and those with pre-existing health issues in Kiribati especially vulnerable to climate change impacts.

Predicted increased rates of dengue fever transmission in Kiribati according to WHO


The most vulnerable populations who will be affected by climate change in Kiribati are the elderly, those with existing health conditions, low-income households, farmers, and fishers. The elderly and those of poor health are especially susceptible to the increased spread of disease caused by Kiribati's changing climate. Low-income households will have less adaptive capability when it comes to relocation and emigration. They will be impacted more if their houses or businesses are flooded or destroyed from rising sea levels, because they may not be able to afford new housing. Farmers and fishermen whose income comes mainly from fish or agricultural sales and export are at risk of losing their jobs and economic stability.

Current Event: Solutions and Politics

Former President Anote Tong

Former President Anote Tong recognized this as a climate emergency. He met with several other countries in several accords to advocate for substantial action to negate the effects of this climate catastrophe. In order to help his citizens, Tong bought land in Fiji and China for Kiribatians to emigrate to in the case of all islands flooding and becoming uninhabitable. In his eyes, Kiribati’s situation is an emergency in need of immediate action. Loss of buildings, land, money, and food is making Kiribati almost unlivable. It will be quite possible that residents will need to leave for their own safety. He believes that human-caused climate change is the root of this problem, and encourages and calls for humans to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions so that what is happening in Kiribati can be avoided in other countries. According to, president Tong succeeded in raising global awareness for Kiribati’s plight.

President Taneti Maamau

Newly elected president Taneti Maamau has a different approach to what needs to be done to Kiribati. Instead of encouraging emigration from Kiribati, Maamau plans to raise the islands. He will dredge materials such as sand and gravel from underneath the islands, then pour massive amounts on top of the islands to raise them higher above sea level. Multiple climate scientists and engineers do agree that this solution could possibly work, but it will be expensive. People and buildings will need to be temporarily relocated for all of this to work. Maamau also plans on building large storm walls along the coastlines of Kiribati to protect from the storms. He is quoted by the Guardian saying that we need to “put aside the misleading and pessimistic scenario of a sinking, deserted nation”. He rejects Tong’s idea of emigration. Instead, he plans on continuing to develop Kiribati with new infrastructure and technologies. Maamau does not believe the solution lies in negotiating and solving climate change. In a 2017 climate conference with Germany, he says “Climate change is indeed a serious problem, but we don’t believe that Kiribati will sink like the Titanic ship. Our country, our beautiful lands, are created by the hands of God” He believes sea levels will continue to rise even if our carbon emissions are negated. So the solution lies in bettering Kiribati, not solving climate change


  • Disease surveillance: The Environmental Health Unit (EHU) in Kiribati’s Ministry of Health & Medical Services (MHMS) has begun a surveillance and study of climate sensitive diseases to help with Kiribati's health security. It has also refurbished and built new laboratories to study these diseases.
  • Water Security - Kiribati government is constructing a new Tamana water pump in Southern Kiribati which will reduce water contamination by pumping directly from closed wells,
  • Mangrove forest restoration - Community based organizations in Kiribati are replanting mangrove trees along the coastlines of Kiribati's islands to help prevent coastal erosion and to protect against storm surges
  • Relocation - Many citizens are being forced to emigrate from Kiribari
  • Storm walls construction


Kiribati is one of the world's smallest greenhouse gas emitters. According to the WHO, in 2014 Kiribati emitted .59 tons of CO2 per capita, compares to the U.S., which produced 14.95 tons. However, Kiribati is one of the countries that will be most affected by climate change. To reduce its carbon emissions, Kiribati has instigated the Kiribati Integrated Environmental Policy in 2012, the KIRIBATI JOINT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR CLIMATE CHANGE AND DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT in 2014, and signed the Paris Accord in 2016.

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While climate change may seem like an abstract issue for future generations to worry about, it is a very real and prevalent issue in many places in the world, including Kiribati. It is affecting their food security, water resources, health, coral reefs, and causing flooding and storm damage. All of these problems will continue to worsen as global temperatures continue to increase and the oceans continue to rise. Without swift and effective serious carbon emission reduction, what is happening in Kiribati may happen to many other countries. Changing to more sustainable diets, transferring to clean energy sources, shifting to sustainable and clean transportation systems, and more conversations/conferences about climate change can all contribute to a positive more sustainable future. As for what must be done in Kiribati, I believe that aid from other countries will be vital to the country's recovery. As it is especially vulnerable to climate change, and one of the least responsible, it is the right thing for others around the world to step in and help. This is being done with climate relief programs taking place in Kiribati.

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World Health Organization

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ABC, . “King Tides Contaminate Water, Destroy Crops in Kiribati - Kiribati.” ReliefWeb, 2014,,clean%20water%20to%20affected%20communities.

Pala, Christopher. “Kiribati's President's Plans to Raise Islands in Fight against Sea-Level Rise.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 10 Aug. 2020,

Corporativa, Iberdrola. “Kiribati, the First Country Rising Sea Levels Will Swallow up as a Result of Climate Change.” Iberdrola, 2021,,for%20islands%20and%20coastal%20regions.

United Nations Development Program, . “Enhancing Whole of Islands Approach to Strengthen Community Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks in Kiribati: UNDP Climate Change Adaptation.” Home, 2021,

Union of Concerned Scientists, . “Rising Sea Level in the Republic of Kiribati: Global Warming Effects.” Rising Sea Level in the Republic of Kiribati | Global Warming Effects, 2011,

., World Health Organization. “CLIMATE AND HEALTH COUNTRY PROFILE - 2017 Kiribati.” 2017. 

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Infographic from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Predicted increased rates of dengue fever transmission in Kiribati according to WHO

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