Mapi Help Guide


Welcome to the Taupo Mapi help guide. Use the above menu to jump to a guide for a particular tool.

Please contact us if you require further assistance understanding how to use a tool or for future Mapi suggestions.

Map Navigation

Check out the image below to find out how to navigate Mapi.

Mapi Navigation

Attribute Table

The attribute table is used to view map information in a table format.

Click the up arrow at the bottom of the screen. This table can be dragged up or down to adjust its screen size. There is a tab for each of the different layers available within the map. Double clicking on a row within a table will zoom you to its location on the map. 

Some of the layers are national datasets. For example, the Schools tab will show 2557 features, not all of these are within the Taupo District. Select 'Filter by map extent' to hide all features that are not within the display view. 

This table can be treated like a spreadsheet with the ability to order fields by clicking on each field and choosing ascending or descending. Further options allow you to create a filter based off attribute information, show/hide fields, or export the table to a CSV.


Use the Legend to view the symbology for the map layers that you have turned on in the layer list.

Layer List

Use the Layer List tool to turn on and off the map layers. Layers can be searched using the magnify glass.

Each layer has a menu which is accessed through the three dots. This allows users to change a layer's transparency or visibility range, remove pop-ups, change layer order and view the layer in a table format.

If a layer is shown in grey, it is not available to show at that scale. Zoom into the map to view the layer or alter the visibility range within the layer settings.

Add Data

The Add Data tool enables you to add extra data to the map that is not within the layer list. This can include layers from other organisations that have been hosted through ArcGIS Online or local layers that can be uploaded.

Datasets available to be added to the map are datasets shared by the Waikato Councils on the Waikato Data Portal. Either search for key words or an organisation name to get started. Alternatively you can use the down arrow next to 'Curated' to change to an all of ArcGIS Online and search through international datasets that are publicly available.

If you have your own dataset to add, this can be done using the URL or File tab. Files that can be added include Shapefiles, CSV, KML, GPX and GeoJSON.


Open the Basemap Gallery to change the basemap to one of the available options. You may find that imagery is not the best option for your map depending on the content, scale and use.


Use bookmarks to quickly change location within the map. Bookmarks have been set up for each of the communities however you can also add your own bookmarks using the 'Add' button to set your own location.

Note that newly added bookmarks are saved to a web browser's cache. They will be removed after you clear your browser cache.


The Select tool enables you to interactively select features on the map.

Choose how you would like to select the information using the down arrow within the green select button. By default this is rectangle but it can be changed to point, polygon, circle, line or lasso.

Once you have made a selection, the results will show with the number of selected items per layer. For example, 35 water pipes.

Click on the number to display a list of features. Clicking on each label will zoom you to that feature.

Access the menu for each layer using the three dots to decide what to do with your selection. This includes: zooming, viewing statistics, viewing attribute table, creating as a layer or exporting features.

You can limit your results by removing layers from being selectable using the tick box by each layer.

Once you have finished with your selection you will need to press clear. Closing the tool does not remove the selection.


The swipe tool is used to easily compare different layers. Some scenarios include using it to look at imagery over different years, or to see below an area covered by a large feature.

If you have multiple layers turned on that are swipeable, a small box will appear with a drop down allowing you to choose what layer to swipe.

Drag the swipe bar to the left and right to change the layer exposure.

This image shows 2012 imagery on the left and 2020 imagery on the right.


Query tool is an easy way to search a layer using multiple attribute information that returns a detailed list of results. This is currently set up for our water services and includes information such as Asset ID, Asset Class, Material and Diameter.

Select the attributes you wish to search on. Start typing a value into the search for that attribute. If 'search more' text displays, please select this to include the whole dataset. Tick all the values you wish to search

Spatial filters can be included to return results: only within the current display, within a drawn shape, or results that intersect a chosen layer.

Once you have completed choosing your search criteria select 'Apply'. This will now bring up a results page of your search. You can choose to see all the details attributed to the features or you can collapse this for a less detailed list.

Clicking on each of the features in the list will zoom you to that feature. Use the three dot menu to further interact with the information including changing the symbol colour, viewing in a table, saving and exporting.


The measuring tool is used for one off measurements of areas, distance or coordinates. Select the type of measurement and the measuring unit. The measuring unit can be changed after the drawing using the down arrow. This is useful for unit conversions.

For measurement of an area: click on each corner of the area you wish to measure in clockwise order, double click on the last corner.

For coordinate locating: click on the location of interest.

For measurement of a distance: click on the start of the location, double click and the end of the location. You can measure lengths around corners by single clicking at each corner. Note that this will still give you one total length rather than segment length.

If you want to view multiple measurements use the draw tool.


The Draw tool allows you to create graphics that display on the map. It can optionally add various measurement to a feature as text.

Note that the size of the text remains the same regardless of the scale of the map. Text and shapes cannot be edited after they are drawn. Choose the Undo or Clear button and start again.

Point: Select symbol category using the down arrow next to Basic. Alternatively you can upload your own symbol picture. Select symbol, size, and location measurement (coordinates) if desired. Click on map at desired point.

Straight Line: Choose colour, style, transparency, width and measurements. Within the map, click and drag from the desired start point to the end of the chosen line.

Poly Line: Choose colour, style, transparency, width and measurements. Within the map, click at the starting point and then single clicking at each corner. Double click to finish the line.

Polygon: Choose a preset colour for the area, or use the colour swabs, transparency and outline width to set your own colouring type. Optionally turn on area and/or perimeter measurements. Click on each corner of the area you wish to draw within the map. Make sure that you do this in order as the outline will be connected. Double click on the last corner.

Text: Type text into the text field. Choose font colour and font size. Click on the map where you want the center of the text to appear.


The print map will export the map image into the chosen format (PDF by default, AIX, EPS, GIF, PNG32, PNG8, SVG, SVGZ).

Give your map a title, select a layout type (paper size, orientation and with/without legend), and a format.

For high quality prints click Advance where you can increase the DPA from 96 or control the scale and spatial reference.


The Share tool allows users to share a map with other people.

Click on Link options to control the map settings that are passed with the URL.


Please contact us using this survey if you require further assistance understanding how to use a tool or for future Mapi suggestions.

Mapi Navigation