South 40th Street Improvement Project

Yankee Hill Road to Rokeby Road

Google Maps street view of South 40th Street at Rokeby Road, Lincoln, NE.


Thank you for taking a moment to learn more about improvements on South 40th Street from Yankee Hill Road to Rokeby Road!

Please begin by watching the short video below. Then, scroll down to view project information. Once you have reviewed the online meeting, you will have the opportunity to submit questions or request a meeting with our project team members.


It is the City of Lincoln Transportation and Utilities’ mission to responsibly deliver, enhance and maintain vital infrastructure that serves the transportation needs of the Lincoln community. With planned development and projected traffic volumes in mind, the City is widening South 40th Street, from Yankee Hill Road to Rokeby Road.

The map on the right shows this project is being completed in two phases:

Phase 1 - South 40th Street and Rokeby Road intersection.

Phase 2 - South 40th Street roadway from north of Rokeby Road to Yankee Hill Road, including intersections.

If you would like to review the project map in more detail, download  the PDF version  or click on the map to the right. The final project footprint has not been determined. Maps presented in this meeting are not intended to show final design or right-of-way impacts.


Design plans include widening approximately one mile of South 40th Street, between Yankee Hill to Rokeby roads and improving the intersections along South 40th Street at Rokeby Road, Prairie Wind Road and Hohensee Drive. Additionally, a portion of Rokeby Road extending east from the South 40th Street intersection to Snapdragon Road will be constructed. All improvements will meet current design standards.

The roadway will carry two traffic lanes as it does today with the addition of a median. The City is proactively planning for traffic increases by including the option to expand South 40th Street to four lanes in the future.

Roundabouts are planned for the intersections of South 40th Street and Rokeby Road along with South 40th Street and Prairie Wind Road. Studies show roundabouts are one of the safest intersection types and are designed to keep traffic moving.

City engineers are analyzing solutions including the development of a new bridge between Coral Bell Drive and Prairie Wind Road. The existing pedestrian trail would continue under the bridge. Other important enhancements to the intersections and corridor include sidewalks that meet American with Disabilities Act, also known as "ADA" standards.

South 40th Street traffic will be detoured during construction, which is expected to start in spring of 2022. Access to adjacent properties and emergency services will be maintained via alternate routes.

These are not the only improvements happening in this area. Visit the City of Lincoln website at  and search “transportation” to learn more about Lincoln’s transportation improvements and other projects.

If you would like to review the project map in more detail, download  the PDF version  or click on the map to the right. The final project footprint has not been determined. Maps presented in this meeting are not intended to show final design or right-of-way impacts.


The City and project team are still working through the preliminary design, so the final footprint may change. Our team is working to minimize impacts to adjacent properties. We do know temporary and permanent right-of-way will be necessary to widen the roadway. When the design process is complete, the right-of-way process begins. Staff will contact property owners along the route to answer questions and discuss the right-of-way process.

Street view of Lincoln, NE intersection at Rokeby Road and South 40th Street looking north.

South 40th Street & Rokeby Road


This improvement project is projected to cost an estimated $8.2 million. This project is currently funded by Highway Allocation Funds, Street Improvement Vehicle Tax commonly known as Wheel Tax, and impact fees through the City of Lincoln.

Highway Allocation Funds are a combination of Motor Vehicle Registrations, Vehicle Sales Tax, and Motor Fuels Gas Tax collected at the state level. Street Improvement Vehicle Tax is collected on vehicles registered in the City Limits. Impact fees are fees developers, property owners and businesses pay when the City installs infrastructure on their property. Funds accrued from impact fees assist with funding streets like this South 40th Street Improvement Project, water and wastewater lines, and parks.

To develop the design, Lincoln Transportation and Utilities has collected data through field surveys, completed a traffic and crash analysis, and considered a variety of environmental and engineering factors to create a sustainable and efficient traffic solution for this growing city.

Following this online meeting, the project team will analyze input and right-of-way activities. Permitting and final design will begin. A public meeting will be held prior to construction to present final plans and for additional public feedback.

It is expected that Phase 1 - the South 40th Street and Rokeby Road intersection improvements are expected to occur from spring to late fall of 2022. Phase 2 – South 40th Street roadway improvements from north of Rokeby Road to Yankee Hill Road including intersections are expected to occur from spring of 2023 to fall of 2024. Project dates and times are subject to change due to weather and unforeseen circumstances.

Expected Construction Schedule


Want to meet with the project team?

Thank you for reviewing public meeting materials. Submit your comments and questions or request a meeting through the comment form below and a project team member will get back to you.

To stay up-to-date with the project, visit  and search “40th”.

South 40th Street & Rokeby Road