Service & Provider Shortage
A review and summary of Rural Health Scholar research impacted by service & provider shortage.
Mental Health / SUD
Scholar Observations
- There is a need for more mental health clinicians on the Island, especially those who specialize in work with elders, 2011 RHS Presentation & 2014
- Need for more 1:1 counseling for SUD cases and a centralized person/team to manage long-term care, 2016 RHS Presentation
- Shortage of mental health providers that specialize in late teens/early adulthood, 2021 RHS Presentation
- Shortage of SUD services that specialize in late teens/early adulthood, 2021 RHS Presentation
- May also consider a full time youth MH specialist for MVRHS
Scholar Recommendations
- Recommended attract more MH providers for the 16-26 age group, 2021 RHS Presentation ‡
Summary of the Community's response so far Martha's Vineyard Community Services is currently rolling out a comprehensive program to attract new MH clinicians to the Island across different specialized areas/age groups.
Last updated 6.17.2022
Elder Services Shortage
Scholar Observations
- Long wait to see primary care providers that specialize in elderly care, 2013 RHS Presentation , 2014 & 2018
- Elders use the ED as a backup, 2013 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- N/A
Summary of the Commuity's response so far
No updates to share at this time (6.17.2022)
Women's Health
Scholar Observations
- There needs to be better access to pregnancy termination for the Island population, 2017 RHS Presentation
- There needs to be better access to specialized care – women’s health and specialties related to healthy pregnancy, 2017 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
Summary of the Community's response so far
No updates to share at this time (6.17.2022)
Food and Housing
Scholar Observations
- Support the effort to expand housing court to the Cape and Islands, 2015 RHS Presentation
- There are few medically tailored meal options on the Island, 2021 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
Summary of the Community's response so far
No updates to share at this time (6.17.2022)