Catalogue of GIS Data for Educators

Material developed to streamline teachers GIS workflows.

Step by step Search in ArcGIS Online

Finding the accurate information that we need for our GIS project or class sometimes might me challenging. As any search engine, its key to know which are the key terms that should be used to find the best available information, as well as filter and customization on the search process so the lookup is more straight forward towards the objective.

Key words - Catalogue ArcGIS Online

Filters on search

To tailor a bit more your search you can use filters on your search by limiting the GIS data lookup to a certain extent by pressing the button: “Only show content within map area” (ex. Just info in Australia, just in Queensland or in Brisbane) or by the other layer attributes such as the item type, the modification date among others.

In Map Viewer Classic

In the new Map Viewer

Filters on layers

An example has been done using the GIS Layer:  World Countries .

In Map Viewer Classic

  1. Select the layer that you would like to filter, click on the filter icon next to the change style button, highlighted in red in the image below.

2. Click on add expression, select the field that you want to filter by (Country Name in this case), select and expression (is, is not, includes, expression may vary depending on the data type) con and then select the value that you want to be represented.

3. When you are happy with your expression(s) click on apply filter. After this, just the remaining values after the filter application will render in the map. In this case would be just Australia above all the other countries.

In the new Map Viewer

  1. Select the layer that you would like to filter, click on the filter icon on the right pane below to the change style button, highlighted in red in the image below.

2. Click on add expression, select the field that you want to filter by (Country Name in this case), select and expression (is, is not, includes, expression may vary depending on the data type) con and then select the value that you want to be represented.

3. When you are happy with your expression(s) click on Save. After this, just the remaining values after the filter application will render in the map. In this case would be just Australia above all the other countries.

Other sources of GIS Data AUS

Any layer missing?
