The Platte River
The Gateway to the West
Sources and Mouth of the Platte
The above map shows four key places along the Platte River. It shows the mouth, located in East Nebraska along the Missouri River. Another point shows where the confluence of the North and South Platte River lies, near the city of North Platte. The two points in Colorado, located in Jackson and Park County each respectively represent the sources for the North and South Platte Rivers. This map should lend itself to hint towards the historical significance the Platte River holds given the development of the United States westward and the importance proximity to water always provides.
River and Watershed Information
Platte River Watershed (Image from GRDC)
The image of the watershed shows the vast region that the Platte River supplies water for. Through various streams and tributaries the river covers a large amount of three states and contains major cities like Denver, Lincoln and part of Omaha. Much of the above region is largely agricultural, showing how those that live within the area utilize the water. The image of the watershed also displays the significant of the Continental Divide as in Colorado the reaches of the watershed meet an end at the Rocky Mountains.
Streamflow Data for South Bend, NE near the mouth of the river (GRDC)
The above data of the flow in South Bend, Nebraska, near the mouth of the Platte River, shows to what extent the amount of flow in and out fluctuated, specifically during the late 1960's. In general the times of higher streamflow coincided with the spring or summer seasons, including a major spike in mid 1967.
Precipitation and Temperature Data
Precipitation and Temperature Data for Fremont, NE near the mouth of the Platte (U.S. Climate Data)
The data for precipitation and temperature show why there was likely a spike in flow during the summer given the heightened precipitation during May and June. It should also be noted that the rainfall in Fremont NE, near the mouth of the Platte, is notably higher than the rainfall near either the North or South Platte sources.
Precipitation and Temperature Data for Walden, CO near the source of the North Platte (U.S. Climate Data)
Compared to the data further along in the river, Walden, CO is much drier and colder. This can be attributed to the location of the source being in the mountains compared to the source in the plains. As the source, the higher precipitation in the summer again likely contributes to the increased flow during this time of the year.
Precipitation and Temperature Data for Denver, CO near the source of the South Platte (U.S. Climate Data)
The data from Denver shows how a metropolitan area can also vary. Given this area will by nature be more habitable, the data shows less stark extremes for both temperature and precipitation. However the persistent trend of increased precipitation in the summer repeats again here, implying a direct connection with the increased flow.
History and Geography of the River
Image of Sandhill Cranes on the River (Nebraska Wildlife)
The river earned its name from the very flat nature that early French settlers observed. As more settlers came small developments were built along the river including towns like Grand Island, Lexington, and Kearney. Later developments began along the North and South Platte Rivers with certain forts being built like Fort Laramie in Wyoming and Fort Collins along the Cache La Poudre tributary of the South Platte. Early on the river was also integral in the Oregon Trail and the Pony Express, showing itself to be key in America's expansion westward (Pony Express). In later American history the South Platte also had the city of Denver grow with the Front Range Corridor Metropolitan Area boasting millions of people today, primarily sustained by the Platte River.
Human Development
Denver Skyline (The Independent)
The agricultural industry has been integral in the history and use of the Platte River. Nebraska is known as a largely agricultural state, as are the parts of the watershed in Colorado and Wyoming. As such the watershed/river is responsible for supplying much of the United States were certain produce like corn, wheat and soybeans. Denver and the Front Range area account for most of the human population in the watershed. However certain smaller cities like Grand Island, Cozad, Gothenburg and Scottsbluff lie directly on the river with most of their population coming as a direct result of their proximity to a large source of water.
Issues Facing the Platte River
One logical issue facing the river is the increasing population in the Denver Metro Area. With a sharply growing population, more water is required, leading to possible droughts and water shortages in the future. Similarly, with the recent side effects of climate change, the alterations to snowfall and rainfall patterns can lead to higher risk of flooding and subsequent issues with agriculture and real estate.
The Platte River, while not one of America's best known rivers holds great influence over millions of people. It holds a diverse range of biomes and geographical phenomenons from the mountains in Colorado to the plains in Nebraska. In the future it's integral that we watch how human population continues to develop to ensure that the river remains clean and stable.