A Just Transition from Coal in South Baltimore

"Looking Back & Building Forward" Earth Day Celebration in Curtis Bay, 2023

COAL POSES SERIOUS PROBLEMS FOR OUR HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT… and we have millions of tons of it across the street from our homes, parks, and businesses. 

Nearly a quarter of the coal exported from the United States passes through the city of Baltimore. And roughly 130,000 people in Baltimore live within 0.3 miles of uncovered coal.

New research finds increased health risks from coal transport:

1.    Coal is transported and stored uncovered.

2.    The transport results in significant emissions of PM2.5 in dense urban populations.

3.    An impact assessment revealed significant increases in mortality and morbidity.

4.    The results indicate important global impacts on economically disadvantaged populations.

" Collaborative Investigation  of Coal Dust, Air Pollution, and Health Concerns in Curtis Bay , South Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2022-2023"


Is coal currently profitable?


What does coal’s future look like?

The demand for new coal power plants has collapsed since the 2015 Paris Agreement, with more than 75 percent of the planned coal plants being scrapped. This is an uplifting statistic that suggests coal’s days are numbered.

Doesn’t coal currently support American jobs?


Pollution is NO accident in Curtis Bay. This isn’t a new story. We’ve seen this a hundred times before. How can we learn from this history so that it doesn’t repeat itself again?"

Imagining a Coal Free Curtis Bay


In critical coal ports and communities around the world, possible alternatives like hydrogen, wheat and other grains stand out.

Richmond, California, USA

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Port of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

A Coruña, Galicia, Spain

Gijon, Asturias, Spain

Fushun, Liaoning, China

Puerto Bolívar, La Guajira, Colombia

Richmond, California, USA

Alternatives: The LRT has continued shipping its other bulk commodities like construction materials, iron ore, scrap steel, and more. These goods are brought to LRT via the Richmond Pacific Railroad or by truck from Interstate Highway 580. Iron ore particles are difficult to inhale, have low toxicity, and require long-term proximity to cause irritation ( Territory Iron ). Some construction materials can cause hazards  and also need to be stored safely to prevent deterioration. Context: In 1981 the Part-Richmond Terminal Corporation acquired the now named Levin-Richmond Terminal in Richmond California to ship bulk goods like scrap metal, ore, limestone, and coal (  LRTC  ). After thousands of residents complained to the city about toxic coal dust blowing into their community, the local city council passed an ordinance phasing out the storage of coal by 2026 (CBS). In the meantime, the terminal is required to spray an industrial oil designed to prevent coal dust from becoming airborne, is subject to more rigorous inspection, and more interim safety measures ( Richmond ).

Credit image:  PD US NOAA , via Wikimedia Commons.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Alternatives: PoA is exploring hydrogen as a sustainable inclusion in its shipping portfolio. They’re discussing transporting hydrogen produced via green electricity (green hydrogen) through a pipeline to the port. This hydrogen will be supplied to industry partners in the region. Hydrogen is a more effective energy producer than coal, but it takes up more space and is highly flammable, requiring more care to store. Context: The Port of Amsterdam has operated since the fourteenth century and is the fourth largest port in Europe (  Port of Amsterdam  ). The port has committed to phasing out coal handling by 2030 because of the significant decrease in coal exports and in pursuit of clean energy alternatives (  Darby  ). Activists in the Netherlands have targeted the ports because of their health effects and the country’s otherwise green reputation ( EJAtlas ). Image credit: Onderwijsgek, CC BY-SA 2.5 NL , via Wikimedia Commons.

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Alternatives: The port is now interested in becoming Europe’s Hydrogen Hub as hydrogen begins to replace things like coal and natural gas for heat generation ( Port of Rotterdam ). A German utility company called Onyx Power recently proposed a replacement for the Port of Rotterdam’s current coal-fired power station in the form of a “blue hydrogen project”, which produces some C02, unlike green hydrogen ( Parkes ). Context: The port of Rotterdam holds a 50% market share for fossil fuel in North-Western Europe, with about 90% of the port’s coal making its way to Germany and only 10% staying in Rotterdam. The Netherlands has plans to phase out the firing of coal in power stations by 2030, and Germany has tentative plans to decommission its coal-fired power plants by no later than 2038. ( Port of Rotterdam ). In 2008 the Rotterdam municipality and the Port Authority initiated the Rotterdam Climate Initiative with the goal of reducing the city's CO2 emissions by half by 2025. The initiative failed, with Rotterdam’s port instead increasing emissions by 50% relative to its initial goal ( Bosman et al. ). Image credit: Dicklyon, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Port of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

Alternatives: The Port of Newcastle has initiated a plan to diversify its cargo portfolio and create new storage capacities to handle renewable energies ( Port of Newcastle ). The CEO of the Port stated that “diversification is not an option” for the port, but rather “a must do, and as such, we are forging forward” ( Maritime Executive ). A component of this project is to enable the production of green hydrogen across industries so that the port can become a “fully integrated clean energy industrial hub.” There are even talks to create a Green Hydrogen Hub to produce and distribute green hydrogen across the globe, beginning with a feasibility study. In pursuit of these green futures, the port has also transitioned to a 100% clean energy model for its internal power consumption ( Port of Newcastle ). Context: The Port of Newcastle, Australia, is the largest coal export on the planet, and it exports around 165 megatons of coal a year. Overall, it handles 164 million tons of cargo, including dry bulk, bulk liquids, and more. Image credit: John Ward, John Ward Transport Collection, City of Sydney Archives., CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Alternatives: green hydrogen, renewable energy, and associated manufacturing. Context: South Africa is one of the most coal dependent countries in the world, with 89% of its electricity coming from the fossil fuel. South Africa does burn less coal than other countries, but it is highly dependent on the substance with little diversity in its energy production  (Frontiers ). Source:   https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frsc.2022.1059312/full   Image credit: Ossewa, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

A Coruña, Galicia, Spain

Alternatives: grains, glass, wood, cement, aluminium oxide and quartz ( La Voz de Galicia ). Context: the port went through billion-euro renovation 15 years ago, including a dome (Coal stockyard “La Medusa”) to reduce coal dust. Credit image: Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Gijon, Asturias, Spain

Alternatives: Coal as an energy provider in Spain is being replaced by renewable energies, with a target of 74% green electricity by 2030. The government has repealed taxes on solar grids, and investors have looked towards green hydrogen as a potential alternative energy source. Wind has also played an important part in the energy grid as Spain is the second highest wind energy producer in Europe ( ABC ). Context: In the 1950’s, the Spanish coal industry employed 100,000 people, but that number has plummeted to only 300 mining employees throughout the nation. The coal industry is in its twilight now, and in 2018 the Spanish government struck a “Just Transition” deal with the mining unions to allow miners up to age 48 to retire and to retrain everyone younger than that for clean-energy jobs. The downfall of the coal industry has pushed miners into other lines of work, but has also led to the end of service industries within dwindling coal communities ( CNN ). Image credit: Bafpg, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

Fushun, Liaoning, China

Alternatives: The coal pit was shut down but it still operates, albeit in a new form. The West Pit now acts as a “living industrial museum” to fuel tourism and has been repurposed to be more visually appealing. Context: In China, the Fushun West Pit was the largest open-pit coal mine in Asia and contributed 18 million tons of coal to Chinese industry in the early 1960s. The coal pit caused instability in the ground leading to mudslides and ground sinks, among other environmental hazards to the local community.  In 2019, after eleven decades in operation, the coal pit was shut down  (  Tianyuan and Youzhi  ). Source:   https://www.trip.com/travel-guide/attraction/fushun/fushun-coal-mine-museum-10795168/   Image credit: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Puerto Bolívar, La Guajira, Colombia

Alternatives: The government has proposed an Energy Transition fund to redirect taxes from the industry to projects phasing out coal in Colombia. These funds will also promote the agriculture, agroecology, and clean energy sectors ( BBC ). The country has announced that it will not award any new oil exploration contracts and will cease building large open pit coal mines. ( Reuters ). There is some uncertainty as to the exports that will replace the shipment of thermal coal. Context: Colombia’s primary mining export is thermal coal, and this export is especially critical to the economic activity of the La Guajira and Cesar regions of the country. ( Lopez and Patzy ) The Covid-19 pandemic collapsed the international coal trade in 2020 and 2021, causing 7,000 workers to lose their jobs and 85% of the municipality to lose their income in the La Jagua de Ibirico region. In the wake of this event, the newly elected, left-wing President of Colombia has promised a “green, not a black” future. ( BBC ) Image credit: Inf-Lite Teacher, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.


"Looking Back & Building Forward" Earth Day Celebration in Curtis Bay, 2023

Curtis Bay Community Ideas at Earth Day Celebration 2023

Curtis Bay Community Ideas at Earth Day Celebration 2023

What do we need now to start a just transition away from coal?

Our elected officials must commit to taking bold action to safeguard our health and the environment.

We need Governor Moore and the Maryland Department of the Environment to deny the renewal of the CSX coal terminal permit.

And we need the EPA to require that rail cars carrying coal be covered across the country.

Senate President Bill Ferguson responding to the community call for a just transition away from coal: "50% of all of the tonnage of the Port of Baltimore is through the exporting of coal... The economic impacts (of a shift away from coal) would be draconian, to say the least. There's going to be a larger plan needed to figure it out."


1. Create relief and equitable development funds, through per-ton fees and other mechanisms, for the communities that have hosted toxic waste and polluting infrastructure for decades.

2. Set stronger standards that protect our health, workers, and the environment, including a cumulative impacts law protecting overburdened communities.

3. Establish protections for workers as we transition from outdated technologies to current approaches.

4. Build and strengthen local end markets for compost, recycled commodities, and other sustainable materials.

5. End subsidies for the incinerators, landfills, and polluting industries we are transitioning away from.


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"Looking Back & Building Forward" Earth Day Celebration in Curtis Bay, 2023