A Just Transition from Coal in South Baltimore
"Looking Back & Building Forward" Earth Day Celebration in Curtis Bay, 2023
COAL POSES SERIOUS PROBLEMS FOR OUR HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT… and we have millions of tons of it across the street from our homes, parks, and businesses.
Nearly a quarter of the coal exported from the United States passes through the city of Baltimore. And roughly 130,000 people in Baltimore live within 0.3 miles of uncovered coal.
New research finds increased health risks from coal transport:
1. Coal is transported and stored uncovered.
2. The transport results in significant emissions of PM2.5 in dense urban populations.
3. An impact assessment revealed significant increases in mortality and morbidity.
4. The results indicate important global impacts on economically disadvantaged populations.
" Collaborative Investigation of Coal Dust, Air Pollution, and Health Concerns in Curtis Bay , South Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2022-2023"
Is coal currently profitable?
What does coal’s future look like?
The demand for new coal power plants has collapsed since the 2015 Paris Agreement, with more than 75 percent of the planned coal plants being scrapped. This is an uplifting statistic that suggests coal’s days are numbered.
Doesn’t coal currently support American jobs?
Pollution is NO accident in Curtis Bay. This isn’t a new story. We’ve seen this a hundred times before. How can we learn from this history so that it doesn’t repeat itself again?"
Imagining a Coal Free Curtis Bay
In critical coal ports and communities around the world, possible alternatives like hydrogen, wheat and other grains stand out.

Richmond, California, USA

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Port of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

A Coruña, Galicia, Spain

Gijon, Asturias, Spain

Fushun, Liaoning, China

Puerto Bolívar, La Guajira, Colombia
"Looking Back & Building Forward" Earth Day Celebration in Curtis Bay, 2023
Curtis Bay Community Ideas at Earth Day Celebration 2023
Curtis Bay Community Ideas at Earth Day Celebration 2023
What do we need now to start a just transition away from coal?
Our elected officials must commit to taking bold action to safeguard our health and the environment.
We need Governor Moore and the Maryland Department of the Environment to deny the renewal of the CSX coal terminal permit.
And we need the EPA to require that rail cars carrying coal be covered across the country.
Senate President Bill Ferguson responding to the community call for a just transition away from coal: "50% of all of the tonnage of the Port of Baltimore is through the exporting of coal... The economic impacts (of a shift away from coal) would be draconian, to say the least. There's going to be a larger plan needed to figure it out."
1. Create relief and equitable development funds, through per-ton fees and other mechanisms, for the communities that have hosted toxic waste and polluting infrastructure for decades.
2. Set stronger standards that protect our health, workers, and the environment, including a cumulative impacts law protecting overburdened communities.
3. Establish protections for workers as we transition from outdated technologies to current approaches.
4. Build and strengthen local end markets for compost, recycled commodities, and other sustainable materials.
5. End subsidies for the incinerators, landfills, and polluting industries we are transitioning away from.
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