Little Black River Watershed
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The purpose of this StoryMap is to educate and inform the public about the history, ongoing efforts, and current status of the Little Black River Watershed. Financial assistance for this project was provided by the Michigan Coastal Management Program, Water Resources Division, EGLE, with funding through the National Coastal Zone Management Program.
What is a watershed?

The Little Black River Watershed
Fisheries and Water Quality
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians (LTBBOI)
There is currently no data from LTTBBOI for fisheries or water quality in the Little Traverse Bay Watershed.
Michigan Department of Natural Resources (mDNR)
Some water quality data from mDNR suggests the the Little Black River as "warm transitional." This classification is for a marginal trout stream with mostly warm water fishes, but with some cold water fishes present.
United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Two structures on the Little Black River (Structure A Dam) and Smith Creek (Structure C Dam) have been identified as containing sea lamprey barriers. Data can be viewed at this link: Sea Lamprey Control Map (glfc.org)
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council (TOMWC)
In 2022, TOMWC monitored the Little Black River as part of their Volunteer Stream Monitoring program. The data collected included use of a multi-parameter probe and collection of macroinvertebrate data. See table below.
Parameter | Value |
Stream Grade (based on macroinvertebrate data) | C |
Depth (m) | 0.1415 |
Temperature (°C) | 16.528 |
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) | 8.57 |
Specific Conductivity (uS/cm) | 341.55 |
pH | 7.96 |
Total Nitrogen (ug/L) | 277.6 |
Total Phosphorous (ug/L) | 7.6 |
Chloride (mg/L) | 2.6 |
1920s - 1950s
Several reports indicate the need for flood control throughout the city of Cheboygan as the torrential rains and melting snow of Northern Michigan spring time cause mass flooding.
A PL-56 6 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Work Plan was approved in 1957. This work plan proposed a five-year project for the installation of land treatment and structural measures in the watershed. Land treatment measures for watershed protection included tree planting, forest stand improvement, streambank stabilization, drop spillway construction, and roadside erosion control. The structural measures included 4 floodwater retarding structures with a total capacity of 980-acre feet, 1.1 miles of diversion channel for Cemetery and Court Creeks, and 0.2 miles of new outlet channel for the Little Black River into the Straits of Mackinac.
early 1960s
Installation of dams at various locations throughout the city was completed including the 4 structures installed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Almost 15 years after the structures are installed, flooding occurs again along the Little Black River, affecting several homes and businesses, due to the improper maintenance of the structures and the buildup of debris creating a natural dam.
A Flood Plain Management Study was conducted on the Little Black River by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). This study outlined alternatives to flood plain management including resizing and replacing structures, controlling runoff and minimizing soil erosion, restoring the natural value of flood plains, zoning and building flood relief efforts, and improving flow conditions.

Structure A (#40)
Located off Campbell Rd.

Structure B (#42)
Located west of the Cheboygan Golf & Country Club.

Structure C (#47)
Located northwest of Pine Hill Cemetery

Structure D (#66)
Located off Woiderski Rd, west of Cheboygan High School.
Cheboygan County has a Hazard Mitigation Plan in place. This plan focused on hazards such as winter weather, public health, infrastructure failures, wildfires, dams, transportation accidents, hazmat, pipeline incident, severe winds, drought, structure fires, and flooding. It was created to protect the health, safety, and economic interests of the residents and businesses by reducing its impacts of natural hazards through planning, awareness, and implementation. The link to the 2023 Cheboygan County Hazard Mitigation Plan can be found here .
Structures A, B, C, and D are listed as a high potential hazard.
These structures have a real impact on the city of Cheboygan and its residents, especially in association with frequent flooding. There is a high need to perform repairs and/or remove these structures for the safety of the city's residents and infrastructure and the health of the watershed.
Beaugrand Township ( https://beaugrandtwp.org/ )
Cheboygan County ( https://www.cheboygancounty.net/ )
The City of Cheboygan ( https://www.cheboygan.org/ )
Michigan Department of Natural Resources ( https://www.michigan.gov/dnr )
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy ( https://www.michigan.gov/egle )
Great Lakes Fishery Commission ( https://www.glfc.org/ )
Huron Pines ( https://www.huronpines.org/ )
Inverness Township ( https://www.invernesstownship.com/ )
Natural Resources Conservation Service ( https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/ )
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council ( https://watershedcouncil.org/ )
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ( https://www.fws.gov/ )
Cheboygan County Office of Emergency Management (2023). Cheboygan Hazard Mitigation Plan .
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service (1997). Flood Plain Management Study, Little Black River.