Kewaunee Marina, Kewaunee County, WI - Revised April 2023

Kewanee Marina Boat Launch and Parking Lot, December 2022

In 2022 the Wisconsin Clean Marina program, backed by a Fund for Lake Michigan Grant, contracted with Ruekert Mielke, Inc. to conduct a study for improvements to the Kewaunee Marina Boat Launch. The improvements that were originally addressed in the study were water quality treatment of storm water runoff from the site, as well as the addition of a boat washing station. A project planning team was assembled with experts from various organizations to assist with project goals and expectations. The team encompassed the following members:

  • Terrence Tavera, Ruekert Mielke, Inc. (Project manager)
  • Theresa Qualls, Wisconsin Clean Marina
  • Julia Noordyk, University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute
  • Walter McDonald, Marquette University
  • Todd Breiby, Department of Administration – WI Coastal Management Program
  • Augie Kinjerski, City of Kewaunee

Drone image taken March, 2020 showing site flooding due to high Lake Michigan water levels

The project planning team identified the following goals:

  • Raise elevation of parking lot to reduce flooding
  • Capture storm water pollution form rain gardens
  • Install a boat wash station for boat cleaning and to stop aquatic invasive species
  • Modify boat ramp to make accessible during high and low lake water levels
  • Extend boardwalk to connection with marina

A concept plan was prepared to meet the project goals.

Draft Concept Plan

Open House held on September 20, 2022 at the Kewaunee Marina to share the concept plan and gather comments from the public.

Open House Handout

Final site plan and report were prepared in April, 2023


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Next Steps

  1. Final approval or acceptance of the Concept plan by the City of Kewaunee (February, 2023)

2. Application for construction grants from WI Clean Marina program for boat cleaning station and rain gardens/bioretention.

3. Secure funding by City for other site improvement costs.

4. Secure regulatory approvals.

5. Finalize design.

6. Bid and construct project.

7. Provide long-term maintenance of native vegetation rain gardens and long-term monitoring.

Please email comments to 

Revised: 4/21/23

Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.

Kewaunee Marina, WI

Kewanee Marina Boat Launch and Parking Lot, December 2022

Drone image taken March, 2020 showing site flooding due to high Lake Michigan water levels

Draft Concept Plan

Open House Handout