Crook Town Centre

This year's survey was carried out in July 2021


Crook town centre is anchored by national food retailers Aldi and Lidl in the town.

Most uses remain stable in the centre, however retail uses are falling and the rate is now the third lowest in the County.

A1 - Shops

The number of retail units in Crook has decreased by 6 this year to 57 units, accounting for 40.7% of all units within the centre.

A2 - Financial and Professional Services

Financial and professional services have decreased by two in Crook in 2021, at 9 units, 6.4%.

A3 - Restaurants and Cafes

Restaurants and cafes remained the same at 9 units or 6.4%.

A4 - Drinking Establishments

Drinking establishments have remained the same as 2020 at 9 or 6.4%.

A5 - Hot Food Takeaways

Hot food takeaways have remained at 11 units or 7.9%.

Vacant Units

Crook has seen a increase in its vacancy rate this year from 11 vacant units to 16 (11.4%).

 The vacancy rate is 3.1% below the national average for high streets of 14.5%*

 *Local Data Company (2021 Q2)


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