Vermont's Class I Wetlands: An Interactive Journey
Exceptional. Irreplaceable. Protected.
Wetlands WSMD

Welcome to the Vermont Class I Wetland Tour!
So what is a Class I wetland? These are wetlands that have been deemed exceptional or irreplaceable in their contribution to Vermont’s natural heritage. They are healthy, in great condition, and intact. They fulfill a number of values and functions such as providing habitat for plants, fish, and wildlife (including rare, threatened, and endangered species) protecting and improving water quality, and contributing spaces for humans to recreate, learn, and enjoy the natural world. Because these wetlands are so exceptional and irreplaceable, they are given the highest level of protection where regulated activities are only allowed for public health or safety reasons. Since 1991 when Dorset Marsh, Vermont's first Class I wetland, was introduced, nearly 4,000 acres have been protected by the Class I designation. In the following slides, you will visit 13 Class I Wetland candidates, and 11 designated Class I Wetlands. Enjoy your trip!

Class I Wetland Candidate: Otter Creek Complex
Middlebury, Cornwall, Salisbury, Whiting, Leicester, Brandon, and Sudbury, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Missisquoi Delta
Swanton, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Black Gum Swamps
Vernon, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Clyde River Complex
East Charleston, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Lanesboro Bog
Marshfield, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Lily Pond
Vernon, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Roy Mountain
Barnet, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Colchester Bog
Colchester, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Atherton Meadows
Whitingham, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Yellow Bogs
Lewis, Bloomfield, and Brunswick, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Pownal Bog
Pownal, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Victory Basin
Victory, Vermont

Class I Wetland Candidate: Munson Flats
Colchester, Vermont

Dorset Marsh Class I Wetland
Dorset, Vermont

Northshore Class I Wetland
Burlington, Vermont

Tinmouth Channel Class I Wetland
Tinmouth, Vermont

Chickering Fen Class I Wetland
Calais, Vermont

Sandbar Wetland Complex, Class I Wetland
Milton and Colchester, Vermont

Dennis Pond Class I Wetland
Brunswick, Vermont

LaPlatte River Marsh Class I Wetland
Shelburne, Vermont

Peacham Bog Class I Wetland
Peacham, Vermont

Beaver Meadows Wetland Complex Class I Wetland
Ripton, Bristol and Middlebury, Vermont

Ward Marsh Class I Wetland
West Haven, Vermont

Eshqua Bog Class I Wetland
Hartland, Vermont
Welcome to the Vermont Class I Wetland Tour!
So what is a Class I wetland? These are wetlands that have been deemed exceptional or irreplaceable in their contribution to Vermont’s natural heritage. They are healthy, in great condition, and intact. They fulfill a number of values and functions such as providing habitat for plants, fish, and wildlife (including rare, threatened, and endangered species) protecting and improving water quality, and contributing spaces for humans to recreate, learn, and enjoy the natural world. Because these wetlands are so exceptional and irreplaceable, they are given the highest level of protection where regulated activities are only allowed for public health or safety reasons. Since 1991 when Dorset Marsh, Vermont's first Class I wetland, was introduced, nearly 4,000 acres have been protected by the Class I designation. In the following slides, you will visit 13 Class I Wetland candidates, and 11 designated Class I Wetlands. Enjoy your trip!
Class I Wetland Candidate: Otter Creek Complex
Middlebury, Cornwall, Salisbury, Whiting, Leicester, Brandon, and Sudbury, Vermont
In terms of Vermont wetlands, none of them are as large or as valuable as the Otter Creek Wetland Complex. Located along the Otter Creek in Rutland and Addison Counties, this incredible complex has the distinction of being the largest and the most biologically diverse swamp complex in New England. The complex spans approximately 15,000 acres across over 500 parcels, many of which are owned privately. There are seven named swamps included within the complex: Brandon Swamp, Leicester Junction Swamp, Long Swamp, Salisbury Swamp, Whiting Swamp, Middlebury Swamp, and Cornwall Swamp. Cornwall Swamp was designated as a National Natural Landmark by the National Park Service in 1974. The complex received the highest possible ratings for all ten of the functions and values that are used to assess Class I candidates. Some of the most important functions and values that the complex provides include floodwater storage, fish and wildlife habitat, habitat for rare plant species, and recreational opportunities. A recent University of Vermont study determined that the complex saved the town of Middlebury $1.8 million in flood damage during Tropical Storm Irene in 2011, and that it saves the town between $126,000 and $450,000 each year. Animals such as beaver, muskrat, mink, river otter, Indiana and little brown bats, rare salamanders, and numerous species of migratory birds can be found in the wetlands throughout the year. The wetland complex offers opportunities for fishing, non-motorized boating, birding, and hunting. The tremendous size and functional value of this wetland makes it an incredible Class I candidate. A movement to petition for Class I status was begun in 2019, with public meetings being held and outreach materials distributed, but the formal petition was never submitted. The default width of buffers for Class I wetlands is 100 feet, though larger buffers can be included in a petition. To learn more about the Otter Creek Wetland Complex, click here .
Class I Wetland Candidate: Missisquoi Delta
Swanton, Vermont
The Missisquoi Delta Wetland Complex is one of the largest wetland complexes in the state. The more than 7,500 acres of varied wetland habitats include the largest contiguous floodplain forest in Vermont as well as the expansive Maquam Bog which serves as a Research Natural Area. This productive complex lies in the Atlantic Flyway and provides critical feeding and resting grounds for tens of thousands of migratory waterfowl as well as breeding habitat for a number of rare, threatened, and endangered species including the eastern spiny softshell turtle, lake sturgeon, and Vermont’s only breeding population of Black Terns. The area is also culturally significant as part of the ancestral homeland of the Missisquoi band of the Abenaki, who have long worked to protect this complex ecosystem and the many other-than-human beings who inhabit it. In 2013 the Missisquoi Delta and Bay wetlands were recognized as a “resource of national significance” by the International Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. There are few wild places in Vermont that exemplify “exceptional and irreplaceable” to a degree that does this majestic, sprawling rhapsody of peat and pine, earth and water, fish and bird. To find out more about the Missisquoi Delta, click here.
Class I Wetland Candidate: Black Gum Swamps
Vernon, Vermont
The combined 28 acres of swamp is composed of 7 distinct areas of Red Maple-Black Gum Swamp communities, as defined by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, a rare natural community found at the edge of the normal range for this type of wetland. This wetland community contains some very old trees and natural disturbance regimes; some black gum trees are estimated to be over 400 years old! The wetlands are exceptional and irreplaceable in Vermont since they occupy a scarce ecological niche in the state. An application to reclassify these unique swamps (currently considered Class II) as Class I was withdrawn but it is hopeful that it will be resubmitted in the future. To find out more about the Black Gum Swamps click here.
Class I Wetland Candidate: Clyde River Complex
East Charleston, Vermont
The Clyde River, as it winds and meanders through a number of intact, high quality, unique and uncommon natural communities in East Charleston, is a paddler’s paradise and a can’t-miss section of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. The relatively remote and serene character of this reach allows one to slow down and enjoy the company of nature whether by discovering a concentration of rare, threatened and endangered plant species in the Intermediate Fen or Sweet Gale Shoreline Swamp or by wetting a fly in hopes of getting a native brook trout on the line. These extensive wetlands are credited with helping keep the Clyde the healthiest of the four primary Vermont tributaries to Lake Memphramagog as they filter sediment and nutrients from runoff and absorb flood waters, reducing flood damage downstream. The incredible diversity of habitat types present in this complex, as well as the high recreational and aesthetic value, make it an outstanding candidate for Class I status. To find out more about the Clyde River wetland complex, click here.
Class I Wetland Candidate: Lanesboro Bog
Marshfield, Vermont
Located within Groton State Forest in Marshfield, Lanesboro Bog contains many different types of wetlands. Poor Fen and Black Spruce Woodland Bog are the two most abundant natural community types found in the wetland complex. This wetland area is near many other beaver wetlands and softwood swamps that are scattered throughout Groton State Forest, which increases the habitat value of this particular wetland. The wetland area is located high in the watershed, meaning it provides water quality and groundwater recharge benefits for the surrounding areas. Animal species such as moose, beaver, and otter can be found using the habitat that the different wetland types provide. Additionally, the wetlands provide habitat for vernal pool dependent species such as wood frog and spotted salamander. There are two species that are classified as rare, threatened, or endangered, and six uncommon species documented in the wetland. Additionally, there are six S2 and one S3 mapped natural communities at the site. A 2022 assessment of the two largest bog areas yielded excellent scores for condition and function for each bog. You can read more about Lanesboro Bog here .
Class I Wetland Candidate: Lily Pond
Vernon, Vermont
Lily Pond has the distinction of being the host to the only known occurrence of an Outwash Plain Pondshore natural community in Vermont. The pond and shoreline support abundant emergent and floating vegetation, and woody wetland vegetation along the upland edges. The S1 ranked Outwash Plain Pondshore is submerged in the spring and exposed when the water recedes in the summer. 18 rare, threatened, or endangered plant and animal species have been documented in the wetland by the Vermont Natural Heritage Inventory. Wildlife such as wading birds, ducks, migratory songbirds, and muskrat have been observed by citizen scientists at the site. The rarity of the natural community type and the presence of so many rare, threatened, and endangered species make Lily Pond an exceptional Class I candidate. You can read more about Lily Pond here .
Class I Wetland Candidate: Roy Mountain
Barnet, Vermont
This large wetland, located in Roy Mountain Wildlife Management Area in Barnet, is an excellent example of the Northern White Cedar Swamp wetland natural community. There are approximately 160 acres of this community type, intergraded with Sweet Gale Shoreline Swamp and some beaver-influenced areas too. The large area of cedar swamp provides excellent wintering habitat for deer, and the open-water area provides a stopping point for migrating waterfowl. One very rare S1 plant species and one uncommon S2S3 plant species have been documented by the Vermont Natural Heritage Inventory here. Nearly 500 observations of over 200 species have been documented on the citizen scientist website iNaturalist. The swamp contains a significant amount of accumulated peat, which stores carbon and helps to slow climate change. A 2022 evaluation of the entire wetland, conducted by the Vermont Wetlands Program, yielded a 97 out of 100 score using the Vermont Rapid Assessment Method. This is one of the highest scores ever assigned and represents the exceptional condition, function, and value of this immense wetland. For more information about Roy Mountain, click here .
Class I Wetland Candidate: Colchester Bog
Colchester, Vermont
Due to its proximity to the Island Line Rail Trail and the urban areas surrounding it, Colchester Bog may be the most accessible bog in Vermont. This 185-acre bog is owned by the University of Vermont and is conserved as the Colchester Bog Natural Area. The bog is accessible via a trail to the east, or from the greenway that runs through its southwestern side. The greenway is constructed on the causeway of the former Rutland Railroad, which operated from 1901 until 1961. Early colonial settlers discovered many Native American tools in the bog. The wetland contains areas of open peatland, swamps dominated by shrubs and trees, open water areas known as laggs, and a sand dune. The bog provides many important functions and values, including water storage, surface and groundwater protection, wildlife and rare plant habitat, and education and recreation opportunities. The accessibility of the bog from the greenway allows for the unique opportunity to enjoy the unique features of a bog without having to get your feet wet. The accessibility combined with the other functions and values that the bog performs make it an exceptional and unique Class I candidate. The default width of buffers for Class I wetlands is 100 feet, though larger buffers can be included in a petition. To learn more about Colchester Bog, click here .
Class I Wetland Candidate: Atherton Meadows
Whitingham, Vermont
These incredible wetlands are located within the Atherton Meadows Wildlife Management Area, which is owned by the State of Vermont. This area contains many wetland types in a basin that is at approximately 1,800 feet in elevation. There are areas of open wetland, forested wetland, deepwater wetland, and floating mat wetland. The complex is located high in the watershed, which means that it provides cool water and water quality protection to Tobey Brook and the Deerfield River, which it eventually drains into. Many species of wildlife, such as wading birds and beavers, are known to call the wetlands home. A very rare S1 plant species and several S2S3 species have been documented at the site. The diversity of wetland types found in the WMA makes it a destination for citizen scientists to observe species on iNaturalist or eBird. Due to the distance from human development and the low amount of disturbance to the wetland, a 2022 evaluation of the area by the Vermont Wetlands Program deemed it to be in very good condition. To learn more about Atherton Meadows, click here .
Class I Wetland Candidate: Yellow Bogs
Lewis, Bloomfield, and Brunswick, Vermont
This area located within the Silvio O Conte National Wildlife Refuge in Lewis, Bloomfield, and Brunswick, contains many rare wetland types in excellent condition. Approximately 130-acres of wetland are being considered for Class I designation. Some wetland types found here include Dwarf Shrub Bog, Alder Swamp, Lowland Spruce-Fir Forest, Black Spruce Woodland Bog, and Northern White Cedar Swamp. Along with these rare natural community types, the site is also home to many rare and endangered bird and mammal species such as Gray Jay, Spruce Grouse, Rusty Blackbird, and Canadian Lynx. The wetlands provide habitat for moose, bear, deer, bobcat, and fish. Additionally, the wetlands provide functions such as floodwater storage and water quality protection, while also providing educational and recreational value. Dense persistent vegetation and abundant microtopography slow down water velocity and decrease erosion. As the bogs accumulate peat, they store atmospheric carbon and help decrease the effects of climate change. The default width of buffers for Class I wetlands is 100 feet, though larger buffers can be included in a petition.
Class I Wetland Candidate: Pownal Bog
Pownal, Vermont
Located in the southwestern corner of the state, Pownal Bog is an excellent example of a Vermont bog. This 11.5-acre bog has received excellent ratings for the important functions and values that it provides. It is large and naturally vegetated, so it provides water storage for flood water and protects surface and groundwater quality. It provides habitat for uncommon reptiles and several endangered and threatened plant species. The land the bog is located on is owned by The Nature Conservancy and a private landowner. Bogs are important to preserve because they are a rare and critically important kind of wetland. At the heart of a bog is the peat that forms beneath them. Peat is made of the biological remains of many years of plant growth, the breakdown of which has been slowed by the acidic conditions that are inherent to bogs. Peat bogs like Pownal Bog store tremendous amounts of carbon and prevent it from reentering the atmosphere. The unique qualities of these ecosystems have led to the presence of many unique plant species, such as the pitcher plant. The pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant that lures insects into a special, water-filled “pitcher” that catches the insects so that the plant can use their nutrients. Pitcher plants are one of many interesting bog plant species that can be observed in Pownal Bog. The presence of rare plant and animal species as well as the water quality and flood control benefits of this bog make it an exceptional Class I candidate. The default width of buffers for Class I wetlands is 100 feet, though larger buffers can be included in a petition.
Class I Wetland Candidate: Victory Basin
Victory, Vermont
This pristine wetland complex, nestled between 5 named mountains in the Northeast Kingdom, is a true gem. This 1600-acre wetland complex, located along the Moose River in Victory, contains 12 different state-significant natural communities and 14 rare plant and animal species. It scored as high as possible on all of the ten functions and values that are used to assess a wetland for Class I designation. The wetlands protect St. Johnsbury from flooding. Dense persistent vegetation and peat soils absorb and filter water to improve its quality and slow down floods. This area supports boreal affinity species such as spruce grouse, lynx, boreal chickadee, and moose. It provides a great place to observe wildlife; there are 220 observed animal species on iNaturalist and 157 observed species of bird on eBird. The site is owned by the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife as a Wildlife Management Area, so it is open to hunting, fishing, and trapping. It is hard to picture, but at one time this incredible ecosystem was once at risk of total destruction. From the 1930s until the 1960s, the US Army Corps of Engineers was planning to construct a flood control dam on the Moose River. After fierce opposition from local politicians and residents, the dam project was abandoned, and the land was acquired by the state. Class I Wetland designation would preserve this incredible set of wetlands in perpetuity. The default width of buffers for Class I wetlands is 100 feet, though larger buffers can be included in a petition. To learn more about the Victory Basin Wetlands, click here .
Class I Wetland Candidate: Munson Flats
Colchester, Vermont
This large and valuable wetland is found east of Lake Champlain’s Malletts Bay in Colchester. The approximately 514-acre wetland is located on land owned by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources as well as on private land. This wetland received maximum scores for all of the ten functions and values that are evaluated for Class I designation. It is large and naturally vegetated, so it provides floodwater storage and erosion control. The wetland protects developed areas downstream from flood damage and slows down the erosive forces of waves and currents. It contains a rare, state-significant Red or Silver Maple-Green Ash Swamp natural community. The wetland provides habitat for spawning northern pike, migratory waterfowl, muskrat, otter, mink, beaver, amphibians, and reptiles. It also serves to improve the water quality of Lake Champlain. Munson Flats is an exceptional Class I candidate because of the significant functions and values that it provides to the landscape and people around it. The default width of buffers for Class I wetlands is 100 feet, though larger buffers can be included in a petition.
Dorset Marsh Class I Wetland
Dorset, Vermont
Dorset Marsh is a 200 acre wetland complex in the Town of Dorset. The wetland flows to the West Branch of the Battenkill and the Mettawee River. The wetland is beloved for boating, fishing, wildlife watching, and hunting. Waterfowl, beaver, mink and many wildlife use the wetland’s varied habitat including open water, swamp, fen, and marsh. The wetland complex is considered exceptional and irreplaceable for wildlife habitat, exemplary natural communities, and education and research value. This wetland was designated as Class I in the year 1992 and has a 100-foot buffer. For more information about Dorset Marsh click here.
Northshore Class I Wetland
Burlington, Vermont
The Northshore Wetland is a 15 or so acre wetland on Lake Champlain in Burlington which consists of a deep bulrush marsh, lakeshore grassland, and lakeside floodplain forests. The wetland is exceptional and irreplaceable in its contribution to Vermont's natural heritage due to its functions and values of surface water and groundwater protection, fish and wildlife habitat, exemplary natural community, education and research in the natural sciences, open space and aesthetics, and erosion control. The wetland was designated as Class I in the year 2000 and has a varied buffer of up to 300 feet. For more information on the Northshore Wetland click here.
Tinmouth Channel Class I Wetland
Tinmouth, Vermont
The Tinmouth Channel wetland complex is over 1,100 acres in size and is located in the town of Tinmouth in Rutland County. The basin between Tinmouth Mountain and Clark Mountain forms the Tinmouth Channel (stream) which flows north to the Clarendon River. The wetland complex is considered exceptional and irreplaceable for recreation and aesthetic value, wildlife habitat, threatened and endangered species habitat, and exemplary natural communities. The wetland was designated a Class I in the year 2001 and has a varied buffer up to 300 feet. For more information about the Tinmouth Channel wetland complex click here.
Chickering Fen Class I Wetland
Calais, Vermont
Chickering Fen is a 10 acre Intermediate Fen, a size that is large and rare in Vermont. The fen has a peat substrate, rare and threatened fen species, and no significant disturbance. The wetland is considered exceptional and irreplaceable for exemplary wetland natural communities, rare, threatened and endangered species habitat, and education and research in natural science value. This wetland was designated as Class I in the spring of 2017 with a varied 300-foot buffer. For more information on the Chickering Fen wetland click here or here.
Sandbar Wetland Complex, Class I Wetland
Milton and Colchester, Vermont
This 1,359 acre oasis is a large delta complex composed of special natural communities that span along the shores of Lake Champlain and the Lamoille River in Milton and Colchester, and is home to many rare wildlife species. The wetland is considered exceptional and irreplaceable for water storage, surface and groundwater protection, fisheries habitat, wildlife habitat, exemplary wetland natural community, rare, threatened and endangered species habitat, education and research in natural science, and erosion control. This wetland was designated as Class I in the spring of 2017 with a 100-foot buffer. For more information on the Sandbar Wetland click here.
Dennis Pond Class I Wetland
Brunswick, Vermont
Dennis and Mud ponds are relatively small open water areas associated with the 370-acre wetland complex which includes about 140 acres of peatland. The wetland is considered exceptional and irreplaceable for wildlife habitat, exemplary wetland natural community, and rare, threatened and endangered species habitat. This wetland was designated as a Class I in the spring of 2017 with a 300-foot buffer. For more information about the Dennis and Mud Pond wetland click here.
LaPlatte River Marsh Class I Wetland
Shelburne, Vermont
This 205-plus acre floodplain wetland drains into Shelburne Bay in Lake Champlain. The wetland has diverse plants and animals and has been found by Fish and Wildlife to be exceptional for migrating waterfowl and a wildlife corridor for species such as bobcat. The wetland is also important for flood storage and providing a filter between Lake Champlain and adjoining land uses that contain sources of pollution. This wetland was designated as a Class I in the winter of 2017 with a 100-foot buffer. For more information about the LaPlatte River Marsh click here
Peacham Bog Class I Wetland
Peacham, Vermont
Located in the Groton State Forest, the Peacham Bog Natural Area is a roughly 300 acre wetland complex dominated by Vermont’s only “raised bog”, the peat surface at the center of the bog rising slightly above the margins of the peatland. Peacham Bog is home to high quality examples of several rare wetland natural communities as well as nine rare, threatened and endangered species and five uncommon species. It is considered exceptional and irreplaceable due to its exemplary wetland natural community; rare, threatened and endangered species habitat; and education and research in natural science. This wetland was designated as a Class I in the winter of 2017 with a 500-foot buffer. For more information about Peacham Bog click here
Beaver Meadows Wetland Complex Class I Wetland
Ripton, Bristol and Middlebury, Vermont
The Beaver Meadows wetland complex occupies a narrow valley that sits on a high plateau at the three corners of Ripton, Bristol, and Middlebury above the steep western escarpment of the Green Mountains. It is approximately 66 acres of multiple wetland types including Black Spruce Woodland Bog, Emergent/Shrub Marsh, and Hardwood/Shrub Swamp. Middlebury River in particular has high flood risk and is protected in part by this headwater wetland. Beaver activity has provided natural damming to hold back water from storms and snow melt and the deep peaty muck and surrounding wetlands allow for the absorption and slow release of water which reduces flooding potential downstream and helps to off-set or delay drought conditions. The thick layer of peat and living vegetation in the wetland complex also provide long-term carbon storage, playing an important role in mitigating climate change. This wetland was designated as a Class I in 2019 with a 400-foot buffer. For more information about Beaver Meadows click here
Ward Marsh Class I Wetland
West Haven, Vermont
Sitting behind a natural levee along the Poultney River, Ward Marsh encompasses 165 acres of state significant marshlands as well as a Silver Maple – Sensitive Fern Riverine Floodplain forest. It provides crucial habitat for a wide variety of wetland dependent species, from mudpuppies to Northern Pike who need shallow, slow, heavily vegetated waters to spawn in the spring. Myriad waterfowl, including the Moorhen (S2 - rare) and elusive Least Bittern (S1 – very rare), make the expansive marshes their homes and migratory waterfowl rest and feed among the grasses, rushes, and sedges as they trace their long journeys North and South with the seasons. Ward Marsh and the Poultney River corridor are also scenes of placid, natural beauty and can be be viewed from above on the trails of neighboring Bald Hill, sights that the residents of West Haven noted as “important scenic landmarks within the Town” in their 2019 Town Plan. This wetland was designated as a Class I in early 2023 with a 100-foot buffer. For more information about Ward Marsh, click here .
Eshqua Bog Class I Wetland
Hartland, Vermont
Eshqua bog is actually a calcareous Rich Fen, meaning that it receives calcium-rich groundwater from spring seeps and a small stream rather than exclusively from precipitation as would be the case for a true bog. This unique wetland is a botanist’s Eden, boasting plant communities that aren’t often found alongside one another and a wealth of elegant and elusive orchids among other flowering wetland plants. Over 3,000 people visit Eshqua bog per year to enjoy the natural beauty and peace the fen provides, making “open space and aesthetics” one of the exemplary and irreplaceable functions and values of the wetland. At a bit under five acres, Eshqua bog is our smallest Class I wetland but the ease of access afforded by a boardwalk and welcoming, conservation focused owners (The Nature Conservancy and Native Plant Trust) ensure that it is one of the most loved. This wetland was designated as a Class I in early 2023 with a 200-foot buffer. For more information about Eshqua Bog click here