West Jordan & Midvale Station Area Plan

Shaping the future of our TRAX stations. Learn about the project, stay up to date with progress and events, and give us your feedback!

How to get involved?

We had two Open Houses in June for Midvale and West Jordan, asking community members for thoughts on each station area plan.

The Midvale Open House occurred on Tuesday, June 27, where 14 attendees, including the mayor and city council members engaged over the Bingham Junction station area plan. Majority of the attendees were from the neighborhood west of the station area. Main concerns included connection to Main Street taking away parking areas, increased traffic, rail line, vagrants, and nuisance issues, such as trash, graffiti, etc. Other concerns discussed included pedestrian access along 700 W and Main Street, as well as future development.

West Jordan Open House

The West Jordan Open House occurred on Thursday, June 29, where over 20 people, including the mayor and city council, engaged in discussion around the City Center and Historic Gardner station area plans. Main concerns included how the area would be affected with high-density growth and development, appropriateness around Gardner Village, traffic increase, and tenants utilizing the existing lots and how it will be affected once development occurs.


What is the West Jordan & Midvale Station Area plan?

Hundreds of miles of rail stretch along the Wasatch Front, along with nearly seventy stations. During the Legislative Session of 2022, the State of Utah prioritized this infrastructure to be the key to the improvement of housing affordability, air quality, and traffic congestion within Utah. To further explore these solutions, HB462 was passed, requiring that every city with a fixed guideway transit station complete a station area plan.

A station area plan is a plan that examines the area approximately ½ mile from a fixed guideway transit station, that focuses on the relationship between station access and land use growth. The purpose of any station area plan is to optimize connections for pedestrians and bicycles while promoting transit-supportive land uses, with the intent of creating neighborhoods where people can access a diversity of housing, employment, and entertainment options without the use of an automobile.

Currently, the cities of West Jordan and Midvale are working together to complete station area plans for the Bingham Junction, Historic Gardner, and West Jordan City Center stations. These three station area plans are being planned as one due to their shared proximity and the way in which they complement one another. It’s envisioned by the two cities and UTA that these stations will grow into regional centers offering a variety of uses and amenities for the Wasatch Front.

This is your opportunity to help us envision the future for these areas together.

Project Timeline

The West Jordan and Midvale Station Area Plan project began in November 2022 and is anticipated to conclude in the early fall of 2023 as shown in the timeline below with the adoption of the Station Area Plans.

Project Areas

The overall project area includes a ½ mile radius from each one of the TRAX stations. The three stations this study will be focusing on are: Bingham Junction, in Midvale City, Historic Gardner in West Jordan City, and City Center in West Jordan City. Each station is served by the TRAX Redline, and therefore connects directly to Downtown Salt Lake City, the University of Utah, and Daybreak.

Continue scrolling to take a tour of each station.

Overview of all three stations

About West Jordan/Midvale

Opportunities and Constraints

What We Heard

After analyzing the 180+ responses, we found that respondents had similar concerns and hopes for each station. The graphic below summarizes the number of respondents and top answers for each station:

West Jordan Open House