Police Officer Reporter

Streamline your daily workflow by logging tasks and incidents with a single tap on your device with ArcGIS QuickCapture.

Police patrol duties

On a daily basis, police patrol officers are tasked with multiple duties, such as regulating traffic, responding to emergencies, and reporting and investigating incidents. The ultimate goal is to maintain public order and keep communities safe.

Paperwork: inefficient and ineffective

Typically, police officers handwrite notes in the field and transcribe them when back in the office. This is both a time-consuming and potentially error-prone process. The more time spent at their desk, the less they are available for work in the field.

Project overview

Police Officer Reporter is a sample project that can be used to simplify an officer's daily workflow by providing an efficient way to log incident types, together with their location and time.

Visualize data in near real time

Police managers and administrators can visualize and analyze data collected in the field, in ArcGIS. The adjacent example is an app created with  Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS , providing a near real-time view of submitted incidents.

Try it yourself

To get this sample project, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the QuickCapture mobile app (it's free).

Step 2: Get the sample project.

Tap Continue without signing in on the launch page, and tap BROWSE PROJECTS.

Step 3: Start capturing.

Use ArcGIS QuickCapture to report observations from the field. To see your results, view this  dashboard 

Warning: The dashboard is public and submitted observations will be viewable for 7 days (after which they will be automatically hidden).

Improve your data collection.