Yucaipa Valley Wine Country Specific Plan (WCSP)
Protecting the Roots of our Community and Cultivating New Opportunities
Local Hobby to Award-Winning Wine
Several years ago, a local group of wine enthusiasts began growing grapes and making wine as a hobby. These amateurs evolved, establishing businesses that are now making award winning wines.
Most of the grapes used to make wine locally comes from other regions. As these businesses grow, so does local interest Yucaipa-based wine. Looking to produce grapes at home, members of the industry approached the City for help.
This led to the cultivation of the Wine Country Specific Plan (WCSP). The WCSP aims to create space for viticulture in the City while preserving its housing stock.
A local Wine Shop that has a showcase of local wines.
The Vision
Yucaipa Valley Wine Country is recognized as a thriving, award winning viticulture region based on sustainable growing and harvesting practices. Successful commercial vineyards have been firmly established within Yucaipa, and consequently winemaking, tasting rooms, and small inns have emerged in locations that protect and enhance the rural atmosphere. Sensitive habitat areas have been preserved, further enhancing the beauty of the area, and an expansive trail system is enjoyed by residents and visitors. Development options for property owners have incentivized the dedication and conservation of agricultural land for viticulture.
Key Elements
The WCSP aims to address two challenges: 1) Insufficient space for agriculture and 2) No net loss housing laws.
Space for Agriculture
Unlike other regions, Yucaipa doesn't have pre-existing swaths of agricultural lands. To support grape cultivation, the WCSP opens 465 acres for agriculture and provides the needed flexibility to see this growing industry thrive. The Plan also provides other open space for trails.
No Net Loss Housing Laws
State law prohibits the City from making any planning decision that reduces housing. To open land for cultivation, the WCSP clusters planned housing units. So, instead of 1,000 houses, 1-acre lots and no open space, the Plan proposes 1,000 houses on 1/4 and 1/2 acre lots. This opens land for agriculture, recreation, and preservation.
With growing community interest to officially put Yucaipa wine "on the map", on July 9, 2018, the City Council awarded a $5,000 Community Activity Grant to support the efforts of the Yucaipa Valley Wine Alliance (YVWA) for their petition to the Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) to establish the City of Yucaipa and surrounding areas as a federally designated American Viticultural Area (AVA).
Aerial of AVA Petition Area.
On July 20, 2019 The Yucaipa Valley Wine Alliance and City of Yucaipa co-hosted a summer gala event at the Yucaipa Performing Arts Center. This highly attended event provided fundraising opportunities for the Yucaipa Valley Wine Alliance, and was where the American Viticultural Area Petition was deemed as “Perfected” and able to complete the necessary review by the federal government.
AVA Petition accepted as "perfected."
For the last 5 years, the City has supported this community based effort through collaborative efforts with Yucaipa residents, City Councils, and stakeholders, through the WCSP process.
Existing Land Use
The majority of the undeveloped land within the City, such as the North Bench, is currently zoned for residential uses. Much of the area has previously approved Tentative Tract Maps that could authorize the subdivision of the larger remaining plots of land into residential lots.
The largely "undeveloped" North Bench area associated with the WCSP generally abuts the El Dorado Park and existing half-acre residential lots.
Generally, the WCSP includes 1,000 acres of undeveloped land, which in turn could accommodate 1,000, 1-acre single-family residential lots, consistent with SB 330 and the state's no net loss provisions for potential housing sites. No increase to what is currently allowed by the existing zoning is proposed by the Plan.
Map of existing approved Tentative Tract Maps within the WCSP area.
The Plan
Following Council direction in early 2021 to prepare a Specific Plan, staff and the Wine Country Planning Committee worked together to prioritize standards for a Comprehensive Plan that would thoughtfully establish open space, trails, land specific for vineyards and wineries, and natural buffers between established uses, while conforming to CA Housing Law without intensifying existing neighborhoods. Using the slider, swipe to compare the design for previously approved TTMs 17229, 19974, and 18593 that directly follows the RL-1 District to the WCSP concept that integrates wineries and open space to the same number of residential units.
Consolidated Lots w/ Conservation Easement
Housing units are consolidated ; through this approach there is NO additional increase in housing density from the 1,096 unit existing residential capacity and remaining acreage that is reserved for viticulture has the potential to be maximized. The image below is an exhibit of the WCSP Land Use Plan, which integrates wineries and open space to the same number of 1,096 residential units. Estates (larger lots) are proposed closer to existing developed area, and Villas (smaller concentrated lots) are tucked away and buffered by vineyards along main arterial roadways, like Oak Glen Rd. and Jefferson St. within the Plan area.
Villas - Residential lots with 10,000 - 14,000 square feet (314 acres of plan area).
Estates - Residential lots with 0.5 acres (314 acres of plan area).
The WCSP Land Use Plan integrates the same housing capacity with public open space, trails, and remaining area to support viticulture.
WCSP Vision Statement
“Yucaipa Valley AVA is recognized as a thriving, award-winning viticulture region based on sustainable growing and harvesting practices. Successful commercial vineyards have been firmly established within Yucaipa, and consequently wine making, tasting rooms and small inns have emerged in locations that protect and enhance the rural atmosphere. Sensitive habitat areas have been preserved, further enhancing the beauty of the area, and an expansive trail system is enjoyed by residents and visitors. Development options for property owners have incentivized the dedication and conservation of agricultural land for viticulture.”
Draft Plan (Click Below)
Planning Committee - The City Council established the Yucaipa Valley Wine Country Planning Committee (formerly known as the AVAPC) which would allow input from a broad coalition of community members and stakeholders to help balance the various perspectives of the community and develop the best path forward.
Survey - A community-wide survey was conducted to gather feedback on the wine industry, and best determine the activities and scale that would be best appropriate. The feedback was overwhelming positive, with over 75% of respondents noting that they would like to create a destination wine country in Yucaipa and that tasting rooms and other related uses would be appropriate.
Excerpt from WCSP Planning Committee Meeting Agenda and Portion of Community Wide Survey.
Press Releases - City staff has continued to provide messaging on the project through various platforms, including newspaper press releases, social media posts, and even through the community activity guide. Each time, meaningful comments or support has been expressed to staff regarding the project.
Community Events - City staff has been participating in different community-events, such as the Music and Arts Festival, to help disseminate information on the planning activities, to gather feedback, and to increase the City’s email interest distribution list. Each Planning Committee meeting agenda is emailed to the individuals who were interested in learning more about the Phase II efforts.
Yucaipa Resident Participating in a Poll for the WCSP at a Community Event.
Property Owner Engagement - While the Planning Committee has a designated north bench property owner serving as a stakeholder, other property owners have participated in the committee meetings and with meetings with staff. They have been supportive of the proposed land use plan and are excited to see how the Wine Country Specific Plan further develops. Ultimately, their involvement is necessary as we’re developing rules that will govern what they can and cannot do on their property.
Environmental Review
The Preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) is complete for the Wine Country Specific Plan (pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15163), and evaluates the proposed phased development that would subdivide the proposed project site which consists of 1,093.6 acres of primarily undeveloped land into lots (i.e., homes/estates) and nonresidential areas for vineyards, trails, and open space. Under the proposed Specific Plan, land uses would be split approximately 50/50, with residential uses on 547.4 acres and nonresidential uses on 546.2 acres.
Key Elements
- City Staff worked with consultant PlaceWorks to complete the SEIR.
- Since the General Plan EIR analyzed development of up to 1 du/acre over entire site –the impacts of up to 1,091 units are already addressed.
- The SEIR will focus on site specific impacts and the uses not analyzed in the General Plan PEIR - vineyard and winery uses.
- A Notice of Preparation for the SEIR was posted on July 14, 2022 and is available below.
- A Notice of Availability for the SEIR was posted on December 5, 2023 and is available below.
- The Draft SEIR was available for a 45-day public review period starting on Friday, December 8, 2023, through Monday, January 22, 2024 and is available below.
- The Final SEIR includes responses to comments that were provided during the Draft SEIR public review period, and is available below.
- At a Special Meeting on February 28, 2024, the Planning Commission reviewed the WCSP and made a recommendation of approval, with minor amendments, to the City Council for their final decision.
- At a Special Meeting on March 27, 2024, the City Council reviewed and approved the WCSP, with minor amendments to be incorporated into the final document.
Adopted Plan (Click Below)
The WCSP offers the flexibly to integrate commercial uses (like tasting rooms) if certain criteria are met, including a 75% planting requirement of winery sites (i.e. the remaining 50% of undeveloped land within a residential project area) . With the goal of facilitating a more cohesive development pattern, a key change in the final adopted WCSP was the removal of small micro-wineries (less than 2.5 acres).
Winery Types
Artisan Winery - A midsize winery of 5 acres or more.
Boutique Winery - A large-scale winery of 10 acres or more.
On May 23, 2024 the California American Planner's Association (APA) Inland Empire Chapter recognized the City of Yucaipa with an Award of Excellence for a Comprehensive Plan within a Small Jurisdiction, for the efforts and creativity of the WCSP.
At the 2024 California APA State Conference in Riverside, the City was also recognized by the State Chapter for an Award of Merit in the same category.
The Deputy Director of Community Development/City Planner, Ben Matlock, accepted the City's Award of Excellence at a reception for the Inland Empire APA Chapter.
Why is the City trying to promote wineries?
Is the Wine Country Specific Plan promoting high density housing?
Will the Micro Winery designation allow more housing units than what is otherwise allowed?
Does the Wine Country Specific Plan get rid of all the City’s open space?
If you have additional questions, thoughts or comments, contact Benjamin Matlock, Deputy Director of Community Development/City Planner, at 909-797-2489 x 261 or at bmatlock@yucaipa.gov.
WCPC members and members of the public during a workshop tour taken in the Phase II, Specific Plan development process.