2023 Year in Review
A look back at significant weather events that impacted the Mid-South in 2023
Welcome to the 2023 Year-In-Review! The Mid-South was part of more than 6 of the 28 billion dollar weather and climate disasters to strike the United States in 2023. The team at the National Weather Service (NWS) located in Memphis, TN has put together a StoryMap highlighting the significant weather events of 2023. The beginning and end of the year were defined by a winter ice storm and historic large hail event, respectively. In between, the Mid-South experienced numerous rounds of severe weather, historically low water levels on the Mississippi River, and much more.
Winter Ice Storm
January 30-February 2 Multi-Day Ice Event
Some notable ice accumulation reports received from across the Mid-South.
High Wind Event
March 3, 2023
Spring Tornadoes
March 24 Tornadoes
A significant nocturnal tornado outbreak occurred across the Lower Mississippi Valley in the evening hours of March 24, 2023. A total of 7 tornadoes ripped across the Mid-South between 8:00 PM and 11:15 PM with an additional 26 tornadoes occurring outside of the Memphis CWA.
Timeline of when tornadoes were on the ground on March 24
March 31 - April 1 Tornadoes
A timeline of when tornadoes struck the Mid-South from March 31 - April 1, 2023.
Additional images from the March 31 - April 1 tornado outbreak.
Summer Storms
Multiple damaging wind events in one months' time
Fall Drought
This year's drought topped 2022's drought
Mississippi River Levels
Low Water Records were smashed as persistent drought plagued the Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys
December Supercells
Numerous supercell thunderstorms produced baseball and softball sized hail along with an EF-1 tornado
Additional hailstones that fell in north Mississippi on December 9
Climate Extremes
Top 10 warmest year recorded at all 4 climate sites
2023 Notable Numbers
670 total storm reports, spread across 55 counties in the Mid-South covered by NWS Memphis, were received in 2023.
Each individual storm report along with every tornado track that occurred across the Mid-South in 2023 can be found in the map below. Click an individual icon to reveal details about each respective event.
2023 WFO MEG Storm Reports and Tornado Tracks
Severe thunderstorm, tornado, and flash flood warning counts for the United States in 2023.