Virtual Budget Tour

A Socially Distant Voyage to TVWD Projects

Tualatin Valley Water District Boundary

TVWD maintains over 752 miles of pipe, 23 reservoirs, 13 pump stations and 1 ASR well, serving an average 21.3 million gallons per day to approximately 217,000 customers.

Taylors Ferry Reservoirs

The Taylors Ferry Reservoir Replacement project will replace both steel and concrete tanks at the old Metzger Office. All infrastructure on the site is in poor condition and need of replacement. The steel reservoir has severe corrosion and the concrete reservoir is cracked in many locations.

The new layout of the site is intended to meet current and future demands, be seismically resilient, reduce maintenance needs, and better serve the Metzger Area of the District. 

Additionally, the new facility will include much needed equipment storage and a new pump station.

Concrete Reservoir

  • Reservoir is highly cracked
  • Overall poor condition with interior liner
  • Not seismically resilient

Steel Reservoir Roof Corrosion

  • Up to 25% of roof material thickness is gone
  • Needed roof, seismic anchors, bottom 8 feet of reservoir replaced
  • Floor elevation is lower than that of the adjacent concrete reservoir
  • Easier to replace and rebuild at correct elevation

Onsite Piping

  • Corroded
  • Lead jointed pipe
  • Piping replacement necessary and planned

Taylors Ferry Proposed Improvements

  • Two 1.75 MG concrete prestressed reservoirs
  • All new onsite piping
  • Site improvements, storage building, pump station
  • Operational flexibility with two reservoirs
  • Planning for seismic valve on one reservoir

Farmington Fluoride & Flow Control Facility

Pump station & WWSS interconnect

Previous plans for a pump station at this site are being phased. The first phase consists of a fluoride injection and flow control facility.

This facility will be installed to provide a needed connection to the WWSS to allow water into the TVWD system.  This work will be completed prior to 2026.   

Farmington Existing Site

The existing site is overgrown with vegetation. Under the vegetation, rubble and debris from a former store remain scattered on the site. This property was purchased in 2016.

Farmington BPS Layout

The Pump Station building footprint and site layout require most of the site to be used for fluoride deliveries, civil improvements, and stormwater ponds.

Farmington BPS Layout Rendering Street View

The Pump Station building footprint and site layout require most of the site to be used for fluoride deliveries, civil improvements, and stormwater ponds.

Farmington BPS Rendering

This rendering of the Pump Station shows initial proposed facility design and the Fluoride Facility will have a similar site layout.

Fluoride and PRV Facility Only 

The revised design is moving forward with many of the components from the original pump station design. The Fluoride and PRV building is being constructed out of the way of the future pump station.

Metzger N-S Pipeline

This highly successful project installed roughly 10,000 feet of 12-inch and 16-inch piping from the Taylors Ferry Reservoir Site into the Tigard Triangle to improve fire flows in the area. Key system connections were made to help bolster the water system. The seismically resilient piping is now helping to serve the Metzger area more robustly than before.

Challenges along the route included a required trenchless crossing and steep liquifiable slopes. A large jack and bore and special earthquake resistant pipe were needed to complete this project.

16-Inch Tee

  • This tee was installed at the Taylors Ferry Reservoir site to connect to the future reservoir
  • The wires are part of the corrosion protection system to provide added life to the pipe

Jack and Bore Machine 

  • This machine installed a 42-inch steel casing under Hwy 99W
  • It can generate over a million pounds of thrust when installing the steel casing
  • Traffic on Hwy 99W was not stopped for the pipe installation

SW Hampton & SW 69th Upgrades (P-164 P-166)

This waterline upgrade and fire flow improvement project installed just over half a mile of 12-inch piping in two locations of the Tigard Triangle. The first location was to connect to the Metzger N-S transmission piping and extend distribution piping directly to customers. The second location was on SW Hampton St & SW 68th Pkwy, which completed the continuation of 12-inch piping to the southern area of the Tigard Triangle.

This project was made successful through collaborative communication among the contractor, consulting engineer, TVWD engineers, inspectors, and communications staff. Through this team work, we were able to provide timely and accurate information to the contractor and to our customers. 

CAD Welds

The cathodic protection system on the District's resilient piping requires expert workmanship. The CAD welds on fittings and valves are critical to the performance of the system, which extends the life of the pipe. 


The contractor encountered large boulders on SW 69th Ave. They brought in specialty equipment in order to remove the boulders and install the pipe on schedule and within the bid item budget.

Cathodic Protection Testing

Once all the pipeline and the cathodic protection system has been installed, the contractor has an independent specialist test all connections. If any connection fails inspection, repairs are made. This ensures the District receives a fully working system to protect the pipe from corrosion.

Pettygrove Main Replacement

Pettygrove Main Replacement project was a project that reconfigured an existing pressure zone while installing roughly 3,700 feet of various sizes of ductile iron pipe. The existing pipe had several condition assessments completed and was determined to be in need of replacement based on corrosion. The project crossed through an elementary school and a high use park that complicated the construction sequencing.

Better weather begins as the contractor marches their way down Pettygrove Steet. Evidence of the previous day’s production can be seen by the trench patch shown in the foreground. 

Installation of a straddle block ensures that pipelines don’t pull apart when pressurized.

The day’s production is nearing a halt as crews clean the street at the end of every day prior to leaving for the day. The day’s production was nearly 100 feet of mainline installed.

Goyak Reservoir and Pump Station

The Goyak Reservoir and Pump Station are critical assets that are part of the pumping system that serves the Cooper Mountain Area. Critical repairs needed are seismic, power, and pump capacity upgrades to provide reliable water to this part of the District.

Goyak Shelter

The Goyak Pump Station and Reservoir are in need of upgrades, including backup power and other seismic upgrades. These cannot be done until a backup supply is established on Cooper Mountain.

Corrosion & Leaks

During a pump repair in 2008, photos of the interior of the valve shows corrosion, and a leak in the floor of the pump station which can be seen in the photo. 

Center Street Seismic & Roof Replacement

Project was identified to allow the District to control flows coming from the WWSS. Structural improvements were identified, including a new roof, new seismic attachments to the roof and replacement of a couple control valves.

View from SW side of the facility. The majority of the incoming Portland supply, and in 2026, the majority of the WWSS will pass through this station.

Center Street control valves.

Control valves in the generator room. Large valve on the right to be replaced.

Fluoride injection system in the Generator Station.

Florence Lane Reservoir & Pump Station

Florence Lane Reservoirs are in need of external coating repairs. Coatings were repaired in 2010 but have not withstood the test of time.

Florence Reservoir & Pump Station

Existing steel reservoir coatings are failing and in need of replacement

Somerset Reservoir

Interior and exterior coatings are in need of replacement to maintain the reservoir. In addition, safety improvements such as removing the ladder cage and fixing the hatch lid are required.

Coatings are peeling off the exterior of the reservoir.

Ladder cages are not approved per updated OSHA regulations.

SCADA System Upgrades

SCADA system is what controls the water system. Without it, water delivery is not possible. It is imperative that this system be up to date to continue to protect from potential cyber intrusions. The SCADA Master Plan has identified improvements to be made over the next several years.

SCADA System Upgrades

Upgrades include enhanced security and will implement the Shakealert, earthquake early warning system.

Lobby Improvements

  • Enhanced customer service experience with additional security
  • COVID 19 compliant

Metzger Pipeline East

Our Reliable Water

MPE_1 is being built to deliver WWSS water to the Metzger system and the eastern supply point of the Wolf Creek area. Two sections have been bid with a third section approaching 60% design.

Rendering shows the flow control facility at the intersection of Hall Blvd and SW Oleson Rd.