Archaeology of the Skellig Coast - 45 of our favourite sites

The Iveragh Peninsula is an archaeological wonder world with a wealth of interesting and ancient sites dating back as far as the Stone Age


This digital story map introduces to 45 of the tens of thousands of archaeological monuments which are found on the Iveragh peninsula in Kerry. On the database of the National Monuments Service, 480 distinct types of monuments are categorized - passage tombs to prisons, rabbit warrens to fish palaces, weirs to workhouses as well as Bronze Age copper mines, rock art and standing stones. The descriptions are largely drawn from the official description of the Archaeological Survey of Ireland with some additonal information regarding their accessibility and anything else we think might be useful to know.

A little bit about this map

We have endeavoured to select monuments to which public access is granted or which can be seen from the road. Where public access is granted, this is noted in the description for the monument in questions. This map is not a trail but a resource that can be dipped into and, we hope, help you plan your outings on Iveragh.

We want to share our beautiful corner of the world with you and with many generations to come. For this reason, we support regenerative, sustainable and responsible ecotourism and we hope you will too. Please take a minute to read our  Things To Know Before You Go  so you can also play your part. Go raibh maith agat.

Additional info: All photography (unless specified otherwise) ©Aoibheann Lambe


Cairn - Carn

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A mound constructed primarily of stone. The term cairn is derived from the Irish work 'carn' meaning a heap or pile of stones. These can date to any period from prehistory onwards. The many classes of cairn on the National Monuments Survey of Ireland include: Cairn - unclassified, Radial-stone cairn, Cairn circle, Ring-cairn, Clearance cairn, Boundary cairn, Cairnfield and Wayside Cairn.

Additional descriptive information and remarks

Not every cairn is a monument - some piles of stones are simply the result of field clearances. With the increasing use of large machinery to clear fields of boulders, cairns are continuously being made. However, some cairns, especially hill-top cairns, can date from the Neolithic and may be constructed over a passage tomb. Ancient cairns tend to be composed of smaller stones.

A recent development has been the regrettable trend for stone stacking, with visitors often using stones from national monuments such as the  cairn  material from passage tombs and other ancient sites which have survived 5000 or so years right until now.

Access: the site is publicly accessible, free of charge



Penitential Station - Ionad Aithrí

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A stone cairn, mound or small monolith which served as a station where specific prayers were recited. Often found in association with holy wells or ecclesiastical sites from the early medieval period (5th - 12th centuries.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: the site is publicly accessible, free of charge


Viaduct - Tarbhealach

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A bridge, usually resting on a series of arches, carrying roadways or railways over low-lying areas. These date from the 18th century AD onwards.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: The viaduct at Gleensk constitutes part of the 'Greenway', a public cycle path that is currently under construction.


Workhouse - Teach na mBocht

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A 19th-century AD establishment for the provision of work for the unemployed poor of a parish; later an institution administered by Guardians of the Poor, in which paupers were lodged and the able-bodied set to work.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: this site may be viewed from the road.


Birthplace of Daniel O'Connell - An Áit inar rugadh Dónall Ó Conaill

The runs visible from the Ring of Kerry are by the river - a park across from the ruins is a lovely place to contemplate the place where Danial O'Connell was born - a visit to Derrynane House and Gardens and National Park and Blue Flag Beach is one of the highlights of Kerry

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: this site may be viewed from the road.

Visit the home of Daniel O'Connel at 


Souterrain - Uaimh Thalún

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

Souterrain - Uaimh Thalún: An underground structure consisting of one or more chambers connected by narrow passages or creepways, usually constructed of drystone-walling with a lintelled roof over the passages and a corbelled roof over the chambers. Most souterrains appear to have been built in the early medieval period by ringfort inhabitants (c. 500 - 1000 AD) as a defensive feature and/or for storage.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: the two ringforts at this site are publicly accessible, free of charge.


Castle - Caisleán

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A building, usually two storeys high with a first-floor entrance, which leads to a single undivided chamber/hall open to the roof and extending the length of the building. They date primarily to the 13th and 14th centuries in Ireland, often continuing to be occupied, in a modified form, throughout the medieval period.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

A detailed description is provided by A. O'Sullivan and J. Sheehan (compilers), 'The Iveragh peninsula: an archaeological survey of South Kerry'. Cork University Press (1996), no. 1101. To see a 3D model of this monument visit:

Access: the monument may be seen from the road - access is not granted


Viking/Hiberno-Norse House - Teach Gael-Lochlannach 

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A building for human habitation which dates from the 9th to the early 12th century AD.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: Beginish Island is a protected area - it may be visited on day-return boat trips 


Sappers Marks - Marc Airde

Description (these 19th century marks are not national monuments but are included here as you may see them on your travels)

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: the Church grounds are open to the public free of charge


Holy Well - Tobar Beannaithe; Stone Cross - Cros Chloiche

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A well or spring, though in some unusual cases a natural rock basin, which usually bears a saint's name and is often reputed to possess miraculous healing properties. These may have their origins in prehistory but are associated with devotions from the medieval period (5th-16th centuries AD) onwards.

A free-standing structure, in the form of a cross (+), symbolising the structure on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: St Brendan's Well - Valentia Island is open to the public free of charge.


Signal Tower - Comhartha Túr

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A tower in a semaphore communication system erected around the east, south and west coasts of Ireland from Dublin to Malin Head between 1804 and 1806. Communication was with ships of the Royal Navy offshore and between adjacent signal stations along the coast. The towers were built to a standard design though not all are identical. Usually square in plan, they are two storeys high often with a first-floor doorway and are defended with machicolations and bartizans.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: Bray Head on Valentia Island is open to the public free of charge. A small fee is charged for parking in the designated parking area. Bring coins!


Promontory Fort - Dún Cinn Tíre

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

An area defined by one or more banks/walls and/or fosses constructed across a promontory. These date from the prehistoric period onwards.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: This site may be viewed from the road (Parking close-by).


llaunloughan - Oileán Lócháin

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

During certain low tides, the island can be reached on foot from the mainland. Monastic features and structures visible on the island before excavation (four seasons between 1992 and 1995) comprise an oratory, a leacht, gable-shrine, a hut and a well.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access can be arranged with 

Image © Roaring Water Journal (


Killabuonia Ecclesiastical Enclosure / Cill Buonia

Situated in level pasture, the ecclesiastical enclosure occupies a roughly rectangular area which is delimited by modern field boundaries. Within this is an oval-shaped enclosure, an earthwork complex and a number of house sites. The enclosure contains a leacht and a gable-shrine, a holed stone, and numerous uninscribed grave-markers which relate to the use of the site as a ceallúnach. (children's burial ground). A pillar stone is incorporated into the external face of the enclosing element at S. A second ceallúnach (KE088-011001-) is located a short distance to E.

Gable-Shrine The triangular gable-shrine, positioned towards the N end of the leacht, is formed of two inwardly inclining, rectangular slabs of slate and one remaining end-stone. The above description is derived from A. O'Sullivan and J. Sheehan (compilers), 'The Iveragh peninsula: an archaeological survey of South Kerry'. Cork University Press (1996), no. 960.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: The site can be seen (in the distance) from the road, especially along the approach from the east. A megalithic structure is clearly visible in a field adjacent to the road and below the ecclesiastical site.



Clochan on Skellig Michael - Clochán  ar Sceilg Mhichíl

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A circular or rectangular structure of drystone-walling with a corbelled roof. Derived from the Irish word 'cloch' meaning stone; 'clochán' means a stone structure. These date to the early medieval period (5th-12th centuries AD).

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: The iconic island of Skellig Michael is in state ownership. Visitor numbers are restricted. A small number of boats are licensed to land people on the island - operators leave from Caherdaniel, Portmagee and Ballinskelligs.


Coastguard Station - Stáisiún Garda Cósta

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: the coastguard station may be seen from the public road


Signal Tower - Comhartha Túr

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A tower in a semaphore communication system erected around the east, south and west coasts of Ireland from Dublin to Malin Head between 1804 and 1806. Communication was with ships of the Royal Navy offshore and between adjacent signal stations along the coast. The towers were built to a standard design though not all are identical.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Bolus Head Signal Tower (and WWII Lookout Post) can be accessed from a waymarked trail on the Bailinskelligs side or along the Bolus Loop Walk which begins in the Glen. Fantastic views to the Skelligs.

Access: the walking trails are accessible to the public. Dogs are not permitted on the trails.


Castle: Tower House - Caisleán: Túrtheach

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A fortified residence in the form of a tower, usually four or five storeys high, and for the most part slightly more rectangular than square in plan. They were constructed by a lord or landholder and were often partially or completely enclosed by a 'bawn' (courtyard). The majority date to the 15th and 16th centuries AD.

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: Follow the 'Monk's Trail' to cross the bridge leading to the castle. Access is to the interior of the castle is not granted. There are toilet facilities in the carpark. The popular cafe 'Caife Cois Trá' is adjacent to the carpark.


Priory Ballinskelligs

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

It is recorded that the early monastery of Skellig Michael (KE104A-001----) was transferred, due to the hazardous conditions on the rock, to this location prior to the mid-eleventh century

 Further descriptive information & remarks 

Access: the priory is publicly accessible, free of charge.

 Ballinskelligs Priory and MacCarthy  Castle: Windows to the Gaelic Past


Fulacht Fia - Fulacht Fiadh

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A horseshoe-shaped or kidney-shaped mound consisting of fire-cracked stone and charcoal-enriched soil built up around a sunken trough located near or adjacent to a water supply, such as a stream or spring, or in wet marshy areas. The first recorded use of the Irish term 'fulacht fiadh/fia' (cooking pit of the deer or of the wild) as relating to ancient cooking sites was in the 17th century. These are generally interpreted to have been associated with cooking and date primarily to the Bronze Age (c. 2400-500 BC).

Additional descriptive data and remarks Access: the Fulacht Fia may be viewed from the road


Standing Stone - Gallán

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A stone which has been deliberately set upright in the ground, usually orientated on a north-east/south-west axis, although other orientations do occur - and varying in height from 0.5m up to 6m. They functioned as prehistoric burial markers, commemorative monuments, indicators of routeways or boundaries and date from the Bronze and Iron Ages (c. 2400 BC - AD 500), with some associated with early medieval ecclesiastical and burial contexts (c. 5th-12th centuries).

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: the standing stone at Doory (the highest on Iveragh) may be seen from the road. There is also a stone row close to the stone.


Cross-inscribed outcrop

Located on the summit of the old roadway that traverses the Coomduff ridge, this exposed section of reddish bedrock, 4.5m long N-S, bears a series of incised crosses.One deeply incised Latin cross dominates the group and measures .7m x .5m. Three unusual W-shaped motifs also occur.The above description is derived from A. O'Sullivan and J. Sheehan (compilers), 'The Iveragh peninsula: an archaeological survey of South Kerry'. Cork University Press (1996), no. 1483. 

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: the outcropping forms part of a track leading through farm land - permission must be sought.


Romanesque Church - Séipéal Rómhánúil

Monument description (derived from the description for this monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

Church: A building used for public Christian worship. These can be of any date from c. 500 AD onwards.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: Church Island is privately owned - at certain time, the owners will bring passengers to the island by boat. Tom O'Shea: 087 9228659


St Finan's Cell - Teach Fhionán Naofa

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A circular or rectangular structure of drystone-walling with a corbelled roof. Derived from the Irish word 'cloch' meaning stone; 'clochán' means a stone structure. These date to the early medieval period (5th-12th centuries AD).

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

St Finan's cell (photographyed - is an early medieval house on Church Island (Oileán Uasal - Noble Island) on Loch Currane (Loch Luíoch after Lugh the celtic good of brightness/shining. A clochan near Coomanna is located on the hillside at 51.994957 , -10.195405

Access: Church Island is privately owned - at certain time, the owners will bring passengers to the island by boat. Tom O'Shea: 087 9228659


Megalithic Structure - Tógáil Mheigiliteach

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A construction of large stones of 'megalithic' proportions which, though comparable in certain respects with megalithic tombs, cannot be classified as any other known archaeological monument type on present evidence. These may date from the prehistoric period onwards.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: this monument may be seen from the road.


Anomalous Stone Group - Grúpa Gallán Aimhrialta

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A group of stones, usually standing, which cannot be classified as any other known archaeological monument type on present evidence. They may be all that remains or is visible of a partially destroyed or obscured archaeological monument which may date to any period from prehistory onwards.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: this monument is on the grounds of Hogs Head golf club and public access is not granted.

Photograph © Mary McGillycuddy


Stone Row - Sraith Gallán

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A row of three or more stones erected in a line. Two main types have been recognised: a Cork and Kerry group, in which the row comprises up to six stones, typically about 2m in height, with their long axes usually set in line - and a mid-Ulster group, where the row comprises numerous stones, usually not exceeding 1m in height, often found in association with cairns and stone circles. They are considered to have been aligned on various solar and lunar events and date to the Bronze Age (c. 2400-500 BC).

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

The stone row near Waterville at Eightercua (Iochtar Cua - possibly meaning 'the lower hollow') was excavated, in 2017, by Kerry county archaeologist Michael Connolly. In effect the excavation raised more questions than it answered. The results suggest that the stone row and the platform were constructed at the same time or within a short time of one another with the stone row being erected first, dating anywhere from the late Neolithic to the early medieval period.

Access: the stone row may be viewed from the road. It is on private land.


Ecclesiastical Enclosure - Imfhálú Eaglasta

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A large oval or roughly circular area, usually over 50m in diameter, defined by a bank/banks and external fosse/fosses or drystone wall/walls, enclosing an early medieval church or monastery and its associated areas of domestic and industrial activity. These date to the early medieval period (5th-12th centuries AD).

Kildreenagh Burial Ground/Cill Draighneach (Ceallúnach an Lóthair): This site located in rough pasture on the lower W slopes of Farraniaragh mountain, overlooking Ballinskelligs Bay. It is enclosed by a stone wall and contains an oratory, a leacht, three cross-inscribed slabs, a circular hut, and an area of burial. The above description is derived from O'Sullivan, A. and Sheehan, J. (compilers) 'The Iveragh peninsula: an archaeological survey of South Kerry'. Cork University press. (1996), no. 963

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: the site is directly adjacent to the Kerry Way. In summer, ferns obscure the site's visibility.


Cross-inscribed Stone - Cloch Chrosghreanta

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

An uninscribed upright stone, only found in ecclesiastical contexts. These date from the medieval period (c. 400 - c. 140 AD).

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: the site is directly adjacent to the Kerry Way. In summer, ferns obscure the site's visibility.


Loher Stone Fort, Souterrain and Rock Art - An Lóthar Caiseal, Uaimh agus Snoíodóireacht Chloiche

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

Cashel: Usually a roughly circular or oval area, though some examples are rectangular, which is surrounded by a stone wall or walls. They functioned as residences and/or farmsteads and broadly date from 500 to 1000 AD. See Ringfort - rath for earthen equivalent.

Souterrain - An underground structure consisting of one or more chambers connected by narrow passages or creepways, usually constructed of drystone-walling with a lintelled roof over the passages and a corbelled roof over the chambers.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: the site is in state ownership and is publicly accessible, free of charge.

 Loher Fort : a cashel on the Ring of Kerry


Megalithic Tomb: Wedge Tomb - Tuama Meigiliteach: Tuama Dingeach

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A long burial gallery, sometimes with an antechamber or small closed end-chamber. They are generally broader and higher at the front, which invariably faces in a westerly direction. They are roofed by slabs laid directly on the side-walls which often have one or more rows of outer-walling. Evidence from the small number of excavated examples suggests that they were being built between 2,500 and 2,000 BC representing the last phase of megalithic tomb building.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: This site may be seen from the road. A second wedge tomb close-by is adacent to the Kerry Way and is publicly accessible, free of charge


Children's Burial Ground - Cillín

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

An area of unconsecrated ground for the interment of unbaptised or stillborn children, often known under various Irish names: Cillín, Caldragh, Ceallúnach or Calluragh. The graves were generally marked by simple, low, upright stones or slabs almost invariably without any inscription or other carving. This burial practice may be medieval in origin and continued in Ireland until the 1960s.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: the site may be seen from teh road.


Shell Midden - Sliogcharn

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A midden is a refuse heap sometimes surviving as a layer or spread. These may be of any date from prehistory (c. 8000 BC - AD c. 400) up to the medieval period (5th-16th centuries AD).

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: this site is in a National Park which is publicly accessible, free of charge.


Mass Rock - Carraig Aifrinn

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A rock or earthfast boulder used as an altar or a stone-built altar used when Mass was being celebrated during Penal times (1690s to 1750s AD), though there are some examples which appear to have been used during the Cromwellian Period (1650s AD). Some of these rocks/boulders may bear an inscribed cross.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: this site is in a National Park which is publicly accessible, free of charge.


Ogham Stone - Lia Oghaim

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

Ogham stones can be upright monoliths or recumbent slabs, onto which ogham script has been incised. Ogham script consists of groups of 1-5 parallel lines and notches cut along the side or across the edge of a stone to represent the sounds of the Irish language. It is usually read up the left angle. The inscription gives a person's name (usually male) and immediate antecedent/s or tribal ancestor. The stones may have functioned as memorials, grave markers or territorial markers and date from the late 4th to the early 8th century AD.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: this site is in a National Park which is publicly accessible, free of charge.


World War II lookout post - Post Faire ón Dara Cogadh Domhanda

Information to be added in

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: a path from Lambs Head leads up to this site.


Ringfort Rath - Rath

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A roughly circular or oval area surrounded by an earthen bank with an external fosse. Some examples have two (bivallate) or three (trivallate) banks and fosses, but these are less common and have been equated with higher-status sites belonging to upper grades of society. They functioned as residences and/or farmsteads and broadly date from 500 to 100 AD. See Ringfort - cashel for stone equivalent.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

This ringfor may be viewed from its neighbouring fort, Cathair Dónaill, which can be accessed from a spur of the Kerry Way walking route.


Rock Art - Snoíodóireacht Chloiche

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

Geometric and other motifs mostly pecked out,though some are incised, on earthfast boulders and rock outcrops, and occasionally on cist roofstones and standing stones. These associations suggest a Bronze Age date (c. 2400-500 BC), though perhaps with origins in the Neolithic (c. 4000-2400 BC). Rock art may be associated with metal deposits, boundaries and routeways.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Read the blog by Aoibheann Lambe on rock art  here . You will find lots of images of rock art on  Rock Art Kerry  and  Irish Rock Art  - these pages are administered by Aoibheann Lambe.

Access: the 'Caherdaniel Rock' may be viewed from the road. Permisson to enter the property must be sought.


Standing Stone Pair - Péire Gallán

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A small subgroup of stone rows comprising two stones, typically about 2m in height, generally set with their long axes in line. They are considered to have been aligned on various solar and lunar events and date from the Bronze and Iron Ages (c. 2400 BC - AD 500). See also Stone Row.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: the Stone Pair may be viewed from the road.


Bronze Age Copper Mine (and Hermitage) - Mianach Copair (agus Díseart)

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A secluded place, either a man-made structure or a natural feature, such as a cave, where a hermit lived. These date from the medieval period (5th-16th centuries AD).

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Copper mine spoil - Carn Carta Mianaigh Copair - can be seen at the neighbouring recent copper workings

Access: this site may be accessed via a path running off the Kerry Way walking route.


Saint's Stone - Leac Naoimh

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

A stone which is associated with a particular saint, and may be considered to have certain miraculous properties. These may have their origins in prehistory but are associated with devotions from the medieval period (5th-16th centuries AD) onwards.

Holy Tree - Crann Beannaithe: A named tree or bush, sometimes associated with a particular saint, often considered to have miraculous properties. They are generally found in close proximity to holy wells and formed part of the associated patterns or rounds.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

You can read about the whole of the graveyard and related monuments  here 

Access: this site is publicly accessible, free of charge.


Albina Brodrick's - Áit Ghobnait Ní Bhruadair

Please see the blog by this writer (Aoibheann Lambe)  here 

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: this site may be viewed from the road (or the sea).


Staigue Fort -  An Stéig

Monument description (derived from the description for this monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

Information to be added

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: this site is publicly accessible - a box upon which is written that there is a fee of €1 is located by the entrance gate.

 Staigue Fort : the best ringfort on the Ring of Kerry?


Cultivation Ridges - Iomairí

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

One or more linear mounds of earth formed by tilling the soil using a plough or spade, in advance of planting a crop. Ridges formed by a spade are also known as 'lazy beds' which date from the 18th century AD onwards.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: These and many other examples can be viewed from the road.


Stone Circle - Liagchiorcal

Monument description (derived from the 'scope note' for this type of monument provided by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland)

An approximately circular or oval setting of spaced, upright stones with their broad sides facing inwards, towards the centre. The Cork/Kerry series (see also Stone circle - five-stone and Stone circle - multiple-stone) is characterised by an uneven number of noncontiguous orthostats which decrease in height from the entrance stones to the recumbent stone opposite the entrance. By contrast the Ulster series is defined by low orthostats rarely exceeding 0.5m in height, which often occur in groups and are associated with long stone rows. By contrast the Ulster series is defined by low orthostats rarely exceeding 0.5m in height, which often occur in groups and are associated with long stone rows. There are indications that stone circles have their origin in the Neolithic (c. 4000-2400 BC) though they are primarily a Bronze Age ritual monument (c. 2400-500 BC), constructed within a sepulchral tradition.

 Additional descriptive data and remarks 

Access: the stone citlce at Kenmare is accessible upon payment of a fee at a kiosk at the entrance.


 LIVE  Knowledge Gatherer Bio: An archaeologist, Aoibheann is particularly interested in the geoheritage of Iveragh - especially megalithic-era rock art and the prehistoric copper mines which are at the heart of the transition from the stone to the metal ages. She also loves forest mushrooms and the Kerry slug.

All media & text

Aoibheann Lambe

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