LDP2 Proposals Map(s)

South Ayrshire Local Development Plan 2

LDP2 Proposals Map(s)

Proposals Map

(Click on the map to view policies)

The Proposals Map illustrates where the Plan’s detailed policies apply, and identifies any site specific proposals (such as the allocation of new residential development sites). It should however be noted that all the topic based policies, the 2 Strategic Policies and relevant site specific policies apply throughout the Plan area.The Proposals Map includes reference to a number of inset Maps which provide more detail within the Plan’s defined settlements, and areas where greater focus is helpful (such as for town centres).The inset maps form an integral part of the Proposals Map.

The Settlement Maps

The Main Key is applicable on all of the Proposals Map (including the insets) and provides information on applicable policies by use of colour coding

Settlement - Ayr

(Click on the map to view policies)

Fruit and Veg stall High Street, Ayr.jpg

Ayr is a town and former Royal Burgh and is the administrative centre for South Ayrshire Council. Historically, Ayr was the county town of Ayrshire until 1975. Ayr is currently the most populated settlement in Ayrshire and the South of Scotland. It is the 13th most populous locality in Scotland.

Other policies against which any development proposal will be evaluated can be seen on the additional constraints map. Please note this map does not include prime quality agricultural land or flood risk areas, due to licence terms with these datasets.




SITE REFERENCE:- AYR AH 1 Dunlop Terrace Ayr

SITE REFERENCE:- AYR AH 2 Westwood Avenue Ayr

Settlement - Prestwick

(Click on the map to view policies)

The coastal town of Prestwick, is Scotland"s oldest baronial burgh, dating back over a thousand years. The Scottish King, Robert the Bruce, is said to have drunk water here, and Bruce"s Well can still be seen today. Prestwick"s name comes from the Old English for, priest"s farm: preost meaning priest and wic meaning farm. The town was originally an outlying farm of a religious house.

Other policies against which any development proposal will be evaluated can be seen on the additional constraints map. Please note this map does not include prime quality agricultural land or flood risk areas, due to licence terms with these datasets.



SITE REFERENCE:- PRES AH1 Afton Avenue Prestwick

SITE REFERENCE:- PRES2 East Road Prestwick

Settlement - Troon

(Click on the map to view policies)

Troon is the northern of South Ayrshire"s seaside towns. Its soft, sandy beaches overlook the Isle of Arran. Troon is synonymous with golf. Its 6 quality golf courses include three excellent public golf courses. The championship links course of Royal Troon hosted The Open in 2016.

Other policies against which any development proposal will be evaluated can be seen on the additional constraints map. Please note this map does not include prime quality agricultural land or flood risk areas, due to licence terms with these datasets.



SITE REFERENCE:- TRO AH1 Aldersyde Avenue

SITE REFERENCE:- TRO AH2 Buchan Road Troon

Settlement - Girvan

(Click on the map to view policies)

The traditional holiday resort of Girvan dates back to 1668 when it became a municipal burgh incorporated by Charter.

Girvan"s harbour is a centre of attraction for visitors and offers convenient mooring facilities for visiting yachts. From here you can set off for a day"s sea angling or a pleasure trip around Ailsa Craig, the plug of an extinct volcano and now a bird sanctuary.

Other policies against which any development proposal will be evaluated can be seen on the additional constraints map. Please note this map does not include prime quality agricultural land or flood risk areas, due to licence terms with these datasets.

Settlement - Maybole

(Click on the map to view policies)

Maybole .jpg

Maybole, a small market town situated 9 miles south of Ayr, is the ancient capital of Carrick. Its long history is evidenced from the many fine buildings on view. High Street is especially striking, running from the imposing town hall, built in 1887, to the equally impressive and much more unexpected Maybole Castle, believed to be the towns oldest inhabited house.

Other policies against which any development proposal will be evaluated can be seen on the additional constraints map. Please note this map does not include prime quality agricultural land or flood risk areas, due to licence terms with these datasets.

Settlement-Kyle Villages

(Click on the map to view policies)

Kyle comprises the area to the east of the main settlements of Troon, Prestwick and Ayr and is predominantly rural in nature. It includes the historic settlement of Dundonald with its 14th Century castle and several former Ayrshire coalfield communities.

Other policies against which any development proposal will be evaluated can be seen on the additional constraints map. Please note this map does not include prime quality agricultural land or flood risk areas, due to licence terms with these datasets.

Settlement - North Carrick villages

(Click on the map to view policies)

North Carrick is the area to the south of Ayr and the River Doon and is characterised by small rural communities and rolling farm land.

Other policies against which any development proposal will be evaluated can be seen on the additional constraints map. Please note this map does not include prime quality agricultural land or flood risk areas, due to licence terms with these datasets.

Settlement - South Carrick villages

(Click on the map to view policies)

South Carrick is a sparsely populated upland area containing several small rural communities. It is dominated by farmland and upland/moorland landscapes.

Other policies against which any development proposal will be evaluated can be seen on the additional constraints map. Please note this map does not include prime quality agricultural land or flood risk areas, due to licence terms with these datasets.



Dunlop Terrace AYR AH1

LDP2 Settlement-Proposed Housing Sites Final Mods

Westwood Avenue AYR AH2

LDP2 Settlement-Proposed Housing Sites Final Mods


Afton Avenue and Afton Park PRES AH1

LDP2 Settlement-Proposed Housing Sites Final Mods

St Cuthbert Golf Club PRES2

LDP2 Settlement-Proposed Housing Sites Final Mods


Aldersyde Avenue TRO AH1

LDP2 Settlement-Proposed Housing Sites Final Mods

Buchan Road TRO AH2

LDP2 Settlement-Proposed Housing Sites Final Mods

Fruit and Veg stall High Street, Ayr.jpg